Weekly Finance vol. 71


Sold quite a few stuff this week. Yay. All the transactions are (almost) done as well so that’s great. Overall I ended up at about 50% loss. It’s pretty bad but I’m mainly using this to dispose older stuff anyway.

Future in

I don’t think I’ll be doing much this week. I should get around putting up the two remaining hard disks sometime…


Bought some books and doujinshis and voice drama. Nothing major there.

I also bought a new phone. That one costed a lot.

Future out

As guessed, one of the new stuff from A.M.R is Kumako dakimakura cover. There’s also a mystery item using illustration of Taruto. Her clothes have same motif as her previous ones but this one is the sexiest yet (apart of the ones for dakimakura of course). Pre-order should be up this Friday so that will be fun.

Nothing else for this month yet. I suppose I should pre-order Argonauts new title sometime later but haven’t gotten willpower to do so yet =P

There’s still nothing for future eroge pre-order. I hope I can use this period to clear up my backlog a bit.


22.90% this week. It’s still midweek but at least it’s up a bit from last week. The movement have been pretty drastic lately. Thankfully it’s both ways so I still end up with net positive.

iDeCo is slightly harder to track but it’s currently at 23.75% (13.31% yield) which is down a bit from last week.

Combined, I guess stock market in Japan hasn’t recovered as well as the other countries. I’m guessing that based on that I have way more Japanese stocks in iDeCo compared to other accounts.

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