When I realized it, this week has passed and there’s no interesting news. I guess everyone was busy catching up from all the holidays and events.
Managed to clear Aya route of Delivara. I expect to finish the whole thing next week or maybe even tomorrow since it’ll be another holiday.
Still not sure what to play after finishing it. Considered Quintuple Splash but that’d mean I’m playing two Parasol games in a row which is something I tend to avoid. Parasol doesn’t quite excel in story isn’t helping either. As last few games I’ve been playing are all relatively light in nature, and thus I’m considering something more serious. Current candidates are:
- Natsu no Iro no Nostalgia
- One of minori games
- Satsukoi
- Kimi e Okuru, Sora no Hana (almost forgotten, lol)
Or something short-ish like the doujin Christmas Trickstar. I’ll call help from dice.
irb(main):001:0> ['nostalgia', 'minori', 'satsukoi', 'cabbit', 'kuritori'].sample => "cabbit"
All right, there we go.