Progress So Far
Finished Ambitious Mission. At a bit over a month it’s still too slow. That said, I’m three weeks in to Coming x Humming and I haven’t even finished a single route lol.
Back to Anmitsu, it was pretty fun. Thankfully I picked what I would consider the ideal route orders. Lots of random references were fun especially the Conan and Kindaichi ones. I should’ve kept count on how many variations of じっちゃんの名にかけて there are. The ability of Sharu is pretty ridiculous as well. Anyone looking for serious story will probably be disappointed but I think this worked pretty well as a gag title. The serious part is relatively well handled as well but I think the whole key thing is a bit too weird. Same with the universe thing. Not to mention they hinted on some story on the other part but it was just left at that. On the brighter side it opens path for fandisk or alternative story or whatever. I’m not holding my breath but more Anmitsu is welcome. Especially more Yae and Kaguya. Also Tsubame and Horoko.
As mentioned above, I’m currently reading Coming x Humming. It was chosen for no particular reason apart of it was chosen at random (like, order by random()
on my eroge list table). This will be a very long journey at four whole titles. Once I’m done with this, I’ll have read all modern Saga Planets title. I don’t know if I can handle their earlier titles. I can even barely deal with Coming x Humming artstyle and the earlier ones are even less of my preferences.
This Month Release
Nothing! Yay.
Next Month and Beyond
The closest one is still Sakutoki in November.
And then Palette finally updated the Mashifoni FHD and Sana Edition. Thankfully both are proper eroge so yay. Planned for 2023 so those are still quite far away.
On the other hand, there’s still no news from Yuzusoft…