Weekly Finance vol. 101


Sold a few things. I’m not sure how much loss on some of them due to being part of a larger purchase but some are almost twice the original purchase price which is nice for a change.

Future In

I… really should put up that unused speaker. It’s been sitting in my room taking up precious space. That said I don’t think I’ll do it anytime soon but hopefully I’ll do it before this month ends.

I also need to get rid some more tapestries because I’m running out of space in my box again. I have sort them first though since I’ve cleared most of my previous sort. I know I can let go a few of them so hopefully it won’t be too difficult.

I need to finish Akikuru and Fuyukuru and Aikome quick so I can go back playing those which I have a bunch tapestries of and decide whether or not to keep them.


Apart of that, I bought a bunch of voice drama stuff which I backlogged. I’ve cleared a good chunk of them and my queue is running rather low… is what I thought but I just remembered I got a lot of Whisp stuff last month as I discover I can get them for cheap by upgrading Ci-En plan. It’s only mp3 but it’s usually enough.

I have 37 in my backlog now. I’ll get around listening to them all eventually.

Elsewhere, I ended up getting the Koyomi tapestry I’ve been considering for for a long time. It’s only A2 but I have a place to put up A2 tapestry now. I think.

And while looking at that on Suruga-Ya, I figured I should buy other stuff so there’s no fees incurred. I got two other stuff… and then learned the tapestry is on different store so it doesn’t really count toward free shipping and handling. And then I just ended up getting all of them, swallowing the handling and shipping fee. It’s not too much at least.

Oh, I also finally preordered Clarias F. As originally planned, I’m getting it from Trader.

Future Out

Preorder for Saga Planets dakimakura re-release has started. I haven’t finalized on which ones I want. I know I’ll get at least one Koyomi but I’m not sure about the others. I’ll probably end up just getting that one though.

There’s nothing else to preorder at the moment and considering the timing, I think there’s no other upcoming eroge this year I’ll be getting. It’s a bit unfortunate there’s no Saga Planets new title this year but the announcement could still come anytime soon.

Due to various things, I ended last month at quite a lot less savings than expected. I’ve readjusted a bunch of things and reconsidered how much my target should be for this year which then ended up with me having saved quite a lot overall. It’s already on track to be better than previous year so all is good.

It could be better but maybe next year. I also still need to spare a bit for emergency fund. I’ve been investing a bit too much – or just not saved enough.


32.19% this week šŸ„² As I worried last week, it dropped on Monday and just kept mostly going down over the week.

The fund I bought a while back also got its value below my purchase price. Timing mutual fund purchase sucks. Or more like almost impossible since it takes a week and the final price is whatever the following week is at.

At least it’s not as bad at iDeCo with 32.27% (14.79% yield). I’m not sure why it’s higher here. One possibility is it’s closed earlier than mutual funds and so the slight up on previous week wasn’t accounted for?

I just checked how much I invested this year and it’s barely over half what I did last year o_o It looks like the major difference is in how much stuff I sold on YJA…

Also the carry over from previous years (and eating through emergency fund).

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