Only took me three months but I finally finished it. Last month, that is, as I just kept pushing back writing this.
Spoilers ahead.
Continue readingOnly took me three months but I finally finished it. Last month, that is, as I just kept pushing back writing this.
Spoilers ahead.
Continue readingIt’s a very late post. A bit over a week late.
I’ve actually started playing this and halfway finishing my first heroine route.
It’s from Tora no Ana so there’s that Camus acrylic figure bonus. As for the tapestry, I don’t think I’ve even opened it yet. Much less taking its photo. Maybe I’ll get around it when I enter her route (when).
The main story is pretty good although the romance is a bit lacking. There’s just some short bits here and there and then suddenly things happen.
I’m not exactly sure why I tried this but it ended up fun. Can only use three units in the trial.
Shelly is currently the most versatile one and Lugh is the most difficult to use.
The battle is fast paced so that’s nice. The problem is the keyboard control is kind of shit. I wonder if I should finally buy a controller. I’m not sure how much better it’ll be but I think it should work better with one. A controller would also be useful for some other games if I ever play some. Annoyingly, the controller I’m considering (Xbox Series Wireless) doesn’t seem to support wireless mode on Windows 8.1 and the compatible adapter is a bit rare.
Story seems fine so far with not much fluff and pretty much straight to business. The MC being voiced is rather interesting. I haven’t seen one since 9-nine. I wonder if he’s voiced in H-scenes as well just like 9-nine lol.
So, um, yeah, I’m getting this. From Tora no ana as originally planned.
Took me almost exactly two months! I sure took my time reading this. Or maybe because I was distracted by various other things along the way.
Spoilers ahead. Also spoiler on Kinkoi.
Continue readingI jumped this pretty much blind. I just wanted some more stories on at least Ria and I sure did get what I wished for. Or did I?
Continue readingI think I’m supposed to write one post per route but then I managed to finish another route before writing the first one.
Spoilers ahead.
Continue readingI finally finished reading all the routes and stuff. I started August last year so overall it took me almost a year to finish. I finished several other titles in between though. Strictly counting, I think it took me about a bit over 5 months total.
Continue readingFinally continued this game and finished An route in record time of two days. Or is it even record time?
Kind of spoilers ahead?
Continue readingIn my personal record time of only three days to finish reading this.
There’s barely any breaks, tension is high almost all the time, the suspense forced me to just keep reading until the end.
The h-scenes are pretty nice as well although I did disable the animation. I did enable MC’s voice this time (as I didn’t notice I have it disabled last time). There’s noticeable lack of certain type of play though which a bit sad.
Spoilers ahead.
Continue readingAnother route done! Another one week. With this, only An route and extra scenario left for this title.
Continue readingOnly took me two weeks. I actually thought it’s just a bit over a week but my record says it’s a bit over two weeks. Whoops.
As usual from my impression posts but especially for this one, spoilers ahead.
Continue readingThe overall route is similar to Natsume, just shorter. Too bad I don’t like her character design as much. The personality is relatively fine though.
Continue readingOnly took two weeks this time. Still not as fast as I wanted but at least it’s faster than previous routes so far. Up next is Natsume. I almost said last route but there’s still Suzune after that.
Continue readingThat took a long while. Three weeks long.
Continue readingAnother one done. That took longer than expected due to various unrelated craps happening and prevented me from actually reading this.
Spoilers ahead?
Continue readingThe game I ended up playing is Kimi e okuru, sora no hana.
Finished Kanna route yesterday. It took about two weeks total which isn’t too bad.
Spoilers ahead.
Continue readingMore and more winter events stuff getting announced. Finished some eroges, and preparing for the events. Kind of. Meanwhile, no new stuff.
I started writing this but something else came up and then forgotten. There isn’t much this week anyway.
Finished Rena’s route! Pretty good overall, I guess.
Now on Yoshino’s route.
Still going as usual. A bit slower on light novel side though.
Pre-ordered some Melonbooks stuff as planned. And nothing much else? Relatively quiet week.
May finally get the last few Chikotam K-Books tapestries this week.
Nothing much else otherwise. I took a break from auctioning stuff so there’s nothing on that side either.
Some larger stuff is coming around end of this month though. Mainly stuff for next month release (Hatsujou Sprinkle and Sakura no Mori Dreamers 2).
Oh hey I failed to sleep early again. Nothing new though ha ha ha.
…ha ._.
Finished Miyuri route! I was expecting it to be okay-ish. The first half went as expected but then the latter half went full speed on emotion roller coaster. The non-irritating type. A bit on self-inflicted gloomy side but the end result was greatly satisfying. Good thing I did it last because otherwise I may end up hating this game because of the first two routes I did.
Miyuri a best.
With that done, time to play something that’s more modern. Last year modern. As planned, will start playing Senren Banka. 1080p, here I come. Still doesn’t fill up my screen though ha ha ha.
Due to various PC upgrades, I didn’t progress as much here. At least I kept up with animes.
Bought one expensive old tapestry! And another old but less expensive tapestry. Also preordered some artbooks. And lastly ended up buying Ikegami Akane’s latest hug pillow cover. I didn’t even play the game but whatever! I can’t believe my first doujin cover is from Fate series.
With that one, Ikegami Akane is the illustrator I have most hug pillow cover of. As long I don’t count in covers I’ve sold in which case still is hold by Chikotam.
I also failed wasting more money because people were bidding stuff way more than I guessed. Saved, I guess? There’s also one which I just simply missed because of being too busy managing auctions. When I realized it someone outbid me and it’s already ended.
Sold a few stuff this week. Mostly unexpected stuff including light novel which I half jokingly put up for auction. Nicely balanced up my spending last week and a bit more (assuming everything goes fine).
I think I can still come out green-ish instead of yellow on monthly balance despite spending quite a lot on PC stuff and flight tickets.
And still need to put up some more stuff for auction as usual…
My plan to sleep and wake up early sure is failing already.
I rolled Cafe Sourire so that I play. The protagonist is pretty annoying at current route (Kasumi). I didn’t realize I entered a specific route until it’s halfway until confession. They did it pretty smoothly but the protagonist is still annoying regardless. At least the two other heroines seem to be saner so I hope things will balance out.
Play order is as usual from least to most liked which in this game Kasumi, Serika, Kyouko, and finally Miyuri. Miyuri didn’t disappoint from what I can tell.
At current rate I should be able to finish this before end of this month…
Backlog of course did happen. A lot. On various things even.
Oh and also one more Floflo VFB. Why am I doing this aaaaaaaa.
Thankfully that motivated me to finally put out a bunch of stuff for auction. Or so that’s the plan because it took hours just to gather all the tapestries. I still need to take photo, figure out market price, and finally put the up at YJA. Hopefully it’ll bring me back some cash. Or Yahoo Money because I like getting that 8% extra. Or 5% if I end up withdrawing the money (unlikely).
Sold two items this week. High-valued ones so I ended up getting about the same amount as previous week.
There isn’t much info on end of month events yet. I’m skipping Melonbooks because they’re selling the tapestry separately later. The rest are still unknown.
Had some problem with current hosting being awfully slow for no apparent reason. It’s happened often enough I’m considering moving somewhere else next billing cycle.
Finished Mifuyu route. Slightly more things happened. It also felt a bit shorter though.
Currently at Hatsune route. There doesn’t seem to be anything happening in her route… yet?
I should be able to finish it today (it’s holiday here) and then finally the main (?) route, Kureha.
As per original plan, I’ll continue to Nekonin Exheart and then either Rorolog or Kamiyaba depending on what my dice rolls.
Sold a few stuff this week. And bought some stuff. Finally gotten the Kurafuta official store bonus tapestry. That was expensive.
Also bought some other older stuff and games. I think I’m still doing fine. This month is almost over as well. Looking back, I spent a bit too much this month.
I hope I can sell the Karumaruka Circle PSV games since I don’t need those. And the extra tapestry because I’m getting complete version from two stores.
That said, there will be Cuffs spring goods next month which most likely will cost me a lot. And of course Comic1, Character1, and Eshi 100.
Looks a bit dangerous \o/
A bit early for once thanks to good place to pause the game. And I need some sleep.
Finished the main (?) route! Or is it just common route. No idea how long the individual routes will be. Currently just entered Mahoro’s route.
The common route was pretty good with relatively fast pacing and interesting… twists. Can use a bit more dream battles though. Thanks to that I didn’t have proper sleep this week.
Hopefully I can finish all routes in two weeks. Or three. Thinking again, I’m not sure if I can finish Nekonin in just a week.
Sold some stuff as usual. That said, I’m currently considering some additional Himekuri 365 tapestries… Though I think I should hold back on that.
And then there’s more hug pillow covers from Sankaku Renai. I’ll wait until end of this month before deciding to buy it or not.
Mainly because there’s a Whirlpool goods market coming soon. I’m allocating quite a lot for this one. Hopefully there will be hug pillow cover of Ruri or Parfil. Tama’s is already guaranteed so there’s that as well. And then tapestries from previous shitajiki and telephone cards…
Inb4 still exceeds the budget.
Didn’t buy anything much this week apart of the already planned Kamiyaba tapestries and some Sunshine Creation doujins.
As for next week, there’ll be Dengeki event on weekend. It will be my first time going to that event. Not even sure what to expect. I don’t even read their stuff.
Just finished Moteyaba. The extra routes are short stories which surprisingly aren’t too bad.
Stories for main routes are unfortunately not as good. The logic just doesn’t quite line up properly leading to a wtf moments before I end up accepting it as is. It’s actually much better
Not that I expected much to begin with but sure wish it’s done slightly better. Either that or I just need to forget the one route which made the other routes inconsistent (or confusing or something, not sure how to express it).
That’s all I managed to finish this week and I still haven’t even started on Ichayaba. My guess says it’ll be as short as the sub heroines which means I should be able to finish it mid of this week. Probably.
I managed to recoup part of foolishness I did last week… and nothing else. Thankfully last week I did pretty well with net income of some tens of thousands yen. Adding to that, I also got quite a bit from Suruga-Ya. Just right around my expectation.
I bought some older stuff as well though which negated most of what I got. Kind of. I should be able to recoup some of them because part of what I bought was just extras I don’t even want (because I have them already).
Nothing else much so far. Next week should be pretty good with one of stuff I just put up already getting bid. And need to put up more stuff as well.
Barring unexpected stuff (as usual), my finance should be completely green by next week.
Now with (over) 100% more headers! I don’t know why I haven’t done this from beginning. My writing is still shit as usual though. I know it’s shit because I don’t really want to read it unless I’m trying to recall specific information from here :D
I also suck at writing title.
Managed to finish Soreyori no Prologue. At 12 days, it’s one of the faster playthrough I’ve done.
The story is sufficiently good which is the main reason I can finish it pretty quickly.
H-scenes can use a bit of… improvements. Oversized boobs and my general dislike of the character design are expected but I don’t find the art style match with the most of the h-scenes. Some parts also felt quite… nasty. Weird sound effects isn’t helping either.
Story and soundtracks helped though! It’s one rare case where I bought this by anything but character design.
As previously mentioned, now I’m starting Gakkou no Seiiki. Gotta play something actually recent once in a while. Well, next eroge release day is this week so it’s not quite latest.
When I thought everything is going well… someone just need to sell one of the rarest Chikotam hug pillow cover at less absurd price. Still ended pretty absurd and no one up-absurded me (?). At over 22k, it’s my most expensive cover yet, taking the title over from previous holder, Primal x Hearts’ Kanna Kana (19k).
Pan and Yukie announcing relatively interesting covers for C91 isn’t helping though. Those and Mamiya’s Nekoto, Senmomo’s Ino, Otome Domain’s Kazari, Senren Banka’s Murasame, and of course Sakusaku’s Tina. I’m counting seven already which means 80k+. Whoops, shit. I think I’ll drop some.
Really though, at over 90, it’s just not realistic for me to keep all my current one. I simply have to drop some. There’s no way around that. Even then it’s still pretty difficult because unlike tapestries, I don’t go around blindly but with slightly more consideration. Slightly.
As usual, I also need to filter out more tapestries as well. This one is easier but the sheer amount is a bit overwhelming. Still doing it slowly. Probably need to pick the pace up a bit.
At this rate I might as well just Suruga-Ya them all just to get more space. Or set much low price. Probably the latter since the former is a (relatively) ripoff.
I think I can manage to survive another month…
Finished Yorino’s Haruka route! That took about 6 days total which is relatively fast for me! I might even finish the whole this by next weekend at this rate.
The common (?) route was pretty interesting especially the closure.
I didn’t expect the sex scenes to be that long though. The number aren’t that many but they are pretty long.
Oh, yeah, finished Otome Domain as well. Just as expected, I guess? A bit sad by the lack of Minato in the CGs though.
I managed to receive more than I spent. Or so I thought until I remembered I pre-ordered rorolog fandisk which tilts the balance back to spending. At least it lessened the damage.
Winter events are getting closer which means more stuff are revealed. And then my budget for it is quickly getting drained up. Well, I’ll eventually remove some as usual. Just need to remember to be careful.
Lastly, Cuffs stuff announcement next week! Mixed feeling since my finance isn’t that good yet!
This post is looking a bit drier than usual.
Then I remembered I got the Dakikano personalized system voice and mini drama. At least it seems like it’s properly recorded for each order. Or it’s just really well edited that I can’t notice. Of course there’s question of whether it’s worth the extra ~8k jpy or not. I think it’s a bit too expensive. Well, I’m not that much into seiyuu so perhaps I’m simply not the main target.