Getchu Points Exchange No. 5 Tapestry

Finally obtained enough points to get one of their tapestry.

2015-03-25 22.40.09Illustrated by Kobuichi. The image itself isn’t available in usual source yet. Dem knee-socks and panchira :3

The coloring style is quite rare from Kobuichi. It feels less digital compared to his usual works. Overall quality is great with the image being sufficiently sharp and additionally helped with better material it is printed on. Definitely worth spending all my points on.

Thankfully they don’t charge for shipping.

eden* – minori Museum / A Tapestry

When visiting Akiba last Sunday to see Moeoh Gallery and looking for a certain tapestry (which I couldn’t find in the end), I stumbled upon this.

2015-03-22 23.46.58I’ve been looking for this for quite a long time albeit at a lower priority. There isn’t even any hint of presence of this being sold online (auction or whatever). Obtained from K-Books. The cost was okay at less than 2000 JPY.

Unfortunately the image itself is not as sharp as I hoped. But overall, it’s good since it’s Chikotam (and Sion) \o/

The material is usual minori suede. They really should start producing tapestries with double suede material instead…

Denkigai Matsuri Winter 2014 Tapestries

I haven’t done this for a very long time now. Partly because I suddenly decided that getting a bunch of tapestries is a good idea. It’s not. Not really, at least. The other reason is because I’m just lazy. I’d say too busy working and playing but to be honest I was just lazy. Writing is hard.

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4 days of wasting money – day 1: entaplus

This entaplus. There’s a dedicated queue for Palette and their queue line is unbearably long. Took me about two hours to finally reach the cashier.

Got Konami dakimakura cover and 2015 desk calendar.

2014-12-28 19.20.05And some paper bag and promo TCG card (no photo because lazy).

And then from Russel booth:

2014-12-27 20.47.57The content is line draft (?) from the game and other promotional images.

Kanojo no Seiiki

My game purchase of the month.

2014-12-19 17.13.34Cheapest ever at about 2000 JPY. Took me almost an hour to figure out where to get the extra paper on the left; which turned out to be distributed at cashier instead of the usual in front of store.

On hold until I finish Aokana though. Last two routes left.

Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm – Character Song CDs

Missing two CDs which are currently overpriced.2014-12-08 20.29.11The missing CDs, Asuka and Rika are currently priced over 4k which is stupid. It didn’t even hit 3k (and as low as 1k) before release day and then suddenly jumped to that price afterwards. The rips should be available soon™ in nearest channel.

Thankfully I’m not planning to collect them all. I didn’t even plan to get these two but gotten them anyway because my favorite heroines and available at sane price.

Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm – More tapestry

Last one from game release specials.

aokana-melonbooks-tapestryMashiro in a box. Unfortunately I’ll be going to her route last which will take a while since I only just finished first route (Asuka) and it took a bit over one week which included two full weekends :(

Total cost is a bit less than 30k JPY (full game included) which is a bit more than if I got them all before release day.

Koiiro Marriage / Luriastis – 2014 Winter Dakimakura Cover

For some reason my next post about dakimakura cover is the exact same character as previous one.

koiiro-dakimakura-2014h2-luriastisIt’s more explicit than I thought. Especially the left one.

The photo is even blurrier than usual for some reason but the print is really nice. Though that’s maybe just because I’ve used seeing lower quality cover from shop bonus. Also, I need to actually play the game.

Hakoniwa Logic – AMPnet Tapestry

Celebrating finally moving my server to something that doesn’t hang every other hour. The spec is probably worse than previous host but at least it’s stable.

2014-11-08 15.30.51Hakoniwa Logic tapestry, AMPnet/Goodwill special. I actually bought the whole thing new from the store because I couldn’t find it in auctions. Which means I have two copies of the game now. I’ll play the whole thing before deciding if it’s collection worthy or not (and proceeds to sell it).

I had to iron it because it’s badly creased (it’s the compact/folded type with separable pipes). It’s the first time I ironed a tapestry, I believe.

Unfortunately (?) it’s bigger than I expected but otherwise quite good.