Weekly Finance vol. 61


Sold some dakimakuras, most are at loss with the least loss at 13% and the worst at 73%.

Also sold some tapestries with pretty bad loss.

Overall I’m at 53% loss which is… maybe okay? The 13% loss one pretty much covered everything else.

Future in

Maybe nothing. I’m taking break on new year weekend. Afterwards I hope I’ll be motivated enough to put up some more stuff.


Bought artbooks and other stuff. A bit too many other stuff actually I ended up at negative this month. I can fix it by reworking how I book “free stuff” thingies I “bought” for furusato nozei thingy. If everything works well I should get most of them back early next year (minus 2000 yen for the processing fee).

Future out

More Ikegami Akane goodness. Will definitely buy although I hope it’s also available in Core Magazine Goods Store for the free shipping. It’s still quite far away.

As for 9-nine, I’m still not sure. Currently leaning towards just buying the normal edition. Or maybe even the new chapter only if the download system doesn’t involve DRM. Except it probably will. We’ll see.

The closest next big upcoming eroge will probably be from Yuzusoft…

Now I think about it, the main brand I mostly care about are now just Saga Planets, Yuzusoft, and Whirlpool.

Oh, right, maybe Whirlpool will come before Yuzusoft?


14.1%. More going down this week. I think it started going down after my last post anyway so it’s not specifically this week.

I doubt it’ll be any different next week. I also need to remember to save for larger NISA investment next two months.

I probably should pay some attention to iDeCo percentage as well. The yield says 10.62% and the absolute profit percentage is 16.7%.

Weekly Finance vol. 60


Sold one last 6TB HDD I have. Overall I recouped 60% of the original purchase price. Not too bad for a mistake, I guess. Not sure why people paid so much money for that.

That’s it but 7k is still nice.

Future in

Adjusted some starting bids and… the result still doesn’t seem too good. I haven’t put up any more tapestries for auction either. At this rate might as well wait until next year or something.


This month’s Kakenuke pillow cover preorder is Kikka! And that was rather surprising. I expected for her turn to be at least second half. Preordered right away. Not that it counts against my extra spending as I’ve budgeted it.

I also bought all existing Amayakashi jouzu no Nagasato-san chapters. It’s manga from ASa Project illustrator. It all started from this tweet. The story itself is pretty simple but I like the art and the lewds (of course). Interesting side note, it’s also available in Amazon but the censor is way worse over there. I then attempted to get a refund and somehow it worked. That’s cool. Thanks Amazon (and no thanks for the censor).

I found out Kidou Muichi has their latest book sold in this Highring eBooks store. The best part is it’s plain PDF with no DRM attached.

Preorder for Ikegami Akane’s latest artbook in Tora no ana has been started so I placed one there straight away. I still hate their online store. The part where they seem to just cancel order when failed charging the credit card especially feels risky. I think in Melonbooks they allow you to reenter a different card if the registered one failed but I don’t know what will happen for Tora no ana.

Future out

So, uh, I don’t think I’m getting anything from Saga Planets this time after all.

And I’m not sure about Palette either. The Mashifoni CD is mildly interesting and so is the calendar. Noa tapestry is as well but as I mentioned last week I’m keeping down non-R18 tapestries. I even ended up selling Tina tapestry despite having looking for it for the longest time. Maybe I’ll decide once I see the lineup for their all ages bundle.

Which brings us to the 9-nine all ages edition. The game will also bundle a classic arrangement of the soundtracks. And the limited edition will additionally have more drama CD and mysterious letter from Sophi. At 33k yen, I don’t know if it’s worth it. Preorder starts next week so the store bonus should be out rather soon as well.

As for Air Comiket this month, I think I’ve got some doujinshi in my list but those aren’t urgent so whatever, lol.

Interestingly my eroge purchase plan for next year is rather empty. There’s the last Argonauts nukige on March but that’s it so far for me. Oh and there’s that delayed Senkou no clarias but I don’t know if I’m getting it yet.

Not that I’m complaining because fewer new purchases means more time to clear my backlog (and less spending).


16.8% this week. That may seem like going down from last week but I bought some bond indexes and of course it’ll lower the overall percentage. Although the value of the bonds did go down a bit which is annoying. Over time it should slowly go up just like the other bonds. It’s meant as safety net after all. I think.

Overall, I managed to invest quite a lot more this year compared to last year. I hope I can at least invest the same amount next year. Or more!

Weekly Finance vol. 59


Sold one tapestry which I thought I wouldn’t be able to sell. At quite a loss but just that it’s sold is a good thing. Also another unused hard disk.

Future in

One last hard disk and finally put up some old adapters. I doubt anyone will buy them but I put them up anyway in case anyone do buy it so it can have another life instead of being thrown to landfill or whatever they do with disposed electronics.


Ikegami Akane artbook cover and bonus and stuff info is out! That’s one nice Taruto as cover. I don’t know the girl in last image. Preorder is up for Melonbooks (tapestry image) but not yet for Tora no ana.

And, yeah, I did preorder that on retail store to save on shipping.

I’ll probably preorder at Tora no ana as well once it’s up. I actually contacted them asking when it’ll be available but their answer was no estimate at the moment.

Nothing much otherwise. Well, I did watch FGO ep 6 movie so there’s that.

Future out

Lineup for Palette and Saga Planets on Popfes is up.

Saga Planets I’ve talked about last time and there’s no change in plan. Or is there. I may lean a bit on skipping everything this time. Maybe. I really need to keep down non-R18 tapestries count down. R-18 ones as well but they’re easier to justify.

And depsite right after writing that, I do plan getting the Noa B1 tapestry. It just looked too nice to skip. And then there’s the calendar. I don’t know about Mashifoni piano CD. Maybe I’ll get it as well.

Unfortunately my guess last week was off about Noa dakimakura cover. That was kinda confusing. I just hope it’s only “not yet” and not “never”. Annoyingly the latter is a possibility due to Palette trying to go all ages.

Continuing on that, what if the new Mashifoni is all ages as well… ๐Ÿ™

Apart of those Popfes stuff, I don’t think there’s anything else interesting coming in yet.


Still going up! 17.4%. That’s a lot. Hopefully it stays going up.

And I’ll probably finally look into buying bonds before end of this month. There seems to be enough fund for it now.

Weekly Finance vol. 58


One thing was sold for about 50% loss. That was barely enough to cover my minimum savings target for last month.

Future in

I haven’t put up tapestries I said last week although I may finally do it this weekend.

And of course still no progress on doujinshi.


Nothing… yet.

Future out

Here’s where the fun begins. “Fun” I mean.

First off is of course Popfes. Or specifically Palette. Although it’s kind of pointless for now because they haven’t announced the full lineup.

That said, from what they’ve announced so far I’m mainly interested in the calendar. Usual stuff. If following usual pricing, it’d be 1000 yen. Or a bit more with tax and shipping if I decide to be lazy and order them online which I’ll probably do. Coronavirus and all that crap.

There’s nothing else announced yet but now I think about it, there’s like 90% chance they’ll be releasing new Noa dakimakura. That will be about 14k. Not sure about tapestries or other goodies. They announced Miyako muffler but it’s Miyako and probably overpriced. It’s kinda cool though. Or warm.

Meanwhile Sagaplanets is being competent as usual (well, after Purplesoftware) by announcing their lineup yesterday. Kikka (and Hibiki) tapestry seems mildly interesting. And now I finished the game the bunny costume series also seem rather tempting especially with new addition of Kikka. Those tapestries so far are relatively SFW though. Relatively. The last interesting thing from the list is Ria B1 tapestry. All combined will cost me at least 18k with shipping. As usual I don’t have much space left so I should be a bit careful on this. Especially for non-R18 tapestries.

Up next is 9-nine new chapter. The goods details are missing at the moment so I can’t quite predict how it’ll go. They said there will be some limited edition package with loads of goodies. Depending on what’s inside I may or may not go with it. Otherwise I may go with just the new chapter.

Now I think again, they did say the new chapter standalone will be available online. That means it’ll most likely be riddled with DRM. That will be rather annoying and may push me towards getting the watered-down full package.

It looks like I’ll need to wait a bit more before deciding.

Other upcoming title is Argonauts last title in their latest trilogy. That one will be for March and I won’t make mistake and buy from the cheapest store. Practically I can probably wait and buy from second hand market but it’s 3000 yen and supporting the maker may be a good idea – hoping for a new horror title from their parent brand Moonstone.

And then there’s the mysterious Ikegami Akane artbook. The latest news on it I can find is Melonbooks have a limited edition with tapestry of mostly naked Apolo. That is very exciting. I wonder if there will be more tapestries from other stores. That’s it so far though. The aforementioned limited edition isn’t even available yet in their online store.

Lastly there may be “Comiket” stuff. Or maybe not. I have no clue about this one and I don’t have actual budget either thanks to harddrive situation last month. Kind of. I can still rebalance it to additional months and extend the length of this pain (with reduced intensity).

Actually, I’ll do exactly that now and have some leeway this month instead of barely having 10k (which isn’t enough even just for getting Sagaplanets stuff alone). I’ll readjust again at the end of this month. I hope I can sell more tapestries but I’m not expecting much from it.

Back to Comiket stuff, there’s nothing on my list at the moment…

…and that’s it lol.


16.5% this week. That’s amazing. And that also means I’m a bit too late for buying more bonds. Or maybe too late but as usual in investments, best time to invest is now. Except when you’ve got no cash on hand, at which point the next best time to invest is whenever you’ve got investable fund…

Weekly Finance vol. 57


Surprisingly sold some games last weekend. Also more of the old HDD. All at loss of course =)

Future in

Put up more pillow covers. Yay. Current outlook doesn’t seem too good though lol.

Nothing else otherwise. Maybe I’ll put up some tapestries.


Bought nothing.

Future out

Popfes is coming up next month. There should be some calendars in there. I think. And maybe some other goodies. Meanwhile the impact from my HDD purchases still remains next month.

Actually next month is looking pretty grim because in addition to that, there’s also Subahibi purchase which I for some reason allocated next month instead of earlier. Maybe I’ll have to spread the damage thinner to March next year or something. I’ll figure out something. Hopefully.


15.2%! That’s a lot of percents. I hope it keeps going up. Still no bonds purchase.

Weekly Finance vol. 56


Sold one of my old hard drive. It’s hard drive (an old one at that) so it’s guaranteed at a loss but it’s actually more than I expected at around 7k.

Future in

I put up another drive and it’s currently about the same bid. I have another two but those will have to wait because I’m currently dealing with slow new drives.

I may or may not put up more stuff sometime next week.


Placed preorder for next month releases. Also preordered Shiori’s pillow cover. Those are budgeted separately so there’s no impact to my extra budget.

That said, budget for Subahibi is next month so I kinda cheated there.

Future out

Nothing at the moment. Kind of. There’s this next year March for eroge at least, I guess.

That said, next month is December which means Comiket. Kind of.


Stuff went down a bit compared to last week at 12.75%. Interestingly today everything went down except Topix which somehow went up a bit. Less interesting it still hasn’t recovered from the drop right after I bought them few years ago =|

Weekly Finance vol. 55


Sold one tapestry for about 20% loss. Not much but hey, one fewer stuff in my inventory. Also some people bid my old HDD already. And I’ll be doing that three more times.

Future in

I rearranged my room a bit and now the Suruga-Ya box where I’m supposed to put the stuff to be sold is easily accessible. Hopefully that will motivate me enough to finally sort the books.

Also as mentioned above I need to prepare more hard drives to be sold.


Nothing here. Maybe some Fanbox but otherwise no big purchase recently.

Future out

I thought this month’s Kakenuke pillow cover will be Riri but it’s Shiori. So that’ll be preordered soon. Maybe once I finish her route which I’m currently at.

I don’t think there’s anything else coming up. Apart of buying more HDDs, that is.

On eroge, I’ll most likely not buy anything this month and two next month (Koichoco and Subahibi). Nothing decided for January and later yet but nothing interesting so far. There’s barely anything announced anyway.

Not that I’m short on backlog lol.


Still going up! Yay. Probably because US election is kinda over. At 13%, it’s quite a jump since last week. Hopefully it’ll keep going up. Or at least not going down.

I still haven’t done my plan of buying bonds because I’m kind of low on cash thanks to the ongoing HDD shopping. Maybe around next month.

Weekly Finance vol. 54


I probably should’ve put more faith in my stuff because I sold two things last week. Quite a bit of loss but that’s pretty much business as usual.

Future in

Meanwhile I’m still not doing anything here. Not 2D related but I may put up some HDDs for sale sometime this/next/following weeks.


Last month surprisingly ended up in quite a lot of leftover. I ended up placing the budget for Kakenuke covers and some games in that month.

I do need all the leeway I can have this month because I hit myself with big spending in form of buying several HDDs. I’ve been annoyed by the SMR drives and my storage is getting full. I can’t quite budget a whole 10 new drives straight away so I’m doing it slowly-ish starting with 4 drives. Next month will be another 3 and lastly next year another 3. Or maybe I’ll just buy them as I finish each drive’s resilver and forward budget them accordingly.

Future out

Er, this has been kinda covered in previous section.

Additionally, on eroge side, I’ll probably skip Ren’ai Royale after all. Also most likely going to skip Clarias. I’ll probably go forward with Subahibi and Koichoco. Nothing else is on my list at the moment.


I’m not quite sure why stocks are going up (election happening?). Japan’s stocks are also going up. It’s all good for me. My current profit is at 8% which is almost back to two weeks ago.

Seeing the post I just remembered I haven’t bought the bonds I planned to buy. Actually I don’t know which bond to buy even. Some shopping will be needed.

Weekly Finance vol. 53


Hmm. Nothing, I think. I doubt there will be any this weekend either.

Future in

Still feeling lazy. Although looking at my room I really should do something about it.


As it turned out I forgot to budget for DraPri. Whoops.

Nothing much else unbudgeted apart of that.

Unrelated but I had to buy some winter gears so that’s a bit annoying for my budget.

Future out

I may or may not end up getting Ren’ai Royale. I’m not sure yet.

Apart of that, I also still haven’t decided on Clarias and Subahibi either. Maybe just the latter but it’s so expensive. On other note, I will probably end up getting Koichoco HD.

Next month is looking rather quiet. Both for eroges and general goods. I don’t think either Shiori or Kikka pillow cover are coming next month.


Oh boy that was one fun week. By fun I mean terrible. My current profit dropped quite a lot compared to last week at 3.68%. Some indexes seem to go up today but I can’t see my full numbers just yet as all of my investments are index funds and not ETF and they’re only updated at 22:00.

Weekly Finance vol. 52


Sold one game. At a lot of loss. Better than nothing, I guess.

Future in

No Kakenuke finish, no putting up more stuff for auction.

Or more like I just don’t want to allocate time for it at the moment.


Bought the latest konomi doujinshi. Also bought some new chapters of Overflow. And that’s about it it seems?

Unrelated but I also bought a second hand GPU that is GTX 1060. Then I wanted to test it so I played some Tomb Raiders. A bit too much.

That also reminded me I haven’t preordered the Kakenuke tapestry. Maybe I’ll do it a bit later.

Future out

The announcement is completely missing but there’s Ikegami Akane Artbook coming up in December. I’ll make a post once more info is available. There’s currently no announcement or anything apart of those store page listing (in Amazon, Getchu, and Melonbooks).

This month is almost over and it looks like I’ll be able to reach my savings target again this month. I sure hope can keep this up.

Oh, and the usual autumn goods sale hasn’t even been announced. That’s weird. Now I think about it again, they’ll probably combine it with preorder for their new title planned for next month. It’s got the usual DRM crap so I’m not touching it but the timing seems quite right and they haven’t announced their usual official store order yet. Next month would be a bit late so sometime next week is highly likely. It’ll probably be early and not even Friday.


In addition to constantly forgetting about this section, I realized that without actual number it’s rather hard figuring out whether things go up or down during the week.

Me forgetting about this last week isn’t helping either. At any rate, at current 8.38%, it went down a bit compared to two weeks ago.

I think I’ll buy some bonds later. I’ve got a bit too many index funds at the moment.

Weekly Finance vol. 51


Last week sold more pillow cover. Like, one of them. And at base price after fees and stuff. Well that’s nice I guess.

Too bad it’s nothing for this week.

Not eroge related but I got my my number point cashback thingy. Not much but still helps.

Future in

I put up one more cover. And that’s about it. I’ll probably start sorting more stuff up once I finish Kakenuke?


I bought a new phone case because my current one is kinda broken. It looks like the phone being curvy causes more burden to the case compared to iPhone 5.

Future out

I found out recently that Pop is selling digital version of their artbooks in Booth. So that’s more thing on my shopping list.

Still on Booth, not really new but TwinBox is also selling their Teacher Teacher series. One of these days I’ll get around buying them. Or maybe just by the of this month depending on if there’s anything else I’m buying.

I also just remembered there might be autumn goods sale from usual place. That may be bad. Or not, considering I’ve got some extras from selling those old covers.

Weekly Finance vol. 50


Someone bought my unused pillow cover for quite a lot above purchase price. That was nice.

I hope that’s not all I’m getting this month.

Future in

Still no update here. I’ll probably put up some tapestries for sale. This weekend maybe… or maybe I should sort out Suruga-Ya first.


Nothing here. At all. Or almost at all. I probably bought some questionable manga or H-audio voices. Maybe.

Future out

Suzune cover is very tempting. I’ll probably pass though.

I don’t have much space left in my room so I’ve been rather more careful in what I’m buying.

That clearly not working quite well though. But hey, I’m trying.


This week there are some improvements with my overall currently at 9%. I’m not actually sure what’s happened this week but it sure is welcome. I hope it doesn’t fall off this last weekday.

At three years point, my investment rate (as in how much I’m investing) seems to be quite a bit above my initial target which is good. The number can’t be cleanly divided per-year though so I think I’ll put in a little bit more yens before the end of this year. Shouldn’t be too difficult, I think…? (as I’m looking at negative investable number on accounting book as I’ve kinda forced myself buying funds when the price was pretty low few weeks ago)

Weekly Finance vol. 49


Last week’s report has already been posted so nothing here. Someone already bid on one of my cheap tapestries so that’s few hundreds yen almost guaranteed this weekend.

Future in

I put up some dakimakura covers for auction and I think I don’t have any more covers for now. I have some idea but those will require me finishing the game first. Or maybe I won’t and sell them straight away. I’ll figure out something.

Meanwhile there’s no progress on Suruga-Ya front.


New month! I preordered (or soon) the Kakenuke tapestry and soundtrack.

Nothing much else.

Future out

Nothing much here either. Future preorders are for December (if any) so it probably won’t happen until next month. Kakenuke covers should be coming up this month but it’ll most likely be for Hibiki first so it’ll take a while until Shiro and Kikka get their turn.


The sections are getting pretty dry so I’m reviving this! Also for my own personal record even though I shouldn’t be doing this. In the end I still check them every day just to see the ups and downs.

At current overall 5% increase, it’s still kinda sucks. And Topix fund sure is still a loss for me. At least Nikkei 225 is now better than ever.

International funds are doing pretty well. A good chunk of them are on 10-15% increase.

Bonds are doing pretty good as well. Domestic one is only at 1% but I’m seeing 10% for the international one.

Weekly Finance vol. 48


Sold three tapestries! Yay! Almost all of them are above base price so that’s nice for a change.

Future in

Meanwhile no progress on packing up old doujinshis as usual.

Nothing much else so I’m not expecting much. The extra copies of new eroges I bought this month aren’t going to help either I think.


Eroge release week. I forgot to pre-allocate budget for them so this month is ending up barely above the target… until this week’s auction is in and saved my budget. Oh and I ended up overallocating for Kakenuke CST as I’ll be only getting the CD and not tapestry.

Future out

The two releases for next month, Einstein yori ai o komete and Maitetsu last run are paid for already so there’s no worry on that.

Now I’m looking again, I haven’t allocated anything for Whirlpool’s Dragon Princess. Hmm. Actually I’m not even sure if I want it at all. Horns and stuff. I preordered it already though so yay.

There’s nothing for November but on December there will be Clarias which I’m still undecided. There’s also Subahibi anniversary package which is pretty expensive. And then while Aokana High Resolution edition is all ages, Koichoco one is proper eroge so maybe I’ll be getting that as well? Not quite sure yet.

On goods and other stuff, I don’t think anything interesting is coming up apart of Kakenuke pillow covers mentioned last week. I still need to place order for that Kikka tapestry though. Maybe.

Weekly Finance vol. 47


Nothing here because this week’s auction hasn’t ended yet. Not that it seemed like there’s anything either.

Future in

On the brighter side, I finally gotten around putting up the rest of stuff which got kinda abandoned after I stopped paying for Yahoo! Premium. I initially planned to just ship them off to Suruga-Ya but considering how well it’s going, I’ll just put them up for auction until I finally pack other stuff.

On topic of other stuff, I’ve rearranged my room a bit and managed to clear my hallway so it’s actually walkable and not filled with random stuff making it barely passable to anyone (or just myself, but still).

I’ve sorted the doujinshi a bit, picking off which ones to be sold and which ones to be kept but it sure isn’t going smoothly. Or at all after the one I did earlier this week. I still need to do it for the rest of my current collection.

Talking about collection, I just remembered I still have some Alice gram CDs which I should’ve sold a long time ago but I haven’t. And then there are some calendars as well. Dating back to even last year whoops.

At any rate, still loads of stuff to be done and I’m still trying to finish my eroge (lol unrelated).


Pre-ordered the Apolo dakimakura. And then there’s other stuff like new DLaction original doujin and Kakenuke Kikka tapestry.

Future out

Oh, I haven’t bought that tapestry yet so it actually belongs here but yeah. And that means I’ll need to kick out some pre-allocated budget for future stuff from this month.

Or maybe not if the auction for this week goes well (which it doesn’t seem to be).

Another future spending is Kakenuke complete sound tracks which I forgot to pre-allocate because it’s obviously coming. I don’t think I’ll be getting the tapestry version though.

Next week is already eroge release week. I think I’m getting quite a few titles this month but at least I’ve set aside budget for those earlier this month. Some are already paid off, even.

Weekly Finance vol. 46


Sold quite a few things this and last week. Including the old server I had. It was quite a bit of loss but I’ve had enough usage of it. It’s actually the second PC I bought since I moved to Japan.

Future in

I’ve started sorting stuff around and figuring out which doujinshi to sell. It’ll still take a while until I finish but at least I started?

As for tapestries and dakimakuras, I ended up writing a tool to rank everything so I can then just take few lowest ranked items and sell them. Maybe. For tapestries it’ll take a while though because total choices to be done is 15400. And that number will probably be increased as time goes.


Didn’t buy anything this week.

Future out

As announced today, preorder for new A.M.R dakimakura will be up tomorrow. Nothing else otherwise for next week.

Now I look at my preallocated budget again, I noticed I haven’t allocated anything for Sakukumo. Whoops. Well at least I should still have some extras left for this month.

Most of my current “spending” for this month is for upcoming Kakenuke dakimakura covers so at worst I can just move those around to later months.

Weekly Finance vol. 45


Sold some Kakenuke stuff. That was nice. Looking at the numbers it sure does look like I should’ve just bought them off auction or someting. Although it probably helps the company a bit buying from store (then selling the games) as opposed to buying from auction? I don’t know.

Also sold one other item. Overall it was a rather good week especially compared to the last few weeks.

Future in

That said, I’m still a bit too lazy to put up more stuff so it’ll be done later. Or maybe sooner as I’m reaching my “cleanup threshold” pretty soon with all these random craps filling up my room.


I bought nothing. Yay. There’s just nothing interesting. And I’m not looking for any specific old item anyway.

Except maybe a copy of Fsn+Fha pack but it’s still pretty expensive.

Future out

New month! Yay clean budget. Or not as I pre-filled this month with stuff I will potentially buy in the future.

Those budget still hasn’t included Clarias. I still don’t know if I should. Backlog-wise it’s easy though – I just shouldn’t. My backlog is so long it’ll probably take years before I can clear them.

Not that I worry too much about them anymore though! I stopped considering them as obligation and more of available choices in case I finished my current one. I don’t know how far I’ll go but I’ll just do it slowly and play whatever I want. Although maybe number of tapestries/dakimakuras will still be taken into consideration.

This month otherwise will see quite a few eroge releases with major one being Kagitori finally being released. They sure took their time. Otherwise I’m also getting Sakulet and Tsuki no shoujo. It’s been a while last I bought three different titles in a month.

Weekly Finance vol. 44


There’s nothing last week but I sold two items this week. Yay.

Future in

I managed to put up some more tapestries so that’s nice. I still haven’t done anything about Suruga-Ya stuff though. I think I’ve been talking about this for months now. Oh well. I’ll come around finally doing it… eventually.


Eroge week and I bought some Kakenukes. Those are either pre-ordered a long time ago or pre-budgeted so there’s no impact in budget.

I did buy a new tapestry and some other stuff so in the end I’m closing this month with barely a bit over the saving target.

Future out

So I thought I’ve pre-budgeted upcoming eroge purchases but turned out I haven’t I’m still missing one budget for next month and another one for December. Although those shouldn’t be too bad at just one each. I’m not even sure if I’m going to get the December one (Clarias).

I also just remembered there are the guaranteed upcoming Kakenuke dakimakura and sound tracks. I’ll try allocating some budget for them next month.

Weekly Finance vol. 43

Picture not related


I think I sold like one or two items.

Future in

At least I did put up my unused PC although no one bid on it last week so that’s annoying. I really should put up more stuff…


Pre-ordered Sakuret soundtrack and also Whirlpool 5th album. Pre-ordered FGO related tapestries as well. Specifically Mash tapestry and Double Okita tapestry.

And of course bought a bunch of stuff last weekend at Popfes and surrounding area.

Also bought ke-ta digital artbooks. Thank god they’re selling it at DLsite and Booth without any stupid DRM. I sure wish fewer people sell stuff at Melonbooks or Tora no ana or other places which usually have DRM.

Future out

Surprisingly there aren’t many things remaining on my spending plan. Maybe I’ll finally buy some backlogged digital books. Or manga. Or something.

Weekly Finance vol. 42



Future in

I think I should put up a PC but I haven’t yet. Maybe this weekend or something.


Bought Mash tapestry and also Double Okita. The Double Okita one uses “matte suede” (?) which I don’t remember seeing before. It would be nice if it’s usual double suede just with fancier name.

Future out

A bit later today is Popfes so it’ll be about 10k for the 9-nine soundtracks.

Afterwards I’ll be going to Eshi 100 and maybe buy the book as usual. And the 10 years celebration book? I don’t think I’ll be getting any goods here.

Further in the future, next month there will be a new Apollo dakimakura cover.

As for overall budget etc, it looks like I have about 30k budget available for random stuff. Nothing else is coming up so far so maybe it’ll end just like that (ha ha).

Weekly Finance vol. 41



Future in

I’ll probably finally put up my old PC for sale sometime this week. As for Suruga-ya, um, maybe next month. Kind of rushing for Kinkoi at the moment.


Bought some doujins and CDs and some random stuff. Nothing much.

Future out

Next week is Pop Fes and I’m getting that 9-nine OST. It’s pretty expensive.

There’s also Whirlpool song collection. I don’t usually get them as they usually provide songs together with the game but I noticed I’m missing some Nekonin songs so maybe I’ll get this one? The shipping is a bit costly at 1100yen.

Oh, right, I almost forgot but there will be a new Apollo dakimakura coming up next month. Not sure what the occasion will be (probably Oreyome) but more Apollo is welcome.

Weekly Finance vol. 40

Next month?


Sold two things. Yay. Still at loss.

Future in



Got some extra budget this month so I bought some doujin voice drama and other stuff in my list. I can even squeeze in some planned spending budget for next month to this month.

Future out

I ended up pre-ordering Tsuki no shoujo. Yay. Also Sakuretto. Both Sofmap although the former doesn’t include any bonus.

The usual shop has announced their lineup and it looks like I’ll be spending quite a bit less than I set aside although they then started pre-order for a rather unrelated thing which will eat up the extra budget. Oh well.

There’s nothing much else apart of that. Maybe Sora no shoujo as I pre-ordered the second part, Oshilove OST, Drapri, and Clarias? Some of them will probably be next month.

Weekly Finance vol. 39


This week’s report is in previous post so there’s nothing new here.

Future in

I managed to put up some stuff for auction. Mainly when swapping them out from wall. I’ll find out if they worth anything.


Didn’t spend much at all this week.

Future out

The certain 2020 Summer store coming up soon it’ll probably the last spending for this month. I’ll be placing some pre-orders as well but those don’t really “cost” money. I’ll probably get Sakura no kumo after all.

As for Clarias, I still don’t know.

August is coming soon and while there won’t be Comiket, there are still Eshi 100 and Pop Fes (which I did get the ticket). I’ll probably get the Eshi 100 book as usual and as for Pop Fes there isn’t much interesting shown up so far. Hopefully Palette will release some OST or drama CD. That assumes the events aren’t being cancelled thanks to increasing infected people in Tokyo though.

I probably shouldn’t have bothered with those events to begin with.

Weekly Finance vol. 38


Sold four items last week and another one this week. I think it’s around 50% loss. At this point it’s better than nothing.

Future in

Still nothing. I should get around putting up my unused server sometime soon. And then maybe some tapestries. Or Suruga-ya stuff. Not quite sure yet. Maybe I’ll finally get around next month or something. I kind of want to focus on reading eroge a bit more. The backlog is killing me.


I completely forgot about pre-ordering Oregairu kan BDs so that I did this week. That blew my budget this month so I allowed myself to mark it as installment payment for booking purpose. This means the available budget for next few months will be reduced by few thousands. I don’t usually do this. In fact, most of the times I do this is usually for buying BDs like this time. Considering I’ve been buying previous seasons’ discs, I should’ve prepared this when it’s announced.

Thankfully it’s the only big purchase so far.

Future out

And there’s nothing else I foresee coming this month. There will probably be Cuffs stuff but I’ve set aside budget for those. I hope it’s enough.

As for next month, there will be Popfes and Eshi100. Popfes isn’t new but the lack of Comiket and having Eshi100 in August are.

Eh, it’ll be fine.

Weekly Finance vol. 37



Future in

Too busy doing something else last weekend :D

I’ll probably put up some more tapestries and dakimakuras first before finally Suruga-ya. I’ve started sorting stuff… slowly.


Bought some doujinshis and audio dramas. I thought it wasn’t that many but it amounted to a bit over 8k.

Nothing much else and still relatively on track with initial plan.

Future out

Popfes has been announced but it’s still pretty far away. Nothing else so far.

I haven’t placed pre-order for Sofmap as there’s only two planned at the moment but I need one more for extra Sofmap points. The two titles I’m already planning to get are still two-three months away anyway.

Oh and I don’t think I’ll get more Kakenuke in the end. Maybe.

At current rate this month should be fine with keeping up my savings target.

Weekly Finance vol. 36


Sold quite a few stuff with about 30% loss. Not too good but the total value is pretty high which I haven’t seen in a while.

Future in

Maybe one day I’ll finally get around packing all those unused doujins.


As I figured my spending for this month should be pretty low, I went ahead and bought a shredder.

Also upgraded my PC case order because the previous one is taking a bit too long. So I was looking to reuse my unused server board and CPU after upgrading my home server to Ryzen. The idea is to buy some cheap PSU and case, slap the old hardware in it, and retire (sell) my current work dev server. It’s only a minor upgrade (from Sandy Bridge to Ivy Bridge) but it’ll allow better upgrade path with standard PC parts instead of current proprietary parts.

Future out

I’m starting to consider getting some Kakenuke bonuses, specifically Nagiko… I think I’ve mentioned it before but I’ve always kinda liked her design. I probably still won’t go buying from official store. Maybe just Melonbooks and Tora. Maybe. I’ll decide sometime later this month.

On deciding later, there’s still no news on Senkou no clarias so that kinda sucks. I still haven’t pre-ordered Sakura no kumo either.

Other coming up spending would be some (H) voice drama and (H) manga. There are some good stuff in my wishlist and I should probably use this low spending month to clear them. Inb4 it become usual high spending month.

Now I think about it, I should just budget those retail pre-order this month so I won’t eat up the budget in actual release month.

Weekly Finance vol. 35


Um, I think I sold one item for less than 2k. And then nothing else.

Future in

Maybe I should do the Suruga-ya thing I’ve been talking about forever =)


Didn’t spend too much this week apart of the essentials.

Future out

This month is almost ending. I don’t think there are much else either.

On eroge, I think I’m done with Kakenuke pre-orders apart of Sofmap. There’s no voice drama this time so no extra orders. Apart of that, there aren’t many else apart of Torikago full payment on release day in August, pre-order for Sakura no kumo at Sofmap (maybe?), and pre-order for Senkou no clarias (maybe?).

There’s new Asa-pro title but I don’t think I’ll pre-order it. Maybe if I ever clear up my backlog.

I almost forgot but I’ll probably get Whirlpool’s Drapri. But that’s low-priced game so it doesn’t really impact budgeting much.

Retail store pre-orders don’t really count as direct spending so unless I pre-order Clarias from online store, it looks like I don’t need any budget for eroge until August.

As for other goods, Yuzu-Soft have started pre-order for dakimakura of Natsume. She’s my favorite heroine for Cafe Stella but I’m not sure about the facial expression on the back side. I’ll probably skip it.

Apart of that, there’s nothing else on my list. If my records from previous years to be trusted, there won’t be much coming either next month. Maybe some Cuffs summer goods but that’ll be it.

On electronic widgets, I don’t think I need particularly anything for my PC at the moment. But I’ll probably buy a shredder next month if there’s nothing else to waste money on. It’s rather big but it sure would be nice to be able to dispose papers with personal information without too much effort.

Weekly Finance vol. 34

Directly finance-related photo for once


Some of the stuff I put up last week were sold. Although as one of them is an old eroge (which I’ve bought non-DRM’d digital version of), it’s barely 0% loss despite two of them being sold for quite a lot more than the purchase price.

Also I’ve got the government stipend thing. That was nice.

Future in

Uh, still haven’t done Suruga-ya stuff. I don’t quite remember what I did last weekend, hmmmm ?_?

Nothing in particular is planned for this weekend either so I hope I can finally pack up for Suruga-ya.


Celebrating the stipend and YJA, I placed pre-order on various stuff. And bought some useless stuff as well.

On pre-order side, I placed orders on Kakenuke (Trader, Suruga-ya, Amiami), Cafe stella OST and drama CD, Maitetsu last run!! game (Suruga-ya) and vocal album, and Einstein (Melonbooks).

The useless stuff includes a wireless earphones (lol finally) and usb charger (and bye stupid hub).

Future out

The remaining pre-orders are Kakenuke’s stores with unknown bonus and/or retail stores (Sofmap, Getchu, Melonbooks, etc), Giga’s Clarias which I don’t think the pre-order even started yet (maybe next week?), and Cabbage’s Sakura no kumo (maybe Sofmap?). Last two are still undecided though. Maybe I should play safe and buy them once I cleared my current backlogs (ha).

Apart of the aforementioned pre-orders, I don’t think there will be any big spending coming soon. Or next month. Well, I could use yet another SSD but that’s not really a thing yet.

That said, with all the savings target failure few months ago, while strictly looking at current month I still have quite a bit of extras, I actually barely have anything left if I’m to fill up the holes.

Main pre-orders are done anyway so I guess I’m safe for this month (famous last words).

Weekly Finance vol. 33

Apparently this is the second most thin lens the store has


In? What in?

Thing sure are going rather slowly nowadays ;_;

Future in

So I put up some more stuff for auction last weekend. Not sure how they’ll do but I sure hope well.

Still haven’t started on Suruga-Ya. Maybe this weekend. I barely have extra time last weekend thanks to misc errands I had to do as I can normally go out again.

I keep forgetting about this but there should be 100k stipend coming sometime this month. Yay tax money.


As mentioned last week, some money were spent on Taruto’s dakimakura.

Also mentioned are new case and PSU. That finally happened. Oh and new network card as well. I probably should write post on that.

With those and new eyeglasses, I barely have anything left for this month. Or so it’ll be if there’s no stipend I mentioned above.

Future out

With extra budget potentially coming in this month, I can probably go forward with pre-ordering Kakenuke and others sometime this month.

I still haven’t pre-ordered the Cafe Stella drama CD and soundtrack either.

I don’t really want to rely on that free money but I guess I’ll have to for this time.

At least I don’t think there will be any other big spending coming anytime soon…


Weekly Finance vol. 32


It’s midweek and nobody bought any of my eroges so nothing here.

Future in

Uh, I’ll probably start packing up stuff this weekend.

The same with auction stuff, I’ll probably start selling still-interesting-enough-but-less-used tapestries and pillow covers. I have some vague idea so I hope it’ll work out well. It’ll be rather sad seeing them go but better than just rotting in my room.

Most of my pillow covers are already illustrated Ikegami Akane and if I go ahead with the tapestry, it’ll probably end up similar fate. Well, that’s fine by me.


End of last month I bought Yomeyama DMM bonus shikishi. That was rather expensive but I’ve been eyeing it for a long while.

I still end up barely above my savings target so it’s all right. I hope I didn’t miss anything otherwise it may be a bit below but it should be fine.

Future out

I’m pretty close on finally buying new case and PSU as I mentioned last time. Too bad the PSU I plan to buy is currently sold out.

And then there’s also figuring out a better network card because current one is rather problematic on certain combination (namely it doesn’t work well on Windows Server 2012 R2 which is rather superior OS compared to Windows 10).

Overall, I’m looking at spending around 20k for components this month.

Then another 10k for new pair of glasses, and 10k for general supplies.

If Ikegami Akane is really releasing a new pillow cover this month, that’d be 20k. Or maybe 30k it comes with something else.

So far, I’m looking at 70k.

Entering eroge, Cafe stella goods will come at 6k. Maitetsu Last Run and related stuff probably about 20k.

Hmmmm, those all are already hitting 96k. That’s bad.

I need to redo this. Come back again next week (?).