Weekly Finance vol. 105


Sold three things at almost 50% loss total (again).

Future In

Nothing here. Apparently I said I’ll put up some dakimakura covers this week but that didn’t happen. I also found out that I still have one more PC thing I need to sold (and old USB hub).

I should get around doing them sometime this week, I guess.


…nothing here. Well, apart of some SQ for FGO JP account. I’m taking the budget from monthly junk food budget so it’s probably a good thing in the end.

Future Out

On Yuzusoft Pentabox, I think the tapestries are indeed just the SFW new drawings already on the page. I’ll wait a bit more just to be sure before placing order on the official store. I just hope it doesn’t get sold out before then.

Aokana Extra 2 is actually happening. I don’t think I’ll be keeping the goods anymore so I’ll grab from either Suruga-Ya or Sofmap. Probably Suruga-Ya as they have free shipping. As I checked it just now, it’s more expensive on Sofmap because they also include double suede version of their original tapestry.

Study Steady 2 is coming. The not-Azusa seems interesting and their coloring seem a bit better this time but my Marmalade backlog is so long already I think it’s better for me to not touch this one.

And so there’s barely anything on my upcoming eroge list. Which is a good thing because my backlog is a thing.

Continuing PC thing last week, I’ll probably end up getting new Intel CPU instead of upgrading to more cores Ryzen. The main reason being either FreeBSD’s or Ryzen’s VM has some problem running Windows. Some apps just randomly crash. It was worse in FreeBSD 12 but it’s still not good enough yet. Also I really hate dealing with ECC. The cheap choice so far are either unvalidated AMD system or outdated second hand server/workstation system or overpriced validated system. DDR5 is coming and it’s got ECC for the chips themselves.

There’s no ECC on transfer channel (so it’s not end to end) but my experiences with bad memory so far have been in the chips. I’ll hang around a bit in the relevant forums hoping for some opinions and stuff but unless it’s really worse than unvalidated AMD system I’ll probably go ahead with it.


41.73%. It was up and down over the week so I’m just happy it doesn’t end up lower.

Unfortunately iDeCo went down a bit at 37.11% (16.36% yield) although I believe it’s yet another timing thing.

I had a feeling that I don’t have enough emergency cash around and after checking the actual numbers, sure enough I don’t. I’ve readjusted target for this year and thus ended up overshooting the investment spending. Not sure how I’ll recoup the balance back. Especially with the incoming system upgrade I mentioned above.

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