Trying out a different posting format. Will write whatever new at any time and then finally publish after a week.
- Melonbooks started preorder for Nanaroba tapestry. The theme is June bride, it seems.
- With upcoming Denkigai Matsuri 2015 Summer, Purple Software started preorder for their stuff. Chrono Clock’s Kuro hug pillow cover, Drama USB Drive (?) with choose-your-own-name, T-Shirt, and various other stuff.
- Companies participating in Dengkigai Matsuri 2015 Summer has been announced. Doesn’t seem to change much from last time. Still no Parasol ;_; Cabbit is in the list which means Yukie illustrated stuff? Us:track is also in there. And a crapload of other usual suspects. RIP wallet.
- Completed illustration of bonus tapestry for Kinokonomi (Melonbooks) Artbook has been published. That squished boobs. Also knee-socks.
- Second round of Hanasaki Workspring! Hug Pillow Cover series is Wakaba. Preorder starts on 25th.
- Glace’s Ama no Sora Retrospect page has been updated as well. Official store bonus is still missing though.
- Release information for Doki Doki Sister Aoi-chan has been published. I think I’ll get the one from Tora no Ana.
- MF Bunko J has been slowly releasing information on stuff they’re going to sell at their event in July.
Starting up with bonus clear poster from Melonbooks! Ha ha ha. I didn’t even realize it’s a thing but hey, free stuff. Drawn by Fujima Takuya. Unfortunately it’s the Melon Girl (or whatever they call it) with, uh, that plant thingy on her head. Also I don’t usually hang up posters so it’ll be kind of useless.
Chrono Clock! After contemplating for so long (weeks before the release date), finally decided to get this. No idea when I’ll get to it. Not that long though considering it’s a recent release which means there are only few games above it. Namely Mousou Complete! and Alia’s Carnival! (+ Flowering Sky).
Nozoemon. The series that isn’t Doraemon. Or maybe just faster to say it’s the ero version of Doraemon. I Somehow finished reading the manga. It’s pretty interesting for what it is.
Loot from Sunshine Creation 2015 Summer and following Melonbooks purchases. Not much this time. Only two, even, from the actual event itself – Matsurija set and More Pretty tapestry. And then old releases from Amezaiku which is required to be eligible for Melonbooks’ Sunshine Creation tapestry event.
Bonus tapestry. Usual thin material. The print quality is okay.
Tapestry from More Pretty. Didn’t realize it’s the thin material until I got home.
The tapestry from Melonbooks’ SunCre event. Drawn by Ashishun.
The bonus tapestry which seems to be Melonbooks-only. I need better way to track books releases’ bonuses since the official sites barely have enough information.