Type-Moon Racing for 15th tapestry Artoria Pendragon Suit ver., sold at FGO Fes 2019.
The title is so long I don’t even.
I saw this last year and kinda liked it but it was pretty expensive at the time (second hand). I then forgot about it until a few days ago I saw it on Suruga-Ya. It was still pretty expensive but there’s one slightly cheaper one on Amazon.
Ordered after thinking about it for a bit more and it arrived earlier today.
The condition is mostly fine. There’s only one small dirt on her thigh. Not sure if can be cleaned up. Not really visible though.
This is also the first time I see large version of this image. Too bad the line between her inner wear (swimsuit?) and her body line is straight instead of pressed down like how it should be. Though looking at other illustrations it’s pretty common. It’s just I don’t usually see it at this size, lol.
This is also my first tapestry of the original Saber. Or at least she is according to the official page. She looks more like Saber Lily to me ┐(・_・)┌