Digest Vol. 174: So quiet

Apparently I forgot to put title for last week’s post so I just update it with untitled since I didn’t want to bother coming up with one. Barely anything all over this time around.


Yeah that’s all I have bookmarked and find remotely interesting.

Non-news links

New stuff

Nothing! Yeah right. Come again next week. Should be some stuff depending on how well I do Comic1 and chara1.

Eroge playthrough

Finished Mio route. Pretty interesting on how it ended up. Lived up to the magical girl theme.

And then lastly entered Shizuku route. Barely entered her route so no idea how it’ll go yet. Hoping to finish by this weekend or at least before next post. Events on weekend will delay stuff though so we’ll see.

If I do manage to finish it before next post it’ll be about right one month for me to finish this which is about right. Well, ignoring the fact that there were a bunch of long weekends in between.

Non-eroge stuff

Only FGO, still slowly grinding through the event. At least I don’t have to find one last event CE drop for this one unlike the previous one which I failed. I guess I’ll just wait next year assuming the game will still be there and that I’m still playing at all.

Daily life

Sold like two stuff last week at 50% purchase value. Welp.

Maybe will put up a few more tapestries this week? Or not?

Next week will be a bit more interesting with the new shipping thing.

Budget seems fine-ish at the moment, I think? There doesn’t seem to be any new pillow cover coming up this month. Office relocation is also delayed which is actually rather annoying because apartment renewal deadline is closing up by day.

There’s no progress on secret project either. Overall, it’s looking rather grim.

On stock market, this week started up terribly with over 20k loss from previous week. f

Closing words

Back to Hatsujou sprinkle…

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