The backlog built this last few weeks just keeps getting worse <_<
Gallery mode because too many stuff. Semi arbitrary order.
- More games to fill up my already unbearable backlogs.
- And even more. At least they’re cheap (less than 1000 JPY each).
- That Your Diary CD was bought just because.
- “freebies” from first Eroge Day 2015.
- Completing collections while at it. Not that it’s possible. Yumekoi’s drama CD is ecchi as usual but only one of the two Delivara CDs is.
- What’s worse than getting one more game for backlog? Getting 5 of them at once.
- Bonus clearfiles from Getchu.
- A lot of Parasol tapestries are on K-Books.
- B1 sized. Wat.
- Nice writings on pillow and bed sheet :D
- The only Delivara tapestry I can find.
- One of the better Nanao Naru’s tapestries (as in less rough lines). Unfortunately paid more than I should – it later appeared on K-Books for 1000 JPY less.
- The art is nice. Unfortunately not so nice when looked at close distance.
- The only character I liked from Berry’s (purely based on appearance). Mainly because the artist. The drawing is quite rough.
- Not sure if I’ll ever get to play it (no, I’ll make it happen).
- The main reason I got the game.
- I didn’t expect to buy this off YJA. But at least it’s less than 2000 JPY.
- Unfortunately pretty bad quality despite nice image ;_;
- Another old tapestry from K-Books. Surprisingly good.
- Seen at when searching for other thing, ordered few minutes later.
- Got them shipped at once after completion instead of monthly because Getchu.
- I didn’t expect the background to be really just white :( Come with the blu-rays.
- B1 sized. Didn’t quite expect it. Another damage from K-Books.
- One of the better tapestries from K-Books (based on material’s quality).
- Mmm. Also, cheap from YJA.
- Nanoka \o/ This gallery is composed while listening to the game’s OST btw.
- Didn’t know about the artist’s existence before and paying hefty damage.
- Should’ve bought this when it’s out first time. At least “only” 50% more expensive than original price.
- The only Miyasu Risa tapestry I have. Quite expensive as well despite from Suruga-Ya ;_;
- Surprisingly all sfw.
- Izayoi no Fortuna! Alia’s Carnival! More backlog. I’m so smrt.
- Another one which I should’ve bought when it’s out.
- Pre-order bonus.
- Pre-order event extra from Sofmap and Gamers. Sofmap being nice giving me two same “secret” images <_< So much for a secret.
- Surprisingly SFW.
- The other one from same event is better but I couldn’t find it ;_;