Weekly Finance vol. 106


Sold one thing for again 50% loss. I’m running low of things on YJA.

Future In

I still haven’t put up more stuff this week as I was quite busy with random things over the week.

Hopefully next week? And maybe the doujinshi as well?


Nothing here yet.

Future Out

I’m still waiting for Yuzusoft Pentabox bonus info although at this point I doubt there will be any more significant update. Maybe I should actually preorder from the official store sometime next week.

I haven’t preordered Aokana Extra 2 either. I don’t think I’m changing plan so it should happen soon-ish.

I don’t think I’ll go ahead with Study Steady at the moment. As I mentioned last week, my Marmalade backlog is already long as is.

I have a feeling I’m forgetting something rather important…

As for PC upgrade, the pricing is pretty crazy at the moment for Alder Lake setup. And looking at some ASRock motherboard page, at least for X570 they explicitly mention ECC is supported so maybe my current setup is fine? Weirdly the one previously on my server doesn’t have any such options in BIOS unlike the ASUS board previously on my desktop. Both are swapped so at least the server now should have confirmed-ish ECC setup functioning. It’s very lacking in ports though. Even worse the ASRock B450 board that’s now in my desktop has unfortunate PCIe lane layout resulting in my NVMe running in x2 mode instead of maximum x4. Not that it matters much. I’ll check my X570 board tomorrow (in the office) and see how the BIOS is in that one. So maybe I’ll end up with some Ryzen 7 or 9 instead. And 3200MT DDR4 ECC which I found available for way cheaper and actually available compared to DDR5…

Heck, even getting a workstation board is still cheaper than going Alder Lake. The annoying problem still is the lack of onboard VGA. And that board doesn’t have enough SATA ports (fixable).


43.64%. Almost 2% up which is nice.

As for iDeCo it’s currently under maintenance…

I’ll check back tomorrow morning. 40.04% (17.49%) for iDeCo which is quite a lot of up.

Weekly Finance vol. 105


Sold three things at almost 50% loss total (again).

Future In

Nothing here. Apparently I said I’ll put up some dakimakura covers this week but that didn’t happen. I also found out that I still have one more PC thing I need to sold (and old USB hub).

I should get around doing them sometime this week, I guess.


…nothing here. Well, apart of some SQ for FGO JP account. I’m taking the budget from monthly junk food budget so it’s probably a good thing in the end.

Future Out

On Yuzusoft Pentabox, I think the tapestries are indeed just the SFW new drawings already on the page. I’ll wait a bit more just to be sure before placing order on the official store. I just hope it doesn’t get sold out before then.

Aokana Extra 2 is actually happening. I don’t think I’ll be keeping the goods anymore so I’ll grab from either Suruga-Ya or Sofmap. Probably Suruga-Ya as they have free shipping. As I checked it just now, it’s more expensive on Sofmap because they also include double suede version of their original tapestry.

Study Steady 2 is coming. The not-Azusa seems interesting and their coloring seem a bit better this time but my Marmalade backlog is so long already I think it’s better for me to not touch this one.

And so there’s barely anything on my upcoming eroge list. Which is a good thing because my backlog is a thing.

Continuing PC thing last week, I’ll probably end up getting new Intel CPU instead of upgrading to more cores Ryzen. The main reason being either FreeBSD’s or Ryzen’s VM has some problem running Windows. Some apps just randomly crash. It was worse in FreeBSD 12 but it’s still not good enough yet. Also I really hate dealing with ECC. The cheap choice so far are either unvalidated AMD system or outdated second hand server/workstation system or overpriced validated system. DDR5 is coming and it’s got ECC for the chips themselves.

There’s no ECC on transfer channel (so it’s not end to end) but my experiences with bad memory so far have been in the chips. I’ll hang around a bit in the relevant forums hoping for some opinions and stuff but unless it’s really worse than unvalidated AMD system I’ll probably go ahead with it.


41.73%. It was up and down over the week so I’m just happy it doesn’t end up lower.

Unfortunately iDeCo went down a bit at 37.11% (16.36% yield) although I believe it’s yet another timing thing.

I had a feeling that I don’t have enough emergency cash around and after checking the actual numbers, sure enough I don’t. I’ve readjusted target for this year and thus ended up overshooting the investment spending. Not sure how I’ll recoup the balance back. Especially with the incoming system upgrade I mentioned above.

Weekly Finance vol. 104


Sold four things at almost 50% loss total. Not too bad I guess? Looking again, I’m not actually sure about the purchase value so it’s probably way off. I still have no good solution for accounting value of bundled items.

Future In

Uh, yeah, I’m still looking at the pile of doujinshi I should sort out.

And I still haven’t put up the dakimakura covers either.

Maybe sometime this week.


Bought the entire MeltdoWN COmet digital doujinshi for about 4k. They’ve been on my backlog for a long time.

I don’t think there’s anything else in term of other 2D stuff…?

Meanwhile on computing side, I bought two 1TB SSD so I can run more VM on my server. And then one of my storage hard drive just had to die, costing me about as much as the SSDs I bought. The end result is I missed my saving target for this month by about 10k unless I sell more things before end of this month.

Future Out

About Yuzusoft Pentabox, it looks like the tapestries are using the new illustrations already on the page? If that’s actually true, I’ll just get it from official store for the calendar. Or Amazon if it’s sold out as I’ll be waiting until more definite information is available.

There’s still no other interesting thing came up.

On unrelated news, I’ll probably be switching back to Intel at least for my servers as running VM on Ryzen seems to cause a lot of problems. I’ll be doing more tests on this first though. This will cost quite a bit. I think I’ll be about at least 60k…


41.02%. That’s more up yay. Last day went down a bit but overall still almost 2% up compared to last week.

As for iDeCo, it’s even higher at 37.40% (17.17% yield). It’s even higher probably because the timing again carrying over from previous week last hours increase.

Weekly Finance vol. 103


Sold 5 things for 50% loss. Yay =|

Better than nothing. Also finally got rid of the unused speakers.

Future In

I noticed I haven’t put up a bunch of dakimakura covers I sorted few months ago. Maybe I should get around to finally put them up…

And, uh, yeah, those doujinshi. No idea if I’ll ever be motivated enough to sort them up.


Finally preordered Karumaruka Circle dakimakura… just one Koyomi. Space constraint etc.

There was karory latest doujinshi.

I also finally bought Reco latest book. And then noticed the total size is like 50MB and the image size is only 845ร—1200 px which is rather small. Some of the smaller text are barely readable.

On unrelated note, I finally bought some 1TB SSD to replace my server boot storage. I’ve been using more VM lately and combined with relatively frequent snapshots, I’m running low on space.

Future Out

Yuzusoft Pentabox scheduled for December release. That wasn’t expected. I don’t have anything in there except Tenshin Ranman so it’s just about right I suppose. I don’t know which store to get it from yet. Probably either Melonbooks or Suruga-Ya. I have some budget for it but looking again I should increase monthly budget I set aside for those.

I don’t think there’s anything else coming up.

Oh, except A.M.R’s upcoming dakimakura cover next month. Let’s see if it’s actually up on time. Additional goods like calendar would be nice but I’m not holding my breath.


38.43% closing last week. That’s even more up. I just hope it doesn’t explode lol.

Similarly for iDeCo at 33.01% (15.38% yield).

No update on additional investment… yet.

Weekly Finance vol. 102


Sold one thing for slight loss. Not too bad but sure wish it’s better.

Future In

Put up more stuff for auction including some tapestries and old speakers. No one bid on the speakers last week but I’m still hopeful. No idea about the tapestries.


Bought even more voice drama. And nothing much else. I should stop doing it at least until I listen to all of my backlog. I also felt like I’ve written that last week.

Future Out

I still haven’t decided on Karumaruka dakimakura. No plan change so far so maybe I’ll really end up just getting Koyomi.

Also no change from last week is eroge purchase plan. Nothing interesting announced so far. More backlog clearing, I guess. Maybe I’ll finally be able to clear my backlog next year! (yeah no)

There’s also Comic1-19 yesterday but I don’t remember seeing anything interesting from that.


34.24% last week. Quite a lot of ups over the week which is nice.

Unfortunately iDeCo is back to 30.77% (14.16% yield). It’s probably similar case as last week?

I’d like to invest some more but I still don’t have enough cash reserve…

Weekly Finance vol. 101


Sold a few things. I’m not sure how much loss on some of them due to being part of a larger purchase but some are almost twice the original purchase price which is nice for a change.

Future In

I… really should put up that unused speaker. It’s been sitting in my room taking up precious space. That said I don’t think I’ll do it anytime soon but hopefully I’ll do it before this month ends.

I also need to get rid some more tapestries because I’m running out of space in my box again. I have sort them first though since I’ve cleared most of my previous sort. I know I can let go a few of them so hopefully it won’t be too difficult.

I need to finish Akikuru and Fuyukuru and Aikome quick so I can go back playing those which I have a bunch tapestries of and decide whether or not to keep them.


Apart of that, I bought a bunch of voice drama stuff which I backlogged. I’ve cleared a good chunk of them and my queue is running rather low… is what I thought but I just remembered I got a lot of Whisp stuff last month as I discover I can get them for cheap by upgrading Ci-En plan. It’s only mp3 but it’s usually enough.

I have 37 in my backlog now. I’ll get around listening to them all eventually.

Elsewhere, I ended up getting the Koyomi tapestry I’ve been considering for for a long time. It’s only A2 but I have a place to put up A2 tapestry now. I think.

And while looking at that on Suruga-Ya, I figured I should buy other stuff so there’s no fees incurred. I got two other stuff… and then learned the tapestry is on different store so it doesn’t really count toward free shipping and handling. And then I just ended up getting all of them, swallowing the handling and shipping fee. It’s not too much at least.

Oh, I also finally preordered Clarias F. As originally planned, I’m getting it from Trader.

Future Out

Preorder for Saga Planets dakimakura re-release has started. I haven’t finalized on which ones I want. I know I’ll get at least one Koyomi but I’m not sure about the others. I’ll probably end up just getting that one though.

There’s nothing else to preorder at the moment and considering the timing, I think there’s no other upcoming eroge this year I’ll be getting. It’s a bit unfortunate there’s no Saga Planets new title this year but the announcement could still come anytime soon.

Due to various things, I ended last month at quite a lot less savings than expected. I’ve readjusted a bunch of things and reconsidered how much my target should be for this year which then ended up with me having saved quite a lot overall. It’s already on track to be better than previous year so all is good.

It could be better but maybe next year. I also still need to spare a bit for emergency fund. I’ve been investing a bit too much – or just not saved enough.


32.19% this week ๐Ÿฅฒ As I worried last week, it dropped on Monday and just kept mostly going down over the week.

The fund I bought a while back also got its value below my purchase price. Timing mutual fund purchase sucks. Or more like almost impossible since it takes a week and the final price is whatever the following week is at.

At least it’s not as bad at iDeCo with 32.27% (14.79% yield). I’m not sure why it’s higher here. One possibility is it’s closed earlier than mutual funds and so the slight up on previous week wasn’t accounted for?

I just checked how much I invested this year and it’s barely over half what I did last year o_o It looks like the major difference is in how much stuff I sold on YJA…

Also the carry over from previous years (and eating through emergency fund).

Weekly Finance vol. 100


Sold one thing at slight loss. It’s probably more profitable just selling them to eroge shops…

Future In

Put up some stuff from eroge release day.

Nothing much else although I did get a box that’s perfect fit for my old speakers so I can finally sell them. Maybe next week or something.


Apart of paying for the budgeted eroge and stuff, there wasn’t much else.

Future Out

When preparing for my next month spending, I noticed at my current saving target, I barely have anything extra I can spend on (assuming no extra income from auction).

That makes zero sense so I gave up and adjusted the amount to something more… sane.

I also noticed the actual amount I saved is a bit more than I estimated as I didn’t include iDeCo in it. It’s not quite 40% but the minimum target is 20% anyway.

And back to buying stuff, Saga Planets, instead of announcing new title, they’re re-releasing previous dakimakura covers. Not only that, it looks like they’re updating the Karumaruka ones so the genital part is properly drawn instead of smooth like barbie. I’ll be getting the new Koyomi.

As for eroge preorders, as I’m done with this month budgeting and not want to look at it anymore, I’m looking at preordering Clarias F next month. Nothing else is planned at the moment.

I got info that Monkeys trial doesn’t have voiced Kirihana MC during hscenes. That sucks.

Nothing else is planned at the moment and I don’t think I should add anything either anyway considering my backlogs.


Evergrande incident caused quite a big influence on the stock market. Mostly the bad ones.

It balanced out quite a bit at the end of Japanese market closing on Friday and I actually ended up at 36.02% which is actually up compared to previous week. That’s weird but sure is better than the massive drop on opening day on Monday. That said, I think the market went down towards the end of Friday (after Japanese one closed) so I’ll only find out the final number tomorrow.

iDeCo on the other hand didn’t recover with 30.27% (14.56% yield). That’s a lot of percent lost compared to previous week.

Meanwhile I used the opportunity to place a small order for index fund. It’ll take a while until the transaction finishes so I just hope it doesn’t end up at stupid price…

Onigyu Sumi Chapter H-anime

And finally the last chapter of Onigyu anime. As usual, it’s direct to the scene and nothing else.

Even among h-anime, this sure is the one of the few that makes least sense if you haven’t played the game. It’s fine if all you want is just ecchi video.

Together with this being the last chapter, this is probably the last Onigyu related release.

Aikome – Arimura Romi Dakimakura Cover

Um, yeah, this was a thing. I probably will read this after I finish all Kuru series. Hopefully next month? Although maybe I’ll read Clarias F first.

Anyway back to this, it’s Romi. Not sure if I like the other side with her facing sideways. No ใ™ใ˜ either which is a bit unfortunate? No knee-socks either although that one isn’t new.

More detailed photo here by ๆ…ˆ่‹ฑ.

Back side of the package.

Oshilove Love or Die

I’m so backlogged in my items post. Not as bad as my eroge reading backlog but still pretty bad. This one was from July release.

I bought it from Amazon for the thin extras book.

Character design and commentary, some sketches (and makings), and lyrics for the main theme song “My Dear My Fave”.

I didn’t pay much attention on the content list but there’s an acrylic figure inside. And that was why there’s some rattling before I opened the box.

From different order but I got the ending theme single as well from their crowdfunding project.

And then lastly the extras from said project.

Weekly Finance vol. 99


Sold quite a few stuff for a lot of loss. Over 70%, that is. Oh well.

Future In

Nothing planned except maybe upcoming release.


The biggest purchase this week was that dehumidifier above. I should’ve done this many months ago. Or even years. At least next year’s summer won’t leave me freezing cold again.

Future Out

I still haven’t budgeted Clarias F.

No other new announcement so far. Next week is probably the time limit for anyone to start preorder for titles to be released this year.

There are Sakutoki and Aokana Extra 2 which haven’t started preorder. The former has released a trial but that’s not really saying anything considering Sakuuta also had trial years before the actual release.

Saga Planets hasn’t announced anything either.

My budget went out of whack thanks to the purchase above and speaker and folding steps some other stuff.

On the brighter side there’s only 11 days left for this month.


35.89%. That’s over half percent lower. It’s been going down the whole week and only recovered a bit on Friday.

iDeCo isn’t much better either at 33.37% (15.88% yield) which is over 1% less compared to last week.

Buying more funds around this time seem like a good idea. Maybe sometime next week.

A.M.R FGO Okita Collection Book

There’s no announcement on her own Twitter account (except the header and icon now) and I only noticed it because it’s tweeted by Melonbooks

Anyway, it’s a collection book containing all the previous books. There’s a few new illustrations here and there although I think they’re all already posted in her Twitter before.

But still, one nice convenient book containing all the Okitas.

Weekly Finance vol. 98


Also nothing. That sucked.

Future In

And so I lowered starting bid of everything. Three items are bid already so that’s nice because I need all the extra money I can get.


So I can fund Clarias F again after wasting spending the budget (which I forgot to actually budget) on FGO.

Summer Event has started and Takeuchi servant this time is Okita Alter. In semi-Lily fashion (and a normal version). Complete with Rengoku personified.

I sure wish the original Okita got same amount of highlight during her release event ;_;

Anyway, that’s all spending I did this past week.

Future Out

As for future spending, as mentioned above it’ll be Clarias F. Considering the spending I done above, I don’t think I’ll be getting Sousaku Kanojo. It’s not like I’m lacking in backlog anyway.

Talking about backlog, I just remembered I’m supposed to get Tamayura Mirai. It just never happened but I guess I should budget it somewhere sometime. I added it to my “unpurchased backlog” for now which existence I forgotten since forever.

Apart of that, I don/t think there’s anything interesting coming up for me. Oh yeah I dropped tapestries for the same reason.


36.52% this (last?) week which is one percent down compared to previous week. It was mostly small increase over the week but it dropped quite a lot on Friday. That sucked.

As for iDeCo… it’s maintenance time again ,_, 34.83% (16.20% yield)… very slightly up. Cool, I guess.

Weekly Finance vol. 97



Future In

Probably still nothing. As mentioned last week, I’m busy with other stuff at the moment and my room still has some space.


Wow nothing here as well.

I did finally place preorder for Apollocrisis at Melonbooks but it’s already budgeted so it doesn’t really count.

Future Out

Info on Primal Hearts Pack is fully out and there’s nothing particularly interesting.

As for Monkeys!, it’ll be on my backlog if I ever get around clearing it. Unless people determine it’s masterpiece or something which then I’ll maybe get it.

And then the tapestries, maybe not. None of them. Not this either.

That left me with…

…uh, I don’t know, Clarias F, and maybe Sousaku Kanojo (60% likely at the moment).

I don’t think I’ll get Kunako Kokuki. That it’s not actually historical Japanese but very far future with rolled back civilization is rather interesting. There’s only one route for the non-balloon heroines so that’s sad. The non-Koku heroine isn’t interesting either.

Unfortunately there’s still no announcement from Saga Planets ๐Ÿค”


37.59%. That’s a lot of up from last week.

Similarly for iDeCo, 34.63% (16.10% yield). Not as much but still up. Too bad the yield is down. Not sure why.

I also checked how I managed to save the amount I invested last year and the answer is I didn’t. I simply went over and ate up savings carried over from previous years.

And now the savings are empty so I guess I should just aim an easy target for this year. The additional obligation I made starting this year isn’t helping either.

Dengeki Moeoh 2021 Summer Muririn B1 Tapestry

This arrived few days ago. I didn’t know when it’s supposed to arrive and just assumed it would take few months just like usual Moeoh stuff. Except it’s not because probably it’s closer to Comiket goods, except online.

So, yeah, here it is.

The material is double suede… the lower quality one just like their other tapestries. That said, I think it seems a bit better lately? Or maybe just the B1 version? I’m not sure but I don’t hate the quality. I actually did check their other tapestry of this size and it seemed good enough which is why I ended up getting this one.

That said, there’s a permanent fold mark which I tried to iron out and failed. At least it’s not obvious unless I look closer. The print quality still could be better – a more uniform color and slightly sharper image would be nice. And the weird border… they need to stop doing that.

The image itself is pretty great. It hits a lot of my fancy – playful expression, naked bowtie, useless skirt and nopan, and knee-socks (or is it stockings). With garter belt. Would be better if her breasts are smaller and also shorter hair. But still very good overall.

Also I don’t have many tapestries of heroine with glasses. Actually, let me do a quick check…

There are two total it seems. One is Kokoiro bonus and the other is from Under Wears series drawn by Natsume Eri. Both of mine are sold already though so there’s none which I have at the moment.

As a fun side note, she’s almost similar to Tsubasa from Parquet.

Another side note, she’s also almost similar to the one Muririn drew two years ago. Or here’s the better quality photo; ironed and stuff.

Interestingly it suffers similar permanent fold mark at similar location except worse. Also while the print detail is fine, I hate the color. It’s lacking contrast and can be more saturated especially compared to the magazine version. Sold it a long time ago.

Weekly Finance vol. 96

Connecting Xbox Wireless Adapter through external USB hub causes crashes it seems


Sold three things. One of which quite a lot more compared to the original cost. The other one is Kakenuke Switch Edition for price that’s pretty close to new price in Amazon for some reason. And last one is just an old tapestry… at a bit of loss.

Future In

I also put up some more tapestries. The ones I sorted out last week.

I don’t think I’ll be doing anything with the doujinshi for next few weeks. I’m a bit busy with other stuff.


Nothing this week.

There’s one big purchase on PC side though. A pair of speakers. This will be the first speaker set I bought that costs over 20k yen. No idea if it’s any better than the current cheap one. It may even produce some annoying hiss based on some reviews and comments over various forums. I can’t find similar complaint in Japanese though. I wonder if it’s some kind lucky draw or just Japanese 100V electricity doing something different. I’ll find out soon.

Future Out

I don’t know about Kunako Kokuki and Sousaku Kanojo. Maybe I’ll skip them…

Similarly about Primal Hearts Pack. Not that I’m missing anything in term of the games themselves. I’m still watching it for the bundled tapestry since it may be of my interest.

Oh yeah, there’s also Monkeys!. Kiritani Hana voicing the MC is quite interesting… but I don’t like the character design. I do like the short clips from Noratoto and it’s the same writer. Maybe I’ll check it after I clear my backlog.

On random goods, Takano Yuki new tapestry seems kinda nice. It’s not R-18 though.

There’s also Melonbooks Under Wears 5 tapestries. I don’t think I’ll be getting anything but Piyodera Mucha, Suimya, Kimishima Ao, and Mignon are rather tempting.

Oh, I haven’t decided on Mafuyu tapestry either. Though at current rate I may be skipping it. Or maybe not. Probably depends on how gacha roll on FGO summer event goes ๐Ÿ‘€


35.05% this week. It didn’t go down as far as I thought. It looked like it just keep going down this whole week.

iDeCo is 33.40% (16.33%) this week. Interestingly that’s a bit up compared to previous week.

That reminded me the funds I bought earlier this week. It ended being bought at slightly higher cost than when I placed the order. Thankfully it overall went up at the end of this week.

I still need to buy some more to reach my goal for this year…

Date a Live Tobiichi Origami Sukumizu Wanko ver. B2 Tapestry

It has been ages since I bought anime tapestry.

The background could be better but it’s Origami. And Sukumizu. With undressed skirt and shirt. Nice.

The material is thin suede and the print… could be better. It’s on the slightly blurry side. As it’s originally for book cover I suspect the original source just isn’t large enough in the first place.

Kakenuke Seishun Sparking! CS Animate B2 Tapestry

The photo ended up looking way crappier than I expected

It’s a thing. I went to the closest physical store because otherwise shipping fee. That said there’s parking fee involved so I didn’t end up saving that much.

Not only that, there’s a small damage on the middle right side. Thankfully it’s hard to spot from the front side. I considered going back to the store to at least attempt getting replacement but figured it’s not obvious for normal display and I don’t want to go out especially at current situation.

The material is usual thin suede but at least the print is good.

It’s Shiori. I don’t think the underwear appears in the game. Too bad no knee-socks.

Weekly Finance vol. 95


Still nothing this week.

Future In

Sorted my room a bit. Precisely the tapestry boxes. I’ve pulled out a few I may want to sell and managed to reduce number of boxes to three. The boxes are pretty full at the moment so I think I’ll need to sell a bit more.

That said, I’ve only put them aside and haven’t done anything with them. Probably sometime this week.

As for doujinshi, I haven’t touched them at all. I’ve been rather occupied with other stuff and sorting them takes too much time I don’t really want to set aside just yet.


I spent a bit too much on FGO gacha. I ended up rearranging existing budget for eroge and stuff and managed to not overbudget this month. That said, I’ll probably need to set aside some more for next month because summer event.

Future Out

Ainolinks Seisaku Kanojo HCG has been published recently and they seem nice enough I may end up getting it? Not quite sure yet though.

On another eroge news, Giga announced Clarias fandisk, Clarias F. New Chris route is welcome and so are the other extras. But the package version cost so much more compared to the digital one with the bonus being rather questionable in value. The tapestries better be double suede at least. Preorder isn’t up yet so I can’t confirm that part. I’ll probably still end up getting the package version anyway…

And then even more eroge news, Purple Software announced their new title, Kunako Kokuki. …dunno if I’ll get it. I’m not particularly interested in historical Japanese setting.

On related note, Saga Planets should be announcing their new title soon as well…


35.82% this week. That’s a lot of drop compared to previous week. It went constantly down for the whole week. I hope it gets better next week…

iDeCo is the same being down to 31.15% (15.32%).

It’s probably a good time for me to buy some funds.

Actually, I’ll just do that now.

…and done.

That said, I’m still off from my target for this year by a lot. As long there isn’t sudden big purchase, I should be able to hit it by the end of the year. Hopefully.

Weekly Finance vol. 94


Nothing this week. I kind of expected it.

Future In

Not sure if I’ll do anything this week. Maybe Suruga-Ya stuff if I feel like to.


Kakenuke goods were rather unexpected. Bought Shiori tapestries (both versions) and some clear bottles. I can use the bottles when going out instead of just reusing disposable pet bottles which isn’t quite recommended. At least budget-wise, I took it from the existing Saga Planets budget wallet.

I also preordered the Muririn B1 tapestry I mentioned last week. It sure is expensive. I probably should just take the budget from Yuzusoft budget. I’ll adjust accordingly by the end of this month as needed.

I also bought a bunch of doujinshi, both digital and physical. The A.M.R doujinshi was surprising. Interestingly there’s no announcement from her twitter account…

Future Out

This tapestry is rather interesting… I’ll decide on this sometime later.

Saga Planets new title announcement may come anytime soon now.

Sakura no Toki on the other hand, the official site is finally updated with a release date… for trial version.

I think that’s it for the upcoming stuff?


38.82% last week. Another one percent increase. Nice.

As for iDeCo, it’s currently at 33.09% (16.19% yield) which is up for both compared to last week (finally).

Weekly Finance vol. 93


Finally got rid of the old monitor. Hopefully it arrives at destination in one piece. Also sold two other things for some 50% loss.

Future In

I guess I should move on to sorting out stuff for Suruga-Ya now. Or soon. Or later.

There are still a few more tapestries and covers I may want to sell as well.


Bought digital version of some older doujinshi… and not much else.

Future Out

Nothing particularly interesting on summer doujin thingy so far.

As for FGO, there’s nothing interesting.

Preorder (?) for Moeoh tapestries should be up tomorrow but I’m not sure if I’m going forward with getting Muririn tapestry.


37.64%! That’s some increase. It also broke some nice number for me. And it’d look even better if I throw in some more sometime this month (imagine 2.7M, and throwing 300k would make it nice 3M).

As for iDeCo, it barely went up at 32.32% with the yield actually went down to 15.51%.

Weekly Finance vol. 92


Sold three things! The loss isn’t too bad either at around 20%. Could be worse.

Future In

I put up more tapestries last week. Some of them are sold already which is nice.

I still haven’t put up the monitor though. Hopefully this week.


Accompanying the writing of Melonbooks ripping tool I did last week, I ended up buying quite a few doujinshi and eromanga last week. The nice thing about Melonbooks web reader is it seems like they provide the best quality they have. And without the stupid black border to fit the image in multiply of JPEG blocks.

There was also this Yuzusoft ASMR brand new title.

Future Out

Even after all those crap, thankfully my saving target for last month was safely achieved.

It looks like Yuzusoft won’t be releasing eroge anytime soon. That was a disappointment.

Up next would be Sagaplanets. Announcement sometime this month maybe?

There’s also Whirlpool but I have no idea when they’ll do another full price title. I don’t think I’ll get their upcoming Shiromochi one. I’ll just get them sometime later once I clear my backlogs. Or if they release a bundle pack containing that and all the following fandisks and sequels (like Nekonin).

FGO goods full lineup will be announced soon. My main hope is a new servant tapestry series, specifically Saber Alter (Shinjuku ver.).

It’s also August which means usually summer event. The closest thing I may be interested in getting is Muririn tapestry from Dengeki Moeoh. There’s nothing interesting from doujin side yet.


36.51% closing last week. It felt like it was a lot of downs during the week but apparently it ended up going up quite a bit over previous week? It guess the jump on Monday covered the downward trend over the week.

Similarly for iDeCo at 32.11% (16.15% yield).

It’s August already and I’ve barely done any additional purchases.

Weekly Finance vol. 91

Still need 3 more grails


I put up four more stuff for auction and sold two of them. Both at loss at around 40%. I probably should’ve set at least one of them a bit higher.

Future In

I still haven’t gotten around preparing to get rid of the monitor. I don’t know about next week. Maybe the following week. FGO 6th Anniversary is coming up.

…similarly for other things.


I bought a bunch of doujins that’s on discount on DLsite.

I also ended up preordering Date A Live Tobiichi Origami Tapestry ๐Ÿ‘€ I feel like it’s been ages since I last bought an anime tapestry. Unless I count FGO in ๐Ÿค” Even then they haven’t done their Premium Tapestry series for quite a while either.

Future Out

July is ending soon and I still have quite a bit left in my random spending budget. That said, next month is August which means some kind of Comiket stuff. I probably should save some more and prepare for it.

That said I haven’t bought much from recent doujin events. Mainly because of space consideration. It sure would be nice if more circles also do digital release. Preferably not on Melonbooks because of their DRM Nevermind I ended up writing a downloader for Melonbooks browser viewer. It ended up better than DMM because there’s no stupid black border and the size seem to match full download size. Whee.


Latter half of last week was holiday so the number is probably off but it’s 34.22% which is down by over 1% compared to previous week. It’ll be rather interesting seeing how it goes by the end of Monday.

Even worse for iDeCo at 28.56% (14.51% yield) which is 3% down.

Oh well.

I also should throw more money… maybe next month.

Weekly Finance vol. 90


Finally got rid of the old wifi router and unused blanket. Both for quite a bit of loss as usual but they’re pretty low value to begin with.

Future in

I only have 6 items up for auction now.

I’ve made box for the large monitor so all that’s left is checking the final condition of the monitor, maybe recondition a bit, take photos and stuff, and finally put it up for auction.

Apart of that, I also need to finally do something about the dakimakura covers I separated out for sale a while back. The photos are taken, I just need to actually put them up.

As for doujinshi, maybe for yet another time. Probably after selling the monitor.


Didn’t spend anything last week.

Future out

As mentioned last week, I’ll be buying Natsukuru and Akikuru… soon? One of them should be available at Sofmap nearby so maybe today if I can actually wake up on time.

On other news, Shiromochi Sakura is drawing for Whirlpool next title. That seems interesting although there’s no indication whether it’ll be a full price title or not.


35.51% last week. I noticed a bunch of up and down though thankfully it ended up a profit overall.

Also interesting my iDeCo went down at 31.69% (15.97% yield) which is the opposite from last week.

Weekly Finance vol. 89


Sold some PC stuff. It was at quite a lot of loss but more than I actually expected. I just hope it’ll go well.

My room got some extra space now. Yay.

Also one last copy of eroge (also at loss).

Future in

I probably should start selling more tapestries. And other stuff.

If the monitor I just sold arrived without problem, I’ll start looking into selling the larger one. Still not sure how to actually pack it though as I have no box with correct size.


Sale of latest Eshi100 books have finally started. Good thing I accounted for the shipping cost already.

As I finally finished reading Amakoi, up next is Harukuru… which I needed to buy first. Hopefully this one won’t take forever to read.

Future out

I’ll eventually need to also buy Natsukuru and Akikuru…

Melty Blood bonus seems to be mostly up but nothing interesting so far.

I don’t think there will be anything for the rest of this month…?


34.60%… o_O That’s a lot of drop.

Interestingly for iDeCo it went up a bit closing at 32.90% (16.14%).

I need to get around buying some more index funds…

Weekly Finance vol. 88


Put up two dakimakura covers and one of them was sold for quite a bit more than the original purchase price. That’s a nice change.

That’s it for this week. Oh and last week’s was completed without problem.

Future in

Maybe will put up a bit more covers along the week.

I’ve also emptied a box for shipping one of the monitors. I still need to do a final check on it and then actually make auction page…

As for doujinshi for Suruga-Ya, hopefully will be done before end of this month.


Pre-ordered Romi cover. The shipping is kinda expensive.

Kinda interested in this Imosucc but I figured better not to as I’ve already gotten fuckload of backlogs.

Future out

It’s July and there’s still no announcement from Yuzusoft.

I don’t think there’s anything else interesting coming up anytime soon. Although I still need to finally get around buying and reading Harukuru etc.

My budget for this month is kinda dried up already. Preparing for unknown stuff costs money.

On semi unrelated note, I did manage to reach my saving target for last month. Hopefully it goes well this month as well.


37.15% this week. That’s a lot of percents in span of a week. I just hope it doesn’t drop right on the start of the week. Or at all.

iDeCo 32.58% (16.00% yield). Unlike normal account, it’s less than 1% from last week and the yield is actually lower.

Weekly Finance vol. 87


The previous week’s transaction went into slight problem with the buyer trying to troll me by saying the thing isn’t working and proceeded to give me negative review right away and ended up with accusing me doing stupid shit like re-shrink-wrap the thing. At least they did complete the transaction anyway so the only damage I had was just the negative review.

Meanwhile sold two more things this weekend. Hopefully no problem this time around.

Future in

Hasn’t done anything yet. Lazy etc.


Pre-ordered Oshilove FD and Sumi chapter of Onigyu Anime. Both were budgeted and all so there’s no impact.

Future out

Aikome’s Romi dakimakura cover. That wasn’t expected and I didn’t put any budget for it. It seemed nice enough I’ll place the order early next month.

More on Aikome, the append Apollocrisis ended up getting an early release as part of goods bundle being sold for around 6k. The goods themselves seem rather interesting although it would be nicer if the tapestry is R-18. Also double suede. None of either is confirmed but at that price I think I’ll just get it anyway.

Info on Melty Blood remake is also out. As expected (but not wanted), the PC edition isn’t getting any physical release and only on Steam. Just like Tsukihime, I’ll just get it for the tapestry if there’s anything interesting.


35.88% last week. Over one percent increase compared to previous week. I think it dropped quite a lot on Monday which was continuation from Friday. Thankfully everything recovered along the rest of the week.

As for iDeCo, I forgot to check the numbers on Monday last week so the comparison will be further back… which is 31.83% (16.42% yield), barely up from two weeks ago.

Weekly Finance vol. 86

What am I doing, even


Sold one thing! Yay. That was at 60% loss. It’s actually slightly less loss than I expected.

Still no bid for my old PC ;-; I lowered the starting bid so hopefully someone will finally buy it. It’s taking some space in my room.

Future in

Talking about taking space, I still haven’t done anything with the two unused monitors. I had some idea on the box for the smaller one but the box itself is being used for something else so I’ll need to figure out where to move them to.

Now I think about it I probably can put them in the empty container box I have. Hopefully I’ll be motivated enough to finally do it next week.

No plan for the Suruga-Ya thing at the moment. I also haven’t started putting up the dakimakura covers I sorted out for auction.


As can be seen above, I ended up spending some more for Morgan. 10k more to be exact. Thankfully it’s not more than that.

I finally bought the Maitetsu thing. And yeah, the Monobeno one requires PlayDRM thing to play but Maitetsu (Last Run) itself doesn’t. There are a lot of things to be downloaded and I think I’ve downloaded the important ones. I still need to sort the files out though.

With that I got 90% discount on Whisp items. I have some on my wishlist so I’ll put that to good use.

I also ended up backing this Oshilove FD Ending Single Project. Not too expensive but still something. I haven’t gotten around pre-ordering the game itself though.

Future out

There’s one unexpected potential pre-order coming from Aikome extra route. I didn’t expect for it to be also sold by itself. Well, the new route is (supposed to be) free but there are a few extra goodies they’ll be selling as companion to that. I just hope there’s no store bonus involved this time. No dakimakura cover at least judging from the price.

Interestingly it’s also slated for September.

Still no news on Yuzusoft.

My budget for this month is looking rather okay so far. I had to readjust the target because the tax increase is a bit higher than I expected. The end result is I still have quite a lot of extra budget remaining. Unless something unexpected come up, I should be able to close this month in pretty good state.


34.17% last week. It went up most of the week. Except then it closed at some rather big negative number on Friday. Welp. At least it’s not down to below previous week.

As for iDeCo, it’s currently under maintenance… I’ll need to remember to update this section later today.

…and I forgot to actually do it. Whoops.