Kakenuke Seishun Sparking! Shiori Summer B2 Tapestries

Huh, weird, apparently I never end up making posts on these. But, yeah, those are a thing.

Can use better background to be honest. Still better than plain color at least.

And then the non-R18 version. I prefer her expression here. This is one of those rare instances I buy both version.

Material is double suede and the print is pretty good. No problem here.

Kakenuke Seishun Sparking! CS Animate B2 Tapestry

The photo ended up looking way crappier than I expected

It’s a thing. I went to the closest physical store because otherwise shipping fee. That said there’s parking fee involved so I didn’t end up saving that much.

Not only that, there’s a small damage on the middle right side. Thankfully it’s hard to spot from the front side. I considered going back to the store to at least attempt getting replacement but figured it’s not obvious for normal display and I don’t want to go out especially at current situation.

The material is usual thin suede but at least the print is good.

It’s Shiori. I don’t think the underwear appears in the game. Too bad no knee-socks.

Kakenuke Seishun Sparking! Nagiko & Shiori B2 Tapestry

This one was originally used for bonus paper during their Winter 2020 Event.

I don’t usually buy all ages tapestry but this one is kinda too nice to skip. Would be even better if it’s Kikka instead of Nagiko.

Unlike the Valentine Kikka one, this one has proper background which is nice. Can definitely use more Shiori. Especially in her cosplay costume.

Print quality and all is similar to the Valentine Kikka one.

Kakenuke Seishun Sparking! Valentine Kikka B2 Tapestries

This actually arrived quite a long time ago.

It’s Kakenuke! It’s Kikka! Also it’s lewd for once! It’s getting rather rare somehow for Saga Planets nowadays. I hope this hints a trend change or something.

Similarly this is the all ages version. I definitely prefer the lewder version.

It’s also kinda rare seeing Kikka wearing knee-socks. For some reason most of my Sagaplanets favorite heroines don’t wear knee-socks. It’s very saddening.

The background definitely can use more work though. Abstract art is fine (better than blank) but proper background is preferred.

Printed by Fules, no problem on print quality and material though it seems not quite proper rectangular cut. At least it’s not as bad as A&J…

Kakenuke Seishun Sparking! Hijiri Kikka Valentine 2021 (ecchi ver.) Acrylic Figure

About one month late valentine. I don’t think I’ve ever bought acrylic figure by itself. Usually as bonus of other stuff.

It’s Kikka. In maid uniform with breasts exposed. And thighhighs. That “I love you” text at the bottom is a nice touch.


Hopefully I’ll remember to dust her frequent enough as I don’t have any showcase. That’s one reason I prefer tapestries to begin with anyway.

That said, the size is kinda small especially as I put her right next to Taruto acrylic clock.

Kakenuke Seishun Sparking! Hijiri Kikka dakimakura cover

This actually arrived few days ago but I forgot to make post about it. I like her expression on this side. The other side is fine-ish, I think. I like both better than Shiori’s at least.

I just checked the blog I linked for Shiori and sure enough they put up another post for Kikka. Looking pretty good.

I haven’t had Aqua Premium (is it how it’s spelled in English?) but I think this one is fine. It’s a bit shiny but the thickness and feel are pretty good.

Kakenuke seishun sparking! Hiiragi Shiori dakimakura cover

First dakimakura from Kakenuke series. Well, first of only two, that is.

Too bad neither side is her cosplay attire. That would’ve been nice.

I haven’t opened it yet but from this review it looks like the important part is drawn quite a bit more detailed than usual Saga Planets? And more wet as well.

Kinda wish the back side is smiling instead. Also too bad no knee socks.

So, uh, yeah, writing it, my wishlist for her is pretty much her last h-scene. This one isn’t bad per se, it just doesn’t quite tick my fetishes preferences.

The print is at least seems fine. It’s as sharp as it can get from what I can tell.

Kakenuke seishun sparking! Amiami B2 tapestry

Pardon the terrible creases because I didn’t feel like taking out my ironing setup at the time.

But anyway it’s from Amiami, sized B2, with thin material. Actually this is the only thin material tapestry for this title. Amazing. Print quality itself is relatively fine. Probably as good as print quality on thin material goes.

That’s an interesting… pose… thingy. I actually just got another one with similar composition few months ago. This one is way nicer though (smaller).

Kakenuke seishun sparking! Game + extras

I’m supposed to post this last week.

The game itself and various extras. Sofmap box is big as usual.

And I’m not even sure what the hell with that large circle acrylic key holder. “Yurayura acrylic charm” according to the listing page. I guess that’s a thing.

Special soundtrack is as usual will be rendered pointless once the full soundtrack is released.

Phone stand could be useful if I actually have space on my table.

Shikishi is missing one for Nagiko because I don’t want to buy from official store just for that. That said I don’t even have much use for shikishis to begin with.

The target is to actually play this sometime this month…

Kakenuke seishun sparking postcard/photo

It’s a thing. And it’s relatively cheap. Of course I’m getting the two heroines I like most.

Maybe will send the postcards to some people just because. Write comments or mail me if interested maybe?

There’s also this. Was curious because the listed price was quite a lot cheaper compared to Moeoh prints at 30 yen as opposed to Moeoh’s 200 yen.

The print quality itself is actually rather questionable. I should try printing at other konbini if they make another series.

Kakenuke seishun sparking

As I wondered last week, Saga Planets announced their new title today. Titled Kakenuke seishun sparking (they sure can use some HTTPS in 2020).

It looks like a rather normal school club story thingy. Kind of like Hanasaki, maybe? Except the protag this time seems to be workaholic and likes money.

The uniform design this time around is rather lewd. Navels everywhere. And then there’s Nagiko, sleeveless with probably sports bra? And gloves for some reason. And those tall shoes on thighhighs.

Heroines line up seems like the usual one DFC heroine, one DFC sub-heroine, and the rest are relatively big. Arisue Tsukasa is doing main heroine again this time and Toranosuke doing two. I sure am wondering who’s doing Kikka. It almost looks like Hontani Kanae but I’m not sure. Also for the not-blood-related-little sister Ritsu.

As for the stores, I’ll probably get at least Sofmap, Trader, Suruga-Ya, and Amiami. Hmmm RIP 40k. And maybe more if those unannounced オリジナル特典企画中 are voice drama. That will kinda hurts. I sure wish that Amiami tapestry is also double suede. But it probably isn’t 😔 We’ll find out next month. Or on release day.

It’s planned for August release. I guess I have a few months to prepare the budget. And maybe finish Kinkoi before this one is released.