So I only managed to finish Natsu no Iro no Nostalgia by this Saturday. The story was pretty good. Music is nice as well from solfa and the art didn’t disappoint.
And then I’m back to Quintuple Splash, the last two routes – Tomoe and Ami. Currently at Tomoe and I think I’m almost halfway done. Should be finished by as late as Wednesday and then finally the last route. I’m hoping to complete everything before this Friday so I can start World Election before I enter the no-eroge period starting next week (or the following week)…
Few announcements here and there though still no news from Chikotam :(
- Teaser site for NanaWind’s 4th game has been opened. Full announcement next week. Looks like another spring/summer themed school life game again. I only hope for more Nanao Naru and less boobs (kind of futile?).
- Next game from Saga Planets has been announced as well. It will be titled “Floral Flow Love” but not much information yet (just browse around twitter with tag #フロフロ). Official site will be open on March 16th.
- Yuzu-Soft Shop in Akihabara will have a bunch of tapestries with art from Yuzu-Para starting this Tuesday. Not sure if will be getting any of them since I don’t actually have much budget left. And going to Akiba takes too much effort. Maybe will get Sana and Airi ones if they sell them online as well like last time. Not holding my breath though.
- Talking about Yuzu-Soft, they’ve announced their next game. Titled Senren Banka and set to be released on July. Especially like Mako (that eyes) and Murasame (sword?).
- Still on Senren Banka, they’re also started pre-order for Yoshino’s hug pillow cover. and the usual heroines image song CDs. Will probably skip the CDs as usual and thankfully Yoshino is the third on my list so will be skipping the cover as well. And where’s high quality covers for Sanoba Witch by the way?
- Completed image for Nono’s <number>th hug pillow cover has been published.
New Stuff
Just completing my collection. Or not. Now I’m missing one more. Primal x Hearts 2 Character Song and Sound Album.
Store bonus CDs. From Getchu and Sofmap. Mostly SFW even for right one.
And the game. Mostly for Lycerisious. Not sure when to play~
And then hug pillow cover. Tohno Ren from Natsuzora no Perseus. Have been looking for this for quite a while and immediately bought when appeared in Suruga-Ya. In relatively perfect condition. The price is also perfectly high though (around 12k JPY).
And then another one. This one is Tooshima Maina from Imouto no Okage de Motesugite Yabai. Not quite looking for this one but Comshop sold it for 8k JPY so I figured why not (because it costs something durrrrrrr). Haven’t opened yet.
Tsumi no Hikari Rendezvous, Goodwill bonus #2 – shitajiki. Bundled with the tapestry.
And then the tapestry. Somehow gotten it from YJA for a bit over 3k JPY so I guess why not (because it costs something durrrrrrr). Pretty good as well, I’d say. And just like the others from Goodwill this month, it’s the pre-assembled type unlike what they usually have.
Actually, even weirder is that the one for Yuzu-Soft’s Senren Banka is double suede. Like, wow.