Whee. Also known as Onikin. Not to be confused with Onakin.
Koi ga Saku Koro Sakura Doki – Stuff
Before starting the game, here be photos of stuff related to this game :D
Continue readingHare Nochi Kitto Nanohana Biyori – Review
23 days total to finish this game. Without spoiler, it’s sufficient to say the two main routes are awesome.
That said, spoilers ahead.
Hare Nochi Kitto Nanohana Biyori – 3/4 routes done
Hare Nochi Kitto Nanohana Biyori – extras (3)
I just remembered there’s one more stuff which is Haruno-related.
Postcards. As the filename says, it’s been a long time when I got it. One of the pre-order special event thingy. I actually spent ~330 JPY (train fares) just to get this >_>
Finally, there’ll be (at least) one more Haruno-related stuff coming January next year!
On unrelated note, I need to remember changing all images’ url to https form because it’s still bugged in WordPress.
Hare Nochi Kitto Nanohana Biyori – 2/4 routes done!
Finished second route within 5 days (3 work days, 2 holidays)! That’s kind of fast.
Quick thoughts, I guess?
Hare Nochi Kitto Nanohana Biyori – 1/4 routes done
I think I should be playing the game instead of writing this. As of which currently at
Koi ga Saku Koro Sakura Doki – Tsukishima Yuuri Dakimakura Cover
One of the loot from last Comiket (C86), direct from the event. Character from Koi ga Saku Koro Sakura Doki – Tsukishima Yuuri.
Hare Nochi Kitto Nanohana Biyori – extras (2)
Hare Nochi Kitto Nanohana Biyori – extras (1)
Together with the game’s release, its soundtrack is also released at same day. Since I didn’t find it in Amazon when tried to order it, I ordered it from Tora no Ana which took time to actually arrive (and for me to pick it up since direct delivery costs something). Relevant files have been handed to someone for proper release (with tagging, etc).
The main theme song sure is good. I’ll copy up the lyrics here sometime later if I feel like to.
On barely related note, I’m still crawling forward the game. I don’t think I’ve even passed the common route yet.
Just arrived: Hare Nochi Kitto Nanohana Biyori
After delayed for a month from its original release date of July, it’s finally released. And I decided to put the one I’m currently playing (Your Diary +H) and immediately play this one out. I’m doing this because otherwise my backlog would get worse and will only be able to play this in two months or something. Not fun. And hopefully I can speed up my reading speed and clear my backlog.
Hello world!
Yet another blog™. Previous/main blog has been known by too many people. Hopefully I’ll post more here.
This one will contain whatever I feel like to. With less restriction.