Progress So Far
Finished Shugaten! That was quite something. Mainly the Koori route. And the epilogue. I sure wish I realized the final reveal way earlier because it was so stupid 😑
Afterwards, I went on to Hokejo as mentioned last month. I finished it in a bit less than two weeks and then Hokeloli in around two weeks.
Hokejo had some surprises in term of how the route is structured. I also quite liked the latter part.
Hokeloli continued with similar formula but there’s fewer surprising reveal towards the end due to having seen how Hokejo worked and there were just way more hints spread out in the earlier parts. Still pretty good overall I think.
Hokecho is coming out next month. It’ll probably be the shortest of the three.
With that done, I decided to finally check Senkou no Clarias F. Unfortunately the read history is missing so skip function doesn’t work but I think I’ll just go over them all again quickly or something. I did finish reading the extra H scenes first. Those were pretty short with no extra story. Still a nice extra though 👌
This Month Release
So I ended up getting DC4SH. I bought the DC4PH as well for rather cheap. Bought the SH from Melonbooks. The tapestry was the main reason I got it in the end.
On the other hand, RIP Futakoi. Maybe once I cleared my backlog more.
Next Month and Beyond
Aokana Extra 2 and Ambitious Mission next month. Both are still waiting for RTM so there’s still possibility either of them being delayed. That said, Aokana Extra 2 dev team said they’re aiming for it sometime next week and Saga Planets don’t usually delay their releases. We’ll see.
Oh, right, there’s also Hokecho next month. I guess I should place preorder sometime soon. I don’t know where to buy them from yet though. Amazon is the usual place when I’m not getting any bonuses but they don’t have any discount for it… yet? I’ll wait one or two weeks, otherwise I may just get it from nearby Sofmap.
Now I think about it, I should check Aokana as well. And its soundtrack (also Hokejo’s).
After May, there isn’t much yet. Sakura no Toki is supposed to be out in November but it’s still so far away. Not to mention it’ll probably be delayed even further.
There’s also Jewelry Hearts Academia thing from Cabbage Soft. I don’t know about that one yet. Maybe if I manage to finish Sakuretto first. And Amazing Grace.