Digest Vol. 177: Timing is important

This week’s delay was brought to you by the DRM of DLsite and DMM.

Information on C95 goods are starting to trickle in. Some new tapestries and pillow covers (as usual?). Very slow eroge progress. And questionable finance state.


Non-news links

New stuff

Pillow cover of Ayase from Riddle Joker! The only one I’m getting from this series. Hopefully didn’t go YJA route like Senren Banka. Still kind of questionable but I like Ayase enough I think I’ll keep this one.

So I fucked up this one. Apparently I sold the first two of this series planning to rebuy it digitally later. Except they never released the second one so now I’m stuck with missing the second book. Also as I wasn’t sure how it’s supposed to go I didn’t get this book during the event even though it should be pretty easy. Oh well.

Went watching Nanoha Detonation and thankfully got the second(?) best shikishi I could get. First one is Nanoha but I was one week late.

That said, the original design sure is a bit questionable.

Eroge playthrough

Playing through Floflo at snail’s pace. Too much distractions I think. Or something.

Non-eroge stuff

As mentioned above, watched Nanoha Detonation. Also the prerequisite Nanoha Reflection. Pretty good overall with lots of explosions and beams and stuff.

Daily life

Still pretty grim on auction with only selling one game. Probably just as bad next week.

Not quite want to add more stuff to sell because of all the craps I need to go through until end of this year. Maybe next week once I get some kind of solid result?

Yeah, the secret project alternative is going surprisingly well whereas the actual secret project is currently on unknown status. Kinda sucks but such is life.

Even if the project goes well, the timing would be really tight. Now I think about it, on worst case, I need to be able to find new apartment in rather short period.

Next week will probably be THE DESTINY WEEK. Maybe.

Should’ve done this all at least a month earlier so I can have a bit more leeway.

Stock is doing pretty bad but at least it recovered a bit today. That said, the number is rather depressing with me having loss.

Also I forgot to mention last week but I failed getting Chikotam K-Books tapestry, breaking my streak since I don’t remember when.

 Closing words

…time to sleep, I guess. Maybe with a bit of Floflo.

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