Einstein yori ai o komete website open (late)

The website is open, pre-order is up, and so is the opening movie among other things.

A bit too many balloons as usual but at least the main one is good. Shiguma (Sigma?) listed as subcharacter but she appears in Concept page background and her description seems to indicate she’s a key person. Maybe true route?

Interestingly the game is a bit cheaper in Getchu (both editions) and Sofmap (deluxe edition).

9-yukiiro done

Best heroine is best

In my personal record time of only three days to finish reading this.

There’s barely any breaks, tension is high almost all the time, the suspense forced me to just keep reading until the end.

The h-scenes are pretty nice as well although I did disable the animation. I did enable MC’s voice this time (as I didn’t notice I have it disabled last time). There’s noticeable lack of certain type of play though which a bit sad.

Spoilers ahead.

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9-nine- yukiiro yukihana yukinoato

The long awaited final part of 9-nine- series. Bought off all the bonuses and stuff because it’s Noa.

Started playing already and it’s pretty good so far. Unlike the other routes, this one started completely differently.

As for the drama CDs, I haven’t even listened to the Haruiro ones… 🤔

Bonus photos inside.

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Kakenuke seishun sparking

As I wondered last week, Saga Planets announced their new title today. Titled Kakenuke seishun sparking (they sure can use some HTTPS in 2020).

It looks like a rather normal school club story thingy. Kind of like Hanasaki, maybe? Except the protag this time seems to be workaholic and likes money.

The uniform design this time around is rather lewd. Navels everywhere. And then there’s Nagiko, sleeveless with probably sports bra? And gloves for some reason. And those tall shoes on thighhighs.

Heroines line up seems like the usual one DFC heroine, one DFC sub-heroine, and the rest are relatively big. Arisue Tsukasa is doing main heroine again this time and Toranosuke doing two. I sure am wondering who’s doing Kikka. It almost looks like Hontani Kanae but I’m not sure. Also for the not-blood-related-little sister Ritsu.

As for the stores, I’ll probably get at least Sofmap, Trader, Suruga-Ya, and Amiami. Hmmm RIP 40k. And maybe more if those unannounced オリジナル特典企画中 are voice drama. That will kinda hurts. I sure wish that Amiami tapestry is also double suede. But it probably isn’t 😔 We’ll find out next month. Or on release day.

It’s planned for August release. I guess I have a few months to prepare the budget. And maybe finish Kinkoi before this one is released.

Game – Oshilove

And here’s another game I got this month. The full title is Oshi no love yori koi no love. I forgot that it’s got simultaneous translated release and apparently it’s well received at steam. The translated title is pretty… interesting. Oh and this packaged edition also contain all the translations so that’s nice. None of the download editions seems to be DRM-free so Steam + Denpasoft patch is probably your best bet for worry free plays. Or just get someone to fetch and rip the package edition from Japan.

I bought this one from Getchu which includes tapestry bonus in addition to the bundled tapestry inside the box. I’m still not sure if I want to keep the tapestries as I didn’t get this game because of the illustrator but because the director was from Tinkle Position as I mentioned before. Also both tapestries are all ages.

The one from Getchu is a landscape tapestry, with thin pipes which means it’ll bend when hanged up. And the material is the usual thin one. The print is mostly fine if not a bit lacking in resolution. Also the analog style drawing is pretty visible. Note that I don’t know if it’s actually analog or even if I’m using the correct term.

As for the bundled tapestry, it’s using nice double suede material. The resolution also seems a bit higher though it could be better. Lastly, the included hanging string is a bit too thick for the included thin pipes, especially for the joint.

Lastly, based on my quick check, the included voice drama is all ages.

Maitetsu Last Run!! Website open

It’s now open. It’s got store bonus info and all lined up already. Although unlike the previous one, they’re not selling some of the stuff individually (Sofmap) although for the rest of the stores they mostly do.

And holy crap, that’s a lot of stuff. Enough to motivate me to write a list of them.

  • Sofmap:
    • B1 tapestry (Hachiroku)
      • Only as part of game bundle
    • Game bundle includes guidebook and piano collection DVD
  • Getchu:
    • Dakimakura cover (Hachiroku, gothloli)
      • +voice drama
    • Dakimakura cover (Hachiroku, bunny)
      • +voice drama
    • Dakimakura cover (Adult Fukami, casual)
      • +voice drama
    • Game bundle includes vocal mini album by Nagai Mai (Fukami voice actor)
    • Game complete bundle includes B2 tapestry (Fukami & Nagi)
  • Melonbooks:
    • (All ages) B2/B1/B0 tapestry (Hachiroku & Reina)
      • +voice drama
      • B2 only as part of game bundle
    • (All ages) B2/B1/B0 tapestry (Olivi)
      • +voice drama
    • (All ages) B2/B1/B0 tapestry (Denshahime & Hiyoko)
      • +voice drama
    • Game complete bundle includes vocal mini album by Ousaki Chiyo (Hachiroku related songs)
  • Tora no ana:
    • (All ages) Life sized tapestry (Paulette & Reina & Hikari)
      • +voice drama
    • Dakimakura cover (Paulette)
      • +voice drama
    • Game complete bundle includes song CD by Paulette voice actor (?)
  • Gamers:
    • Dakimakura cover (Hibiki)
      • +voice drama
    • B2 tapestry (Hibiki & Makura)
      • +voice drama
    • Game complete bundle includes B2 tapestry (Hibiki & Makura, clothed (barely) version) and Makura ending song download card
  • Trader:
    • B2 tapestry (Hachiroku & Olivi)
      • +voice drama
    • B2 tapestry (Fukami & Mikuro)
      • +voice drama
    • B2 tapestry (Paulette & Suika & Niiroku)
      • +voice drama
    • Combined they make a large landscape. Of naked little girls in a large bathroom 🙃
    • Game complete bundle includes Niiroku ending song by Akatsuki Yumu download card
  • Animate:
    • (All ages) Dakimakura cover (Hachiroku)
      • +voice drama
    • B2 tapestry (Paulette & Kisaki)
      • +voice drama
      • Only as part of game bundle?
    • Game complete bundle includes Kisaki ending song download card
  • Suruga-Ya:
    • B2 tapestry (Hachiroku)
      • +voice drama
    • All items include wallpapers collection DVD

On the bright side, it’s scheduled for July release so I still have plenty of times to figure out if I want anything. Or if I should just bail out (probably not).

A quick check on what I possibly may want:

  • Sofmap full set (22k)
  • Getchu full set (46k)
  • Gamers full set (30k)
  • Trader tapestries set (14k)
  • Suruga-Ya tapestry (5k)

My calculator says they sum up to 117k. Ayyy 💸

Eroge – Aikano

Uh, yeah, adding more stuff to my backlog is exactly what I need. Found this for cheap-ish in Amazon and I kinda like the illustrator so I figured I should maybe try this.

It’s the limited edition which includes dakimakura cover. At barely over 4k it’s not too bad, I guess?

For some reason Suruga-Ya is selling it for way more despite being second-hand item. The one I got from Amazon is new. It’s gotten a bit more expensive now though at almost 6k.

Tinkle Position on indefinite break

As per their announcement page, they’re taking break from making new titles.

It’s pretty interesting timing as was just thinking on what they will do next considering they’ve released four-imouto at-home nukige three times (counting Onikin), two of which got fandisc. I guess it’ll get rather stale if they’re just going to repeat the same formula.

As per the director’s message, they’re considering going into a new direction and thus taking a distance from the current Tinkle Position as it’s currently pretty much tied to being specialized at the specific genre.

OR SOMETHING. I don’t know. It’s kind of sad but I think they did pretty good job and even got English localization.

お疲れ様でした。Thank you and may we meet again somewhere someday ( ・_・)ゞ


It’s a thing. By Caramel Box. Not sure how they’ve stayed alive.

It’s illustrated by Tsukimori Hiro who formerly worked for Purple Software. Not my top favorite illustrator but surely on the higher tier.

Interesting how the eyes of the heroines seem like they’re in ♡ mode all time.

Also interesting the heroines are high schooler, university student, and co-worker.

The main problem is they’re all big breasted 😔

On my “maybe” list. Probably will go with Sofmap if I decide to buy this at all…

Bye Hulotte ;_;)ゞ (and Cube)

As feared, latest Hulotte title involves online verification again (and Cube as well). As promised, I’m not touching this one (and the other one).

DRM on completely offline single player game with no content update is just dumb and wrong. Thankfully the last one was pretty easy to work around for the soft denchi edition if one pay attention to the game directory but who knows about this one.

The previous one was also an exception hoping the next one would not include it anymore but unfortunately they’re continuing with it. Oh well.

(I’ll be back if they change their mind on the online thing but I doubt it)

As this might very well my last post about Hulotte (and Cube?), I guess I should end it with a bang ヽ( ゚ ヮ゚)ノ

Here’s all Hulotte tapestries and pillow covers I currently own. There are some more stuff coming this weekend but I guess those won’t make appearance in this blog. 51 (+1) tapestries, 16 (+1) pillow covers.

Company-wise this actually takes up most of my collection at the moment. It’s unfortunate that the collection won’t grow anymore from now on 🙃


Pillow covers