Digest Vol. 68 – Alive

Apparently I get to stay alive a bit longer :’) It was just some cold with a bit of bacterial infection. Treatment for that last part was quite expensive though.

I think I’m at halfway done through Kotone’s route. Seems to be pretty much a standard story. At least the virtual world setting do help making things a bit more interesting.

Next weekend is a long weekend so I hope I can finish the entire game by then. Finishing this, I think I’ll continue to Moteyaba (+Ichayaba) to unlock (?) access to four hug pillow covers which is the most I own for a series. Or something else. I’m not quite sure yet.

As mentioned earlier, my medication spending went a bit over and made me end up with less spare money than I initially expected. At least I did manage to save a bit higher last month than average of this year. I mean, I’m currently averaging at negative. Whoops. If nothing stupid comes out (like, backlog) I should be able to stay safe this month. Probably not saving as much as last month though because I must pay for extension of my current apartment’s contract.

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Digest Vol. 67 – Back

Yay I’m still alive and finally back. Not quite in full health with a bit of blood in my nasal mucus and stuff but at least I can type something here. I probably better go to hospital sometime soon, though.

Cleared up my twitter backlog and currently continuing with Rorolog. I think I’m currently halfway through Kuon’s route?

On finance side, I’m not quite sure where I’m at. Without counting future purchases, it looks quite green. But then there’s some large-ish core expense with deadline in two months which if combined with the future purchases, turns my finance red again. Unless I count on next month’s income which results in green even with three months worth of buffer. So I guess I can call this green? I just need to lightly hold out until the next pay day to be entirely safe.

I do need to hold back regardless <_<

For hug pillow covers, at current rate, it’ll take me about two years to complete cycle of hug pillow covers with biweekly rotation. Thankfully there isn’t much on my backlog list anymore. And I’m trying to not buy additional covers… unless it’s really good? We’ll see if I can fight off the temptation.

On tapestries side, it’s kind of worse though since the entry cost is much lower. That said, I’ll start selling off some of my less favorite ones next month. And then go buy even more =D Ha ha ha. This plan isn’t going to work; not that I expected it to ever do. At least I’ll regain some cash if I manage to sell some, I guess.

As for games, it seems to be slowing down by itself except for one part – I ended up buying DC3WY. Considering how much backlog I need to clear first before reaching that, I doubt I’ll ever actually play it :D Well, the main target was just the Trader tapestry though. Next month there will be just Gakkou no Seiiki thanks to delay of Yomegami… which means there are three games for November – Yomegami, Alicegram, and Lovely Day. December is still unknown though with at least Hatsukoi Sankaime. One of the unknowns is Omokage Rail Back. It currently says 2016 Winter which could be anytime between December and March. There’s also Hulotte’s next game with same release date. And lastly Palette’s latest game – 9 -nine- (or whatever the title is). Thankfully there’s nothing on my radar yet for January and later.

Wow that was quite long.

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Yome Sagashi ga Hakadori Sugite Yabai. / Takamiya Nanaka – Hug Pillow Cover

I’ve been doing the weekly digest thing for so long I even forgot I used to do something like this few years ago.

Someone asked for this so here we go. It’s still the usual blurrycam™. Of course I don’t have stand or anything to hang this up so it’s kind of crimpled as well.

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Digest Vol. 63

I think I’m at least halfway the common route of Rorolog. Current plan is Kuon → Kotone → Kisara → Rin. Unless there’s forced route, that is. Standard stuff so far with thankfully easy Japanese. Didn’t progress as far as I wished.

Part of the reason is because I’m preparing for trip starting this Friday. It’ll take three weeks in which time I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do this weekly thing. Or even whether I have good enough internet connection at all. Hopefully I’ll come back alive.

It’s also the one thing that caused my current financial condition. It simply costed much more than I initially guessed. Thankfully there’s this credit card thing \o/ Not sure if want to do something like this again. At least I’m still on track with yellow-ish this month and finally green next month. I think.

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On Sakura no Uta

So I managed to finish Sakura no Uta yesterday. It’s mostly good though combination of my lack of Japanese skill, inability to remember names (both in-game characters and all the references), and involvement of poems (and similarly annoyingly complex proses, English and Japanese) kind of hindered my enjoyment and understanding of the details of the story.

That said, there’s one main thing I’m really having problem with (spoiler ahead).

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Digest Vol. 62 – What

It’s almost 5 am and it still feels like few hours away from me finishing this last route! I played until 10am and no end in sight o_o Still at Sakura no Uta, currently at 44 days in – about one and half month.

As usual (?), ended up buying random backlogged stuff as well. At least they’re about half the original price! Should arrive sometime later this week. I think I’m currently at yellow-ish? \o/ A bit slower than I hoped but still on track to green.

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Digest Vol. 61 – And done

Yay! Now I can sleep in peace.

Skipped first day because nothing particularly interesting but went second day because there isn’t company booths for last day this time. And then ke-ta’s line was pretty long. At least I got all the stuff.

Last day, Pan didn’t prepare enough pillow covers so I wasn’t able to get it ;_; Here’s hoping she reselling it later. Thanks to that, I practically started this time’s last day Comiket at 11:30. At least I’m not alone this time which is also why I waited until it’s really sold out instead of backing off after 20-ish minutes of barely any progresses.

Nothing much on eroge side as I can’t really concentrate thanks to all the events and the preparations. Finished Rina’s route and now at Shizuku (I think?).

On finance side, it should be kind of yellow next week. And hopefully green next month ┐(ツ)┌

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Digest Vol. 60 – Plans

I’m not sure how much left of Rina’s route left but at least I’m past halfway? This week felt even shorter than last week despite not being much distraction. Either that or the route is just longer. I don’t know.

Continuing the “holding back” project (?), I’m thinking of not getting Hoshi Koi Tinkle. Unfortunately it’s still four months away which means plenty of time for me to be influenced back in getting it. Well, I almost failed with Amatsutsumi though fortunately managed to hold back. Hopefully I can do it again with Hoshi Koi Tinkle.

That said, even though I’m not getting anything this month, I’m getting two titles next month – Senmomo and Railback. Both of which have non-zero probability of getting delayed =D Railback probably will be finally released though otherwise I don’t think it’ll be good for the company’s survival. Whereas Senmomo, well, I have no record of August release schedule so I don’t really know. Just felt like it might get delayed. We’ll see. No plan of getting another bonuses… yet?

October will be Alcot’s Yomegami. So far my current plan includes getting from Sofmap followed by getting Getchu tapestry from YJA.

November will be a bit difficult with both Alice Gram and Lovely Day. NanaWind’s voice dramas are pretty good so I’ll be getting them all. Yuki tapestries as well which thankfully only two. The main problem is of course Lovely Day. Pretty much all tapestries and CDs \o/ I usually get the game from official store though I’m not sure about this time mainly because I don’t need the other bonus which is illustrated by Narumi Yuu. Barring some unexpected event, I may end up getting it from Trader or Melonbooks.

5 more games in three months. So much for holding back.

Finally Denkigai and Comiket! Denkigai is having some weird system this time to enter the place whereas Comiket will have no company booths for last day. Current outlook doesn’t look so good though I’ll probably make out safely somehow. I think. Yuzu Soft store having double suede tapestries certainly isn’t helping.

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Digest Vol. 59 – Countdown

5 am. I originally planned to rush up Rin’s route first but it went longer last week for Makoto and I figured it’ll turn out the same for Rin as well. Better clear this thing first before my brain becomes half-functional and writes even worse than usual. My usual writing is already pretty bad and being half-awake isn’t helping.

I managed to be more distracted than last week and getting a bit of cold wasn’t helping. Nor is early planning of Comiket.

Talking about Comiket planning, I missed one big required spending for this month and as a result will have to walk a tightrope until next pay day which is in three weeks. I figured it’s also good time to drop a lot of circles from list so I can spend less time figuring out where to put them ┐(ツ)┌

With careful planning I should be able to go up from almost-red to barely-green by end of this month! Exciting times ahead.

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Digest Vol. 58 – All the Chikotams

6am! Just finished Makoto’s route. Or the part of her route? Honestly speaking, I’m not sure where I am at the moment. Unlocked scenes count doesn’t match with number of scenes (or at least its hint) and the ending is a bit too open. From light analysis I did (just now, half awake) from extra page placeholders and opening movie hints I think I’m 25% done. That took me 16 days total. Extrapolating the number results in depressing number of days I need to finish the whole game… which is another 7… weeks. Wat.

Number of references and technical terms were a bit too much for me so the progress was much slower than I hoped. There were some additional distractions as well which slowed me down even further. The latter won’t change much for next few weeks but I’m slowly getting used to the former so it should be faster.

Chikotam-illustrated new games were announced this week. Yes, games, not game. First from the usual Parasol (thank god) and the other one unexpectedly from Windmill. Apparently the latter were already known from an event few months ago and I was just simply missed it. For unknown reason Narumi Yuu is also doing both games. Oh well.

Still on Chikotam, random impulse (ha ha ha) made me buy the rest of Parasol hug pillow cover drawn by Chikotam. Waiting for arrival of last one and then I’ll take photo of them. I’m also completing another type of stuff from Parasol with the last part should also be arriving sometime this week.

Those stuff included, and another “completion” thing I’m going for brought me down by about 40k jpy. That forced me to slim down Cuffs and Hulotte purchases. I just hope I don’t regret it later. I don’t think I will for this one for good reasons. Pre-order for Denkigai stuff has also been started and it pretty much follows last weeks list with inclusion of Whirlpool and exclusion of Alcot. May or may not buy the bag/pillow cover multi-function item, depending on how much I spend for other stuff. It’s still too early to say. Perhaps in three weeks (like, once the main events have passed). Thankfully the pre-order period is until end of August which is plenty of time.

Still on track to green finance though probably not as green as I’m hoping.

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Digest Vol. 57 – On Holiday

Managed to finish common route of Sakura no Uta. It was pretty good and felt like one complete story on its own. As planned, currently on Makoto’s route (I think). As Monday is holiday, I hope I can make some good progress on this.

At current rate, projected completion time is a bit over four weeks. I’m getting hang of the writing style though so hopefully I can finish it faster (naaaaah). Looking at queue, Rorolog is up next, followed by Moteyaba. I sure am slow this year.

Budget-wise I think I’m almost safe. Still need to reduce number of covers I’m getting next month. Artist line-up on Denkigai has been announced as well and from the look of it I’ll probably be getting stuff from five or six companies. Not sure about T-shirt (probably not) and the mysterious goods (depending on what it is).

I’m dropping Amatsutsumi after all. Good for my wallet. Hopefully I don’t do a 180 sometime later like Chrono Clock. Quite unlikely though.

Here is the list for Denkigai:

  • Saga Planets (Hontani Kanae)
  • Hearts / Amuse Craft (Shiromochi Sakura)
  • Hiqo Soft (Hiide)
  • feng (Ryohka)
  • cura (Lose)
  • Whirlpool (R-Ken) / depends on the illustration
  • Alcot (Shiraichigo) / probably not

May or may not change.

As for hug pillow cover, current plan includes:

  • Lunaris Filia – Filia
  • Tsumi no Hikari Rendezvous – Mikan
  • Yomeyaba – Nanaka
  • Mamiya – Moeri
  • Kujiragami no Tearstilla – Mitsuki / …seriously, I’ll just grab it already =| (has been on my list forever) …or maybe not. Ha ha ha <_<a
  • Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm – Rika / probably not now (again)
  • Dal Segno – Ame / still not sure, at worst will just grab at later event
  • Natsu Iro Kokoro Log – Kuon / not sure as well
  • moco chouchou’s original / or maaaaybe not this time either

That’s quite a lot and honestly speaking I shouldn’t be doing this. First four are 100% whereas the rest depends on where wind blows…

For green finance next month! Yes, I’m still yellow this month ;_;

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Digest Vol. 56 – Preparing for Events

Finished Kurafuta as planned. As expected from winner of Moegame Award, Ero (Pink) category, it doesn’t hold back in term of ero. Well, almost, since I half expected it to contain Okano’s mini route as well considering she’s got her own tapestry at one point. Not that I like her, just a bit curious. The harem route is also shorter than I expected. Now I think again, Yomeyaba is actually better in this sense. Shrug.

Started Sakuuta. Seems pretty interesting. Not sure if there’s any forced route but currently trying to go to Makoto’s route. Still on common route. Relatively interesting. It’s got so many awards so it better be. Unfortunately the game system itself is a bit lacking. Notably missing is window resize and backlog jump. I also can’t disable the cursor auto move which I find annoying.

First week of July has passed and only a month left until Denkigai and Comiket. Two more weeks until Denkigai online store opens. And K-Books. And Cuffs. RIP wallet. According to my accounting sheet I don’t have enough money for next month events. Hopefully there won’t be too many interesting stuff…

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Summer Events List

Fuck this shit, I'm going home.

Second worst event time is coming \o/ (the worst is winter comiket, by the way)

Oh and the photo above is last year’s C88 circle ticket holder queue (aka fuckers who ruin comiket even further).


  • Whirlpool. Hug pillow cover from Lunaris Filia.
  • minori. As mentioned before, hug pillow cover of one of sub-heroines of Tsumi no Hikari Rendezvous. And then usual tapestry for new game.
  • Circus. Hug pillow cover of Ame!
  • Melonbooks. Tapestries and hug pillow cover. TakayaKi one is kind of interesting.
  • Whirlpool. Hug pillow cover, CDs, tapestries, and more hug pillow covers.
  • Amuse Craft / Hearts. Hmmmmmmm.
  • Saga Planets. Safe!
  • Alcot. Safe!
  • Purplesoftware. Safe?

C90 / Doujin

C90 / Company

  • [partial?] Sprite. Usual Aokana goodies.
  • Circus. The same as denkigai. Not sure why they even bother making two separate pages.
  • [partial] Kadokawa. Usual stuff.
  • Melonbooks. Goods sets.
  • Windmill. New type of tapestry, and others.
  • Lashinbang. Usual lineup, usual stuff. Sure wish they use double suede :(
  • Palette. Um, I forgot about this.
  • NanaWind. Together with Palette, might as well grab the set.
  • Himekuri365 (tapestries lineup). Now with tapestries. Double suede Yukie \o/


Update History

  • 2016-07-07: Initial list.
  • 2016-07-08: Added minori.
  • 2016-07-10: Added More Pretty, Circus, K-Books.
  • 2016-07-15: Added Melonbooks.
  • 2016-07-15 #2: Added Whirlpool.
  • 2016-07-15 #3: Added Kadokawa (being updated as I’m updating this).
  • 2016-07-15 #4: Added Amuse Craft, Hulotte, Cuffs.
  • 2016-07-15 #5: Added Melonbooks.
  • 2016-07-18: Added Melonbooks (Others), Akutoku Doumei, Dragon Kitchen, R.I.P., Izumi Tsubasu Ten, Fuyuno Mikan, Saga  Planets, Botsugo.
  • 2016-07-20: Added Kidoukan.
  • 2016-07-24: Added Windmill, SSB, Shiratamaco, minori (updated), Parasol.
  • 2016-07-25: Added Takoyaki Batake.
  • 2016-07-27: Added Batsu Freak, Akutoku Doumei (updated), Pan no Mimi, Erori-Ya (?).
  • 2016-07-27 #2: Added Luminocity.
  • 2016-07-28: Updated Izumi Tsubasu Ten.
  • 2016-07-28 #2: Added Alcot.
  • 2016-07-28 #3: Added Lashinbang.
  • 2016-07-28 #4: Added Canvas+Garden, Peach Candy, Carnelian.
  • 2016-07-29: Added Suzuya, Palette.
  • 2016-07-30: Added NanaWind.
  • 2016-07-31: Added Purplesoftware.
  • 2016-07-31 #2: Added Chiko Goya.
  • 2016-08-02: Updated Pan no Mimi.
  • 2016-08-03: Added Studio S.D.T..
  • 2016-08-06: Added Himekuri365, Yakiubu, French letter, Anchovy Usagi.
  • 2016-08-06 #2: Added Wagamama High Spec Store.
  • 2016-08-06 #3: Added Cabbage Soft, Whirlpool (C90), MeltdoWN Comet, Cat=Katz, Komeshiro Kasu, Cocoa Holic.
  • 2016-08-06 #4: Added Marvelous Grace.
  • 2016-08-07: Added Kogemashita.
  • 2016-08-08: Added Recruit, Allegro Mistic, 2D Rocket, Tinklebell.
  • 2016-08-08 #2: Added Megane Shoujo.
  • 2016-08-08 #3: Added Sweet Little Kiss.
  • 2016-08-09: Added kinokonomi.
  • 2016-08-09 #2: Added atelier Tiv artworks, updated Peco.
  • 2016-08-09 #3: Added Bunbukudou, Ichigo Size.
  • 2016-08-10: Added Dragon Kitchen.
  • 2016-08-10 #2: Added Chericot*Rozel, A.M.R., updated Canvas+Garden.
  • 2016-08-10 #3: Added ashtray.
  • 2016-08-10 #4: Updated MeltdoWN Comet.
  • 2016-08-10 #5: Added Asahiage, Gekidoku Shoujo.
  • 2016-08-10 #6: Updated Shiratamaco, moco chouchou, Chiko Goya, More Pretty, Batsu Freak, Carnelian, Erori-Ya, R.I.P., Fuyuno Mikan (no change, complete), Kidoukan (no change, complete), SSB (no change, complete), Takoyaki Batake (no change, complete), Whirlpool, minori, K-Books, removed duplicates, added Necotoxin, Matsurija. Sorted by name.
  • 2016-08-10 #7: Added Hyakka Ryouran.
  • 2016-08-10 #8: Added Hisuitei.
  • 2016-08-11: Updated Yukie.
  • 2016-08-11 #2: Added Nanacan.
  • 2016-08-11 #3: Added Ties.
  • 2016-08-12: Added WNB, Chocolate Cube.
  • 2016-08-12 #2: Added Jenoa Cake.
  • 2016-08-12 #3: Added Part K.
  • 2016-08-12 #4: Added Afterschool of the 5th Year.
  • 2016-08-12 #5: Added Wireframe.
  • 2016-08-12 #6: Added Singleton.
  • 2016-08-12 #7: Added Henreader.
  • 2016-08-12 #8: Added Aquadrop.
  • 2016-08-12 #9: Updated Pan no Mimi.
  • 2016-08-12 #10: Added Karomix.
  • 2016-08-12 #11: Updated Akutoku Doumei.

Digest Vol. 55 – The last twins

I forgot about this :D Doesn’t help there’s almost no interesting news for me this week.

Finished Kurafuta’s Yae route. Currently at the last (best) main heroine route, Ema. One week slower than I hoped because I keep distracted while playing it. I think another week should be sufficient to finish the rest.

Once done, I’ll move on to… something. I mentioned it’d be Sakura no Uta last time and probably will stay that way. Starting one of the game with just two hug pillow covers is also an alternative but I’m trying to stay with current plan. Realistically looking that means I’m doomed (?) to play another Cuffs and Makura afterwards though. At that point it’s likely I’ll play something else instead. Current list:

  • Primal x Hearts (2)
  • Koisuru Kanojo no Bukiyou na Butai (2)
  • D. S. ~Dal Segno~ (2)
  • Natsu Iro Kokoro Log (2)
  • Sakura no Mori Dreamers (2)
  • Himawari no Kyoukai to Nagai Natsuyasumi (3)
  • Imouto no Okage de Motesugite Yabai (3)
  • Sakura no uta (3 / next one)

Picking a completely new series (brand-wise) leave with only two choices: Dal Segno and Primal x Hearts (and Primal x Hearts 2?). The rest are repeat brand-wise (Cuffs, Amuse Craft, Moonstone, Makura).

June is over and it’s now July. July means Floflo and Senren Banka. Also means Amatsutsumi which is still undecided. I’ll look at my progress until end of this month and whether there’s anything interesting from that series in next Denkigai tapestries series. Both happens at the end of this month so I have plenty of time to think. It does help that the pre-order ticket I have was obtained for free from Tora no Ana since their pre-order doesn’t have any down payment. It’s a different story if one of them gets delayed, though…

At this point I wonder if I reached limit of my reading speed ;_; It barely improved. At all.

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Digest Vol. 54 – Um

My hug pillow covers count is jumping up quite high this month \o/ RIP me. At least I’m avoiding the ones with stupid markup. Or trying to. There are four more on my list.

Still doing pretty bad this month. Better than last month but still not quite good. Being haunted by backlogs, be it purchases or plays sure is sad. The latter doesn’t cost a thing (anymore) but the former is pretty expensive especially if the target is marked up.

My list for June is relatively peaceful mainly thanks to no eroge purchase on August. Well, except Corona Blossom which is still floating between yes or no. I believe it’s safe to hold up until early August though so June should be safe anyway. Hopefully I can save enough for the following two months. Comiket month isn’t going to be fun.

Managed to finish Kurafuta’s Tomoka. Current at the end of common route for Yae and Ema. Going to Yae first and then finally the best heroine Ema.

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Digest Vol. 53 – One year

Oh wow, I managed to do this for constantly for a year now. Sure is easy with this weekly stuff \o/ Not that I prepared anything special. I’m a bit time constrained for next two weeks as well.

Still going on with Kurafuta. Finished Mikoto’s route as well. Was pretty good though the art is a bit funny sometimes. Mikoto a cute. Now going with full-on tsundere Tomoka. Currently at just past pre-individual route’s H scene of her (?). Kind of weird with just her alone since it’s like already on her route except not. Gotta keep it fair in the shared route, I guess. At current rate I think I need another two weeks to finish. Welp.

Still a bit yellow on budget though I think I can make it out safely until next month. At this rate I should be back to green in August. Or October since August means comiket means stuff. I also really need to stop buying up old stuff or at least not at marked up price. …I’m trying hard here ;_; Backlog counts for about 40% of my spending so far this year. The same as last year. Whereas it’s -25% and -39% for 2014 and 2013 respectively which means I backlogged for those years. And of course -100% before 2013 since I haven’t even moved here and barely bought anything \o/

I sure am doing some dangerous finance planning this year. At least I’m hoping for zero backlog onward. Or less than 10%. Next year is going to be fun …if I can keep my current job.

…and then of course I’ll run into room space problem.

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Digest Vol. 52 – All the covers

Finished Izumi’s route. It was pretty short ride once actually hitting her route. Feels like the route progression is common route → pair route → individual route.

At this rate I hope two weeks are enough to complete the entire game which then moving on to, um, Sakura no Uta, I guess? And followed by Moteyaba and Himanatsu at which point I’ll have cleared all games with three pillow covers. Finishing Kurafuta will give me plenty of time until around September but better be safe and continue playing by cover counts.

That said, my backlog is pretty long. While the percentage says 30% completion just like last year, it’s much longer in term of play hour because the actual number also scales up. I’m counting 26 finished games out of 86. That’s like 60 games in backlog. And it took me two and half years to get to that number of 26. Realistically speaking, I have to slim out my future purchases. For now I’m considering to drop Amatsutsumi. One isn’t much and doesn’t help I’m getting another old game again recently but got to start somewhere ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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Digest Vol. 50 – Whoops (part 3)

You’ve think I learned something from last week. But nooope. It’s gotten even worse. Ha ha ha ._.

The bright side is I fell down so deep it’s pretty hard to go further down. Assuming I can survive next month, that is. At least my list for month is currently only pre-order for Sen no Hatou, store bonuses of Floral Flowlove, and a few other things. Should be fine.

On eroge, I finished World Election right on Thursday, allowing me to start immediately on newly released game. I mentioned I’ll play Kurafuta but figured out it’s easier to clean up Alia’s Carnival first since it’s only a few mini routes. Finished Inori’s route and now going through Sakurako’s. Afterwards it’ll be Asuha and finally Tsukuyomi appends. And finally moving on to Kurafuta.

World Election was pretty okay. There isn’t much one can expect from a charage after all. The art did deliver though, especially Mamizu’s. R-Ken’s also better than expected. Parfil so cute. Overall, it took me about a bit over a month to complete which is slower than I hoped.

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Digest Vol. 49 – Whoops (part 2)

Accidentally bought another tapestry. Striped “swimsuit” + knee-socks + evening gloves is a dangerous combination ( ‘_’)b

That and a few other on my radar which will dry up my balance real quick. Holding back until next month and hopefully they will still be available.

One last route for World Election! Generally okay-ish overall? Sofia was quite awesome on all routes though. I’m aiming to finish the whole thing before Wednesday.

Thanks to new stuff I bought this week, Kurafuta jumped up the backlog queue. It’s up next now.

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Digest Vol. 48 – Whoops

I managed to save some money… and spend more than of what I saved for something else :D

One of them even arrived already. The rest should be coming as late as next month? I don’t know, Suruga-Ya is slow.

I think I’m almost done with Iori’s route and will be heading to Faura later this week and finally Parfil. The extra mini routes turned out to add good amount of time required. At least Kururu’s story was pretty interesting. With all the explosions and stuff.

Next on queue is Dal Segno, I think. That shall mark my first actual play of Circus game after only knowing about them all this years. Meanwhile still zero playthrough of Yuzu Soft games. If nothing changes, Amairo Islenauts will probably the first one.

Looking at my current list, apparently I only finished three full games so far this year. Lower than I expected though probably part of it can be attributed to me unable to play properly last two months. Maybe I should stop playing all those crappy games. Whatever :D

Half of May has passed which means Eroge Day is coming in two weeks. I’m still considering if I want Rorolog’s Trader bonus or not. Currently at 50/50. I can save a good amount of money I don’t but then again that’s the only one I’ll be missing. Damn it my “collect everything” trait. Or maybe I’ll just wait and aim for cheapest one I can find.

Then there’s Alia’s Carnival! Double Package. Official store bonus has been announced a while ago but the image is still missing. If the what seemingly a placeholder image in the site is actual image, I guess I can safely skip it. There’s no information on what material the hug pillow cover as well. Sad. Hopefully it’s not the crappy store bonus material. I’m hoping at least Getchu’s Two Way Tricot.

And lastly Sakura no Mori Dreamers. I got everything \o/

…or there’s another one; Tarareba. Except I’m not sure if I’ll be getting it since I made the order together with Senren Banka which will be released in… two months. Or maybe they’ll error out because of all the delays and send it this month instead? I’ll find out in two weeks.

For June there is Otome Domain. And then there are Clover Day’s Plus and Hakoniwa Logic on the repackage side. None of the latter have interesting bonus so I think I’ll hold out until last minute-ish on what to do with them.

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Digest Vol. 47 – Quiet week

This whole week was almost surprisingly quiet with just few doujin purchases here and there. Most of them haven’t arrived yet though because Melonbooks is pretty slow. Me using free shipping option (store pick up) doesn’t help either.

It’s also sadly slow week (for game) because I was distracted arranging my room back to its previous state. I myself surprised on how I could fit all my stuff before. Well, I somehow managed to fit everything again so all is well, I guess. Playing Overwatch didn’t help either. Interestingly I just bought a new GPU so it’s a kind of test drive for it as well.

As mentioned above, I’m progressing slowly on World Election. Currently about halfway of Kururu’s route and it should be done by as late as this Wednesday. Or today if I’m feeling fast.

Nothing particularly interesting for eroge news. Probably still cooling down from the event last week and, well, it’s golden week after all.

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Digest Vol. 46 – All the stuff

Events are over! Freedom! Yay. A bunch of tapestries. My counter is hitting 400 soon (including sold ones). Still hasn’t prepared anything for selling some of them.

Managed to get most of planned stuff at Comic1/Character1. There are quite a good amount of leftover for goods from Purple Software and Circus which means I failed my gamble and paying almost 2000 extra. Oh well.

On eroge, finished Sophia’s route. Surprisingly shorter than I expected. Not that I complain. Now at Kururu.

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Digest Vol. 45 – Break 5 (last)

Finally freed. And now incoming comic1/character1. Should be able to interleave with World Election in between. Just hit Sofia’s fourth-ish H-scene and finally entering the main story of her.

Technically speaking I didn’t spend too much for porn-related stuff but there are just so many other unrelated spending causing me to fail saving much this month.

Next month should be better™.

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Digest Vol. 44 – Break 4

Early as promised last week.

I think I played for like one hour total this week. Passed through Sofia’s second H-Scene which is almost halfway? I sure am hoping to clear at least one route before May.

character1 is coming and companies have started publishing their stuff. Note that I only write the ones I have remote interest in.

There’s also the usual problem of whether to getting the stuff online or just grab them at the event. I think Circus stuff should be safe. That will save me some money. Here’s the exact numbers:

  • Event: 12000 + 4500 = 16500
  • Store: (16500 * 1.08) * 0.99 = 17642
  • Savings: 1142

With the last 0.99 is accounting for credit card cashback. 1142 is still a lot, I’d say.

And then there’s Purple Software. That one is even worse as it involves postage as well. I don’t know if the event price will exclude tax or not but if it does:

  • Event: 3500 (or 3780)
  • Store: (3500 * 1.08 + 600) * 0.99 = 4337
  • Saving: 837 (or 557)

;_; (or 557). And I don’t have idea how the sales goes and quick look at the official tweet doesn’t indicate good thing.

And both combined for a total of 1979 (ノ゚ ヮ゚)ノ︵ ┻━┻

Of course I’m too lazy and went online for both ヽ(´ー`)ノ …and then regretting later finding out getting them both is easy. At least I’m prepared this time.

One more week until I can go back to usual flow …or not, thanks to comic1/character1 and a bunch of other events the following two weeks.

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Digest Vol. 43 – Break 3

Only gotten like 3 hours? total playtime this week ;_; Went past Sofia’s first H-scene.

Hovering on fine line for budget… Should be fine as long I can get past this 11 days.

…I hope.

And two more weeks until freedom™! Which then will be followed by a flurry of events. ._.

Next week’s post will probably be posted on Friday and the following one will be on Monday.

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