Weekly Finance vol. 77


Nothing last week but I sold two things this week. The loss is pretty bad though at almost 70%. I kinda suspect it’d be better to just sell them to Suruga-Ya…

Future in

Too busy with other stuff this whole week so nothing here.


Nothing major here. I did watch some movies and bought some doujins…

Future out

Onigyu anime. Not sure yet if I’ll bother getting one with bonus tapestry or just Amazon. The Tora no Ana one seems pretty good.

D.C.4 is getting eroge version. That’s nice though I still haven’t read any of the previous ones…

There’s still no news from Yuzu-Soft.


31.58% this week. A lot of small downs over the week and one rather large up on Friday. Somehow iDeCo went down a bit to 28.75% (15.79% yield). Or is it actually down or just because the new purchase was just in…

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