Digest Vol. 44 – Break 4

Early as promised last week.

I think I played for like one hour total this week. Passed through Sofia’s second H-Scene which is almost halfway? I sure am hoping to clear at least one route before May.

character1 is coming and companies have started publishing their stuff. Note that I only write the ones I have remote interest in.

There’s also the usual problem of whether to getting the stuff online or just grab them at the event. I think Circus stuff should be safe. That will save me some money. Here’s the exact numbers:

  • Event: 12000 + 4500 = 16500
  • Store: (16500 * 1.08) * 0.99 = 17642
  • Savings: 1142

With the last 0.99 is accounting for credit card cashback. 1142 is still a lot, I’d say.

And then there’s Purple Software. That one is even worse as it involves postage as well. I don’t know if the event price will exclude tax or not but if it does:

  • Event: 3500 (or 3780)
  • Store: (3500 * 1.08 + 600) * 0.99 = 4337
  • Saving: 837 (or 557)

;_; (or 557). And I don’t have idea how the sales goes and quick look at the official tweet doesn’t indicate good thing.

And both combined for a total of 1979 (ノ゚ ヮ゚)ノ︵ ┻━┻

Of course I’m too lazy and went online for both ヽ(´ー`)ノ …and then regretting later finding out getting them both is easy. At least I’m prepared this time.

One more week until I can go back to usual flow …or not, thanks to comic1/character1 and a bunch of other events the following two weeks.


New Stuff

tapestry: Getchu Points - No. 11 Gayarou

Has been a long time since my last Gayarou tapestry. Just remembered I got one from last Comiket.

This one is from Getchu points exchange stuff. Material is double suede but the pole is relatively small just like their other tapestries. Slightly blurry as well but it’s Gayarou so it might really just like that originally.

tapestry: Natsuzora no Perseus - Dengeki Hime 2012-10

An old tapestry from Natsuzora no Perseus. Even more of Ren. I think I’m only missing two or three more tapestries of her. Not that I’m going to collect everything. From Dengeki Hime, double suede material as usual.

Bought off YJA for almost 8000 JPY ;_; Was hoping for the price to go down but it never happened…

tapestry: Primal x Hearts - Getchu

My second tapestry of Primal x Hearts. This one is from Getchu. I’ll probably get even more stuff from this series later :D

Gotten from Suruga-Ya for around 2000 JPY.

tapestry: Karomix - C87

And lastly from Karory/Karomix. This one is released as doujin during C87 but the source is feng’s game which she’s illustrating for – Yume to Iro de Dekite Iru. There is still no sign of the game will ever be released though. I think I have gotten almost all tapestries from this series, just missing one or two (or three if counting variations). Obtained for not-so-cheap at YJA.

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