Weekly Finance vol. 98


Also nothing. That sucked.

Future In

And so I lowered starting bid of everything. Three items are bid already so that’s nice because I need all the extra money I can get.


So I can fund Clarias F again after wasting spending the budget (which I forgot to actually budget) on FGO.

Summer Event has started and Takeuchi servant this time is Okita Alter. In semi-Lily fashion (and a normal version). Complete with Rengoku personified.

I sure wish the original Okita got same amount of highlight during her release event ;_;

Anyway, that’s all spending I did this past week.

Future Out

As for future spending, as mentioned above it’ll be Clarias F. Considering the spending I done above, I don’t think I’ll be getting Sousaku Kanojo. It’s not like I’m lacking in backlog anyway.

Talking about backlog, I just remembered I’m supposed to get Tamayura Mirai. It just never happened but I guess I should budget it somewhere sometime. I added it to my “unpurchased backlog” for now which existence I forgotten since forever.

Apart of that, I don/t think there’s anything interesting coming up for me. Oh yeah I dropped tapestries for the same reason.


36.52% this (last?) week which is one percent down compared to previous week. It was mostly small increase over the week but it dropped quite a lot on Friday. That sucked.

As for iDeCo… it’s maintenance time again ,_, 34.83% (16.20% yield)… very slightly up. Cool, I guess.

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