Digest Vol. 103


Yes it’s late. My time estimation was completely off so this post is pushed to today.

Eroge playthrough

Almost reached the first H-scene of Rena. Wondering if the main story of her route is finishing off common route or there will be new development. My guess says it’s the former.

Not-eroge stuff

Read some pages of Imouto Zetsumetsu 2. Anime as usual and nothing much else.

Wasting money

Continuing spending on PC stuff, I ended up getting some more SSD. I think I now have an extra 250GB SSD…

Otherwise nothing much else. Just a bit of backlogs here and there and some pre-orders.

All the PC purchases still hurt though.

This week was the last of YJA auctions until next months as well. Sold a few items with one selling a bit more than expected. Next month is still unknown with Haco Boon ending their service and no other large, lightweight shipment option in sight at the moment. Hopefully it’ll change when I start again.

Should be fine unless I do some crazy backlog or a bunch of pillow covers (or other interesting stuff) appear.


Few days after missed my chance in Mandarake (was about 4k), it’s up in Suruga-Ya as well for 5.5k. Not too bad, I guess?

Anime blu-ray. 12 episodes + extras of 4 minutes anime in one disc. I watched first episode but then stopped because I figured watching them in one go is much easier.

The bonus tapestry from Tora no Ana. Normal tapestry, not the usual Tora no Ana. Though maybe it’s just for eroge?

And the other tapestry, bonus for limited edition. I forgot about this so this is a nice surprise. Thin material with cloth poster style hanging sticks.

Finally available at Suruga-Ya for about 7k. Wasn’t expecting this but hey, Tina <3

Tina from Sakusaku, first sold at Character1 2015 with me missed it one or two people ahead. Shouldn’t have gone to Sprite.

Tapestry from Chilly Polka (Suimya) released at Comic1-9 bought from Suruga-Ya for about 3k. Her booth was actually the first booth I visited at the time but I only bought Pan’s because I wasn’t sure about this one yet. And still not quite sure now. The visible nipples is nice surprise though.

Tapestry from Sakura Palace. Arrived in the fanciest box I’ve ever seen for a tapestry. The lid of the box also says “春色” which is the title of this illustration. Drawn by Riichu. Double suede material and overall similar tapestries from GOT.

Found this off YJA. Someone put this up for about 6k is which just over 1k of original price. Not too bad considering I’ve seen this up for 8k and up. Made of waterproof material. Kind of reminds me Ryohka tapestry from Moetion work. At 60cm x 120cm, it’s almost twice the height of B2.

One thought on “Digest Vol. 103

  1. Pingback: Digest Vol. 122: Some in, many out | X.myconan

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