Weekly Finance Vol. 2

I just noticed the timing is good enough for this… after posting that auction report.


See this.


Ended up pre-ordering Sumi pillow cover. RIP 13k.

Otherwise I haven’t pre-ordered anything else. Current queue(?) is Getchu’s Torikago and Melonbooks C97 catalog (and goods).


New month, new plan. I mean no more plan as I’ve spent most of my available budget for this month. I hope auction will provide some extra…


Dropped a bit on Friday but I think I should stop this section already as I’ve been saying forever. There just isn’t much point monitoring it daily if I’m not planning to do anything with it.

YJA Report(?)

I sold nothing. Wheee.

Oh well.

As mentioned last week, stopped the free shipping thingy and then readjusted all the starting bid prices. That took few hours. At least three items are already bid now and I hope more will come later?

Put up some more stuff as well. I’ll need to put up more tapestries later. Maybe next week or something.