Someone bought my unused pillow cover for quite a lot above purchase price. That was nice.
I hope that’s not all I’m getting this month.
Future in
Still no update here. I’ll probably put up some tapestries for sale. This weekend maybe… or maybe I should sort out Suruga-Ya first.
Nothing here. At all. Or almost at all. I probably bought some questionable manga or H-audio voices. Maybe.
Future out
Suzune cover is very tempting. I’ll probably pass though.
I don’t have much space left in my room so I’ve been rather more careful in what I’m buying.
That clearly not working quite well though. But hey, I’m trying.
This week there are some improvements with my overall currently at 9%. I’m not actually sure what’s happened this week but it sure is welcome. I hope it doesn’t fall off this last weekday.
At three years point, my investment rate (as in how much I’m investing) seems to be quite a bit above my initial target which is good. The number can’t be cleanly divided per-year though so I think I’ll put in a little bit more yens before the end of this year. Shouldn’t be too difficult, I think…? (as I’m looking at negative investable number on accounting book as I’ve kinda forced myself buying funds when the price was pretty low few weeks ago)