Eroge August 2022

Horniest heroine in the game

Progress So Far

Finished Ambitious Mission. At a bit over a month it’s still too slow. That said, I’m three weeks in to Coming x Humming and I haven’t even finished a single route lol.

Back to Anmitsu, it was pretty fun. Thankfully I picked what I would consider the ideal route orders. Lots of random references were fun especially the Conan and Kindaichi ones. I should’ve kept count on how many variations of じっちゃんの名にかけて there are. The ability of Sharu is pretty ridiculous as well. Anyone looking for serious story will probably be disappointed but I think this worked pretty well as a gag title. The serious part is relatively well handled as well but I think the whole key thing is a bit too weird. Same with the universe thing. Not to mention they hinted on some story on the other part but it was just left at that. On the brighter side it opens path for fandisk or alternative story or whatever. I’m not holding my breath but more Anmitsu is welcome. Especially more Yae and Kaguya. Also Tsubame and Horoko.

As mentioned above, I’m currently reading Coming x Humming. It was chosen for no particular reason apart of it was chosen at random (like, order by random() on my eroge list table). This will be a very long journey at four whole titles. Once I’m done with this, I’ll have read all modern Saga Planets title. I don’t know if I can handle their earlier titles. I can even barely deal with Coming x Humming artstyle and the earlier ones are even less of my preferences.

This Month Release

Nothing! Yay.

Next Month and Beyond

The closest one is still Sakutoki in November.

And then Palette finally updated the Mashifoni FHD and Sana Edition. Thankfully both are proper eroge so yay. Planned for 2023 so those are still quite far away.

On the other hand, there’s still no news from Yuzusoft…

Ambitious Mission Dengeki Moeoh 2022-02 B1 Tapestry

Back to Kaguya. Another one with her thief costume. This one has got skirt. Still no hat though.

If only she’s got kneesocks…

Otherwise it’s the usual Kaguya goodness. I thought I’d prefer the non-R18 expression on the magazine but looking again, I like her eyes here better. All good, I guess.

Material is double suede. Thankfully no permanent crease which tend to exist on tapestry from Moeoh. The print quality is pretty good as well although I think the source image resolution could be a bit better.

Ambitious Mission Trader B2 Tapestry

Also can use some ironing

And last one from store bonus. This one is from Trader. I think it’s got hanging string at the bottom as per usual of Trader tapestries.

I don’t think this underwear set made appearance in the game? Nor the condoms.

I like this better than the other one mainly for the underwear and expression although kneesocks would be even better.

Same print and material quality. If only all tapestries are double suede…

Ambitious Mission Suruga-Ya B2 Tapestry

Can use some ironing

It’s Yae time! In her, uh, does this still count as ninja costume. I guess it does with bandana and muffler. And the kneesock on one side and bondage on the other.

I think her expression could be better but otherwise I like it.

Just like the other two, no problem in print quality and also uses double suede material.

Ambitious Mission Sofmap (Kaguya) B2 Tapestry

Another one. I thought it’s the same lewder version of the official one but this one’s got panties, nipple cover (except slid up), and gloves (yay). Gloves are good mmm. No hats here though.

And as I write this I realized both of her tapestries are of her in thief costume.

Still on double suede (thankfully, as the other one from Sofmap which I don’t care uses thin material), and pretty good print quality. And as mentioned in the other post, this one is a bit more saturated.

Ambitious Mission Official Store B2 Tapestry

I guess I should start doing this post.

It’s from Anmitsu. It’s Kaguya. I think it’s been since Workspring I actually want the main girl stuff from Saga Planets title (although I did end up selling most of Inori stuff in the end 👀).

But anyway, it’s Miss Arte except lewder than usual. Just like her other tapestries.

It’s double suede material and the print is pretty good. Interestingly it’s less saturated compared to other tapestries of her.

Eroge July 2022

Progress So Far

Aokana done (again)! I jumped straight to Anmitsu as originally planned. And apparently I never end up posting the new stuff. I’ll get around doing that one of these days.

As for the progress, I’m around halfway Yae route. I did Nijimu first and it was… short. It had some interesting infodump stuff but overall it was relatively smooth sailing.

Current Yae is a bit more involved with multiple layers of problems. I guess it’s a good thing I’m doing Kaguya last in term of overall story reveal.

Once done, I have about five short titles in queue:

  1. Aokana Extra 1
  2. Aokana Extra 2
  3. Hokecho
  4. Pet Jijou
  5. Doutei Kyoudai

Which I’ll probably play in that exact order above. I just need to get rid of finish them already.

This Month Release

Doutei Kyoudai as mentioned above is the only thing I’m getting this month. Thankfully it’s got no DRM crap on it which is the main thing I worried about.

Next Month and Beyond

This is really more like just Beyond since there’s nothing for me for next month.

The closest I may be getting is probably Iroseka HD in September. Maybe.

There’s nothing in October and then Sakutoki in November. Assuming it’s not delayed (ha).

Palette finally announced the Mashifoni FHD remake and Sana Edition. Neither have concrete info so far and there’s some chance they’ll be all ages stuff. Which means run awayyyyyyyyyy.

Zwei Trigger is a thing but I don’t know if I want. I don’t find the character design particularly interesting but it’s written by Kazuki Fumi from 9nine (among others).

Chocolate Cube 2022-07 Maina and Miyuki B1 Tapestry

Full title is “Maina to Miyuki no Naisho no Houkago”

And then another one! This time with Miyuki for semi docking position. Too bad kneesocks are missing this time around. Inviting look is just my favorite expression 👌 Combined with skirt lifting and nopan, making them most excellent.

The rest is the same deal as the other tapestry in the batch.

Chocolate Cube 2022-07 Maina B1 Tapestry

Full title is “Maina no Akai Ito”

Wow actual goods post for once 🤔

After reading the title and looking at the image, I noticed that the “red thread” is a leash instead of ribbon on pinke 🙃

Also the photo is kind of blurry after looking it closer. The creases aren’t going to be gone because I’m not ironing B1 tapestries. Or maybe I will if I get annoyed enough by it.

Back to the image itself, it’s been a very long time since my last tapestry by Miwa Futaba. The previous one was in 2014 for Hakoniwa Logic Goodwill tapestry (since sold). It’s also her last eroge title she did.

I just like the overall composition. Especially her expression, the heart on her eyes, the mysterious liquid on her fingers, and of course kneesocks. It’s being quite explicit also helped.

There are quite a few variations of this although there’s only one for B1. I think this is the best one which has the important bits exposed but still “wearing” sweater. I also prefer B1 size so it works out all right.

The material is double suede and the print quality is pretty sharp 👌

Eroge June 2022

Progress So Far

…I’m still at Aokana. Whoops. I’ll get to Ambitious Mission once done and then back to Aokana Extras.

I was hoping to clear Anmitsu before end of this month but that probably won’t happen. It’s mainly so I can better answer the survey things they’re having.

I should also get around posting the new stuff from last month. Probably around end of this month.

This Month Release

Nothing for this month. There’s the new title from Lump of Sugar but I don’t think I need to rush getting their stuff anytime soon.

Next Month and Beyond

Sister Position first release is planned for next month. Unfortunately there’s no information whether or not it’ll involve PlayDRM or other kind of DRM. I hope there’s none because otherwise I may not be getting it. Which would be mildly annoying as I bought the just-released voice drama of it. Maitetsu didn’t have any but the previous two did so there’s no clear pattern here.

On other news, Saga Planets is having poll for Anmitsu dakimakura cover. Uniform and costume would be nice so I hope those two get chosen for both Kaguya and Yae.

Still on Saga Planets, Anmitsu Complete Soundtrack has been announced as well. Release date will be end of August and the cover (and probably tapestry) will be of Kaguya and someone else yet to be announced (considering the previous ones). Yae would be nice although in the end it’ll depend on the image regardless on which version I’ll be getting.

Eroge May 2022

Progress So Far

Done with Clarias F. It turned out the skip history is still there, it just didn’t work on new/modified sections as expected. The extra story ended up being quite a thing. Especially the last hidden route.

There’s still the extra thing to be cleared but I don’t think it involves any kind of story. It’s also pretty difficult.

It just hit me but Asuka’s mom is kind of ヤバい

With that done I was hoping to finish Aokana Perfect Edition and Aokana Extra 1 before the Extra 2 release next week but I have my doubt on me finishing it on time. I just hope I can at least clear Aokana before Friday and do the rest next month or something. Ambitious Mission will probably take priority.

This Month Release

Aokana Extra 2 as mentioned above. No interesting store bonus so I’m getting mine from Amazon.

Similarly for Hokecho. She’s just too big. On related note, it’s only two months apart from Hokeloli whereas Hokejo was released November 2020 which is over one year apart.

And lastly of course Ambitious Mission. I’m getting it from a few stores for all the Kaguya and Yae. I just hope the story won’t be too boring. I don’t expect it to exceed Kinkoi but it will be a nice surprise if it does.

Next Month and Beyond

There’s… nothing. Well, almost, there’s Sakutoki but it’s not only still half a year apart (and that’s before including potential delays), the bonus illustrations aren’t up yet either so there’s no way to decide which store to buy it from.

I don’t think there’s anything else interesting to me coming up. Maybe the Cabbage Soft’s Jewelry Hearts Academia but I should finish Sakuretto first and then Amazing Grace before even considering the upcoming title.

Fuyukara, Kururu Chiemi & Touko B2 Tapestry

I actually completely forgot about this one. According to how the plastic bag it comes in, I tried opening the seal but gave up halfway as I needed to cut it with scissors or knife if I want to keep the bag. Welp. I haven’t even added the entry to my tapestries list.

So here I opened it finally. Only took a bit over two months.

It’s Chiemi and Touko. My favorite couple in the series. Now I look closer the background doesn’t quite make sense if it’s an actual city. Whatever, lol. I hope they’re not frozen to death with that kind of clothing. Maybe the heat they’ll generate is enough to compensate 👀

Ameto Yuki needs to draw more less balloon characters…

As for print quality, it’s pretty good. And the material is double suede.

D.C.4 Sweet Harmony Melonbooks B2 Tapestry

And here’s the reason I bought the game. I don’t know when I’ll get around actually playing this 👀

Nice pose, with fingers covering thing. I do prefer her to wear kneesocks on both legs instead of one but that’s her design so there’s no way around that, I guess.

I just like this kind of face especially when drawn by Takano Yuki. Similar reason for the other tapestry I bought few weeks ago.

Print quality is good and with double suede material which is quite rare for a Circus release if I remember correctly.

Hokenshitsu Sensei to Gothloli no Koui Sofmap B2 Tapestry

Only a bit over a month late =] Also I should iron this beforehand but it’s not too bad.

Almost same getup as before just different pose. This one is covered using finger.

Now I look again, the room is the same with that curtain, just this one is on bed instead of sofa.

Print quality is the same as the other one as also mentioned in there.

Eroge April 2022

Progress So Far

Finished Shugaten! That was quite something. Mainly the Koori route. And the epilogue. I sure wish I realized the final reveal way earlier because it was so stupid 😑

Afterwards, I went on to Hokejo as mentioned last month. I finished it in a bit less than two weeks and then Hokeloli in around two weeks.

Hokejo/Hokeloli when not in story mode. Too bad next one won’t have this anymore

Hokejo had some surprises in term of how the route is structured. I also quite liked the latter part.

Hokeloli continued with similar formula but there’s fewer surprising reveal towards the end due to having seen how Hokejo worked and there were just way more hints spread out in the earlier parts. Still pretty good overall I think.

Hokecho is coming out next month. It’ll probably be the shortest of the three.

With that done, I decided to finally check Senkou no Clarias F. Unfortunately the read history is missing so skip function doesn’t work but I think I’ll just go over them all again quickly or something. I did finish reading the extra H scenes first. Those were pretty short with no extra story. Still a nice extra though 👌

This Month Release

So I ended up getting DC4SH. I bought the DC4PH as well for rather cheap. Bought the SH from Melonbooks. The tapestry was the main reason I got it in the end.

On the other hand, RIP Futakoi. Maybe once I cleared my backlog more.

Next Month and Beyond

Aokana Extra 2 and Ambitious Mission next month. Both are still waiting for RTM so there’s still possibility either of them being delayed. That said, Aokana Extra 2 dev team said they’re aiming for it sometime next week and Saga Planets don’t usually delay their releases. We’ll see.

Oh, right, there’s also Hokecho next month. I guess I should place preorder sometime soon. I don’t know where to buy them from yet though. Amazon is the usual place when I’m not getting any bonuses but they don’t have any discount for it… yet? I’ll wait one or two weeks, otherwise I may just get it from nearby Sofmap.

Now I think about it, I should check Aokana as well. And its soundtrack (also Hokejo’s).

After May, there isn’t much yet. Sakura no Toki is supposed to be out in November but it’s still so far away. Not to mention it’ll probably be delayed even further.

There’s also Jewelry Hearts Academia thing from Cabbage Soft. I don’t know about that one yet. Maybe if I manage to finish Sakuretto first. And Amazing Grace.

Dengeki Moeoh 2021-12 Takano Yuki B1 Tapestry

This was partially an impulse buy. That expression is just too good for me 😘 I saw it on Twitter (as it’s finally the release day) and fortunately (or unfortunately) Amazon still had some in stock so I decided to just finally buy it.

Makes a good pairing with this one except I don’t have actual space to put them side by side. I’ll have to figure out that one for maximum goodness.

I noticed it a bit later but her right leg doesn’t seem quite right because the folded lower part isn’t visible anywhere but I’ll let it slide (also I hope I didn’t destroy the image for you too much 👀).

It’s double suede with relatively okay print quality. I’ve gotten around accepting this after a while with the similar quality Muririn tapestry. Unfortunately there’s a slight fold mark here as well but at least it’s not easily visible.

Now if only she wears kneesocks…

Ambitious Mission – Ishikawa Yae Valentine B2 Tapestry

Why is there no R-18 version of this.

But at least thighs and kneesocks which is why I bought this. I like her expression as well. I wonder if the costume will appear in the game. Probably not.

Material is double suede and print quality is find and pretty sharp as usual. No complaint there.

Now where’s my winter Kikka tapestry… (May because ordered together with the new game to save shipping)

Hokenshitsu no Sensei to Gothloli no Koui

And then the other eroge released this month I got. I don’t know why she’s naked for the cover when Hokejo was relatively wholesome. On semi related note the cover for next chapter (student council president) is only half naked instead.

I’m still reading through the first one so it’ll take a few more days before I start reading this.

As can be seen from the photo above, bought from all the stores (which I should get around posting the tapestries soon).

Also got one dakimakura cover. Although as I mentioned elsewhere, I’m not sure if I like the overall design here. The front side is too covered and the other side is not the front but back pose instead. Why :(

I’m holding my decision so the full photo will come later (or never). Or maybe just check here.

Unless Terminalia

And I haven’t even started on pieces yet which apparently related to this series as well. It will take a while until I finally read this…

Bought from all the stores which have voice drama DLC.

For some reason I didn’t get the shikishi from the two physical stores. Either that or I got them but forgot where I stored them. That said the shikishi was printed in interesting way – the paper is way smoother than the usual paper used for shikishi. The closest thing I can think of is sticker paper.

Oh well, not like it’s got that much additional value anyway. Also it’s easier to sell just the game package especially as the box is small enough it fits the cheaper shipping method.

Love Me Kaede and Rin The Animation 1

Well that was a thing. I didn’t actually plan on getting this but I ended up linking the art style for the anime better than the original manga. Also yuri actions are always welcome. Interestingly only Kaede got actual sex this episode with Suzu main assisting (although technically she started both parts).

As usual with this kind of release, the total runtime is 56 minutes with half of it are just ads. Actual thing only go for like 25 minutes.

The thing! It comes in usual DVD tall case except that’s mousepad functioning as overlay cover. The actual thing is underneath it and the mousepad itself is, well, mousepad. A bit too tiny.

Also, it’s 2022. Why are they still releasing it on DVD.

Hokenshitsu Sensei to Gothloli no Koui Official B2 Tapestry

Eroge day (yesterday)! New things for once!

So, um, I probably should write this post after the game itself but I just have something to say about this specific tapestry.

So it looks like this on the game website:

Which seemed weird considering she’s on a sofa and looks like it should be landscape instead.

And here’s how it looks like on the store page:

And I thought that makes more sense and maybe the one on the game page is just wrong.

But nope. It’s portrait orientation for some reason. That’s weird.

Orientation aside, it’s just her on sofa naked with kneesocks and gloves on (good). This is one of the two with nothing covering her crotch. They made some interesting (?) variations there.

Nice expression as well. Again, too bad it’s not landscape.

As for print quality, it’s using double suede material with the print… mostly fine if not slightly blurry. Could definitely be sharper. This also applies to all the tapestries from this release.

Also I don’t usually comment on it but the stitches aren’t quite straight. I don’t usually care about it but I saw someone who put attention on it and unfortunately this one is the one with sloppier stitching. Just as print quality, same thing with all other tapestries but with varying degrees of straightness.

Eroge March 2022


Since I’m ending the Weekly Finance thing, I figured this should do in its place. And maybe with more individual posts instead of collecting them up weekly.

Progress So Far

Too bad she doesn’t get route =[

This month will see Hokeloli release but I still haven’t even started on Hokejo.

I’m still stuck at Shugaten since mid January although I think it should end soon. FGO box event and challenge quest slowed things down. So did playing YGO Master Duel. Hopefully I can end it quickly and continue to Hokejo as initially planned. I took days off for this although progress has been slow so far (as usual).

This Month Release

And mentioned in earlier posts I preordered Hokeloli and Unless Terminalia. There’s also Aokana Extra 2 but it got delayed to May.

Hokeloli as mentioned above I plan to finish reading Hokejo before release day and then continue with Hokeloli on release day.

As for Unless Terminalia, I’m still backlogged on Pieces (original and its sequel) so I don’t know when I’ll get around reading it.

Next Month and Beyond

There’s nothing on April although I’m still on and off on DC4 and Futakoi. If anything I’ll get them later once I clear up my backlog which kind of sounds like never.

And then on May there will be Aokana Extra 2 and Ambitious Mission. Preorders are placed and all that’s left is waiting and picking them up and stuff.

Weekly Finance vol. 124



Future In

Despite what I said last week, still nothing! Maybe this week I will finally do it.


I didn’t buy any goods but I watched a bunch of movies. And then I bought all the Blue Thermal things (manga and theme song CD). In the end they all costed a bit over 10k total.

Thankfully I overbudgeted my utility bill this month and it helped balancing things out.

Except it wasn’t quite enough. Welp.

Future Out

Nothing particularly interesting came up so far, thankfully.

Well, there’s this Sekiya Asami tapestry and pillow cover. Full image this Friday although I don’t think I’ll get this one.

There’s also mignon stuff. Nothing I really want though. Also it looks like there will be some censoring involved. And dicks do not want.

I’m short 12k from my target this month so I still need to figure out how to fix it. Or maybe just actually sell those unused PC parts or something. And other things.


28.78% normal account and <fill in iDeCo number here later> iDeCo closing last week. Still going down as expected…

At two weeks now it sure sucks. No end in sight yet either.

…I probably should move this series to private as there isn’t much to talk anymore :<

Koikake Kunimi Nako Dakimakura Cover

And here’s the pillow cover of someone which doesn’t have route ;_;

Just the back side of the packaging and label thing.

Front side! Panties! Cat-headed Knee-socks! That’s not quite lewd but sure, I guess. I prefer a smile but this one is still good enough.

Also is that the actual spelling of her name or what.

It would’ve been nice if the taken off skirt is drawn somewhere as well.

And then the main side. The line is drawn. I think the overall design is the usual Shiratama design that is curved tighter and overall quite slim.

As per above, I do still prefer a smile but this one isn’t too bad with her mouth barely open. Open mouth is bad.

This is also the first (and only?) drawing of her naked. Route please thanks.

Too bad one of the socks is taken off although the panties still stuck on one side is a rather interesting touch.

Now I look again, where’s her inner shirt?

And on a random though, it could be interesting seeing her with hairs untied…

As for print quality and all, it’s the usual A&J Lyctron stuff with no obvious problem on image quality.

Weekly Finance vol. 123


Nothing again. Not unexpected.

Future In

I thought I’d sort things last week but I ended up buying something which took out a good chunk of room space. Better luck next week.


Koikake’s Nako dakimakura cover has finally released. Price sure is climbing up slowly with now at 13k.

I also bought a new hug pillow. It’s a DHR7000H Premium. It’s heavy at 3.3kg which is a good 1kg heavier than my current DHR6000. My old one was over 5 years ago and is pretty gross now although not always visible thanks to the cover. I figured replacement is finally in order and I bought one. I later learned I have an unused coupon for Melonbooks (or at least I think it’s unused) Nevermind I used the 5% off coupons and only the 3% one remains. It’d still be some savings but not as much as I initially thought. I bought from Amazon instead.

It came in a rather big box which apparently could fit my other unused case which I really should get around selling. That’d be nice if it does fit since the alternative box is pretty annoying to deal with as it’s quite a lot larger and the case isn’t that big.

Anyway, back to spending money, BugBug this month sees the preorder of Ambitious Mission B2 tapestry of Yae. There’s also non-R18 version. I got both. The background is not quite done yet but I hope it’s better than their Ria tapestry. I’m not holding my breath on this one though. I’m like 90% sure it’ll be about the same random light shapes in the background. I’ll be happy to be proven wrong. Thankfully since a few months ago BugBug finally got into internet era and allow their stuff to be ordered online instead of having to mail the form order along with the money using a rather expensive post office mailing option. Oh and it used to require buying the actual magazine as well.

I bought both versions just in case (?). Good thing there are still quite a bit of Saga Planets budget left.

Future Out

Two eroges are coming out this month (with Aokana Ex 2 being delayed as expected). Those are budgeted already so not really a problem.

There isn’t anything else announced so far as I kind of expected. Well, except for Yuzusoft which is still rather unknown when they’ll announce their next title. They’ve confirmed they’re working on it so something should come up this year?

Meanwhile Sakura no Toki…

On other notes, I dug up my previous years accounting and I noticed just how much selling stuff used to help propping up my budget. With those gone of course budgeting nowadays feels really tight with seemingly no extra available at all while trying to increase the investment allocation at the same time. That’s despite I’ve been holding back on buying stuff. For the moment I’m keeping my current plan of slightly increased investment (compared to previous year) but unless some help comes up I’ll probably have to lower my target. Or waste less money (nooooo).


31.09% normal account and 28.89% (11.98% yield) iDeCo closing last week. Thanks, certain country.

That was pretty much expected and I just hope it recovers in not too long time frame (months, not years).

Weekly Finance vol. 122


Nothing! Yay. There’s only 8 things left anyway. I think I should just send them off to Suruga-Ya.

Future In

I still haven’t done anything about the PC parts due to moving things around. Interestingly after moving things around it’s probably easier to start sorting doujinshi and stuff instead. I’ll see how annoyed I am in a few days.


As indicated by the Maid Choco post, I finally got the dakimakura cover hanger. That was a bit expensive for a hanger.

Also picked up the Fuyukuru tapestry. I should get around taking photo of it sometime. Maybe this week. The other good thing about my room rearrange is it’s got more contiguous space and thus easier to set up ironing board.

My Taruto Acrylic Clock was broken last Friday. The clock just stopped moving and changing battery didn’t help. Disassembled it and didn’t see anything wrong with the gears so most likely the electronic parts was broken. Thankfully a few hours later I discovered it’s attached using screw so it’s easy to replace. Got the generic parts replacement from Amazon and everything fit just nice including the clock hands. It’s the one for 4mm thick clock face.

Future Out

Nothing here.


30.24% normal account and 25.11% (11.00% yield) iDeCo. Thanks Russia 😐

It has been trending down these last few weeks and their action definitely made it worse.