Digest Vol. 209: !

Some new tapestries, mainly from Melonbooks. Not much on eroge, no new stuff, only FGO and manga backlogs. Also still pretty bad finance.


Non-news links

New stuff

Nothing \o/

And only one tapestry probably arrived at the moment. Assuming I didn’t mess up when changing the address.

Eroge playthrough

Nothing ;_;

Didn’t have enough time for eroge during this trip. Should be back to usual schedule next weekend.

Non-eroge stuff

More grinds. Finished NA Onigashima event (apart of the grinding). Waiting for Lostbelt chapter 4 for JP but I haven’t even finished reading chapter 3…

Read a bunch of manga otherwise here as I’m trying to clear all the backlogs I left off years ago.

Daily life

Started auction again. No price change so I don’t know how this one will fare.

As I underestimated my spending during this trip, some good news from auction would be nice.

Finished a bunch of pre-orders with only one remaining for this month.

As for next month, I may pre-order that Cabbit new title from 5 stores. It will be fun. No other eroges though as I dropped the rest of them. So in the end I’m only getting Onigyu H for this month, Nekonin 3 for next month, and Cabbit’s Torikago for August.

Then there’s DAL and another BDs. Not sure what to do with it yet though.

Closing words

Will be back home soon! Meanwhile, reading loads of manga.

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