Sold another two items for 40% loss! Yay…
Still haven’t put up anything new. Too lazy and distracted with another things.
Wasting money
I’m doing well not buying anything these last few days. I still need to get around pre-ordering stuff I mentioned last week.
Overall I should be able to hit savings target safely.
That said, I have motherboard + CPU lined up for purchases. I can really use some faster server. And maybe another pair of 10GbE cards because finding full sized brackets for current cards seems a bit impossible. I got one which I thought could be compatible but it isn’t. The mounting points are very slightly off.
I see some cheap Mellanox cards which should work and less probability of being counterfeits (Intel NICs are prone to this) but I’ll wait until at least next month. Or when I finally accidentally unplugged my loose card(s).
Stock market
Still RIP. I’m currently at 20% loss on normal index fund and 15% loss on optional pension fund.