Weekly Finance vol. 45


Sold some Kakenuke stuff. That was nice. Looking at the numbers it sure does look like I should’ve just bought them off auction or someting. Although it probably helps the company a bit buying from store (then selling the games) as opposed to buying from auction? I don’t know.

Also sold one other item. Overall it was a rather good week especially compared to the last few weeks.

Future in

That said, I’m still a bit too lazy to put up more stuff so it’ll be done later. Or maybe sooner as I’m reaching my “cleanup threshold” pretty soon with all these random craps filling up my room.


I bought nothing. Yay. There’s just nothing interesting. And I’m not looking for any specific old item anyway.

Except maybe a copy of Fsn+Fha pack but it’s still pretty expensive.

Future out

New month! Yay clean budget. Or not as I pre-filled this month with stuff I will potentially buy in the future.

Those budget still hasn’t included Clarias. I still don’t know if I should. Backlog-wise it’s easy though – I just shouldn’t. My backlog is so long it’ll probably take years before I can clear them.

Not that I worry too much about them anymore though! I stopped considering them as obligation and more of available choices in case I finished my current one. I don’t know how far I’ll go but I’ll just do it slowly and play whatever I want. Although maybe number of tapestries/dakimakuras will still be taken into consideration.

This month otherwise will see quite a few eroge releases with major one being Kagitori finally being released. They sure took their time. Otherwise I’m also getting Sakulet and Tsuki no shoujo. It’s been a while last I bought three different titles in a month.

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