Sold even more items. For total loss of about 20%.
On top of that I made mistake when creating auction for the random USB3 card and entered amount of two instead of one. Thankfully the bidder didn’t make big deal about it. It being a deal of 200yen worth of item.
And then another fail where one of the tapestries is damaged and I didn’t notice it until yesterday. No response for this one yet ‘_’)a
Oh well.
On next week though, there are some bids already.
Pre-orders for 9-Yukiiro will start this Friday. I don’t know yet when I’ll actually pre-order it. Or them as I’m buying multiple copies.
There’s also Onigyu H-anime which I haven’t decided where to buy yet as I’m waiting for the tapestry image to come out first.
And lastly – at least as far as my list goes – Cuffs winter goods is here as well. I actually completely forgot about it but there are some stuff I may end up buying. That will also cost quite a lot.
Thanks to the auction last week, it covered the Cuffs stuff I forgot about. And maybe even 9-Yukiiro if counting on next week’s as well.
Update 2019-12-24: I got Yukiiro pre-order date wrong whoops.