Digest Vol. 145: Rushing

Oh hey still Saturday. Yet another (relatively) quiet week. A bit slow on eroge as usual. Few new stuff. Barely any interesting news.


…that’s it.

Non-news links

New stuff

I said even “fewer last” week and seems a bit wrong.

Finally arrived from Suruga-Ya, Kimisora store bonus CDs. Contains voice drama and other things. Pretty cheap at less than 1000 combined.

Some old (and not so old) doujins from Ayuya and new one from Ichihaya.

Too bad I don’t quite like that skull necklace.

As for Ichihaya, it’s cut off at interesting part.

Dal Segno PS4 tapestry from Trader. I’ve been adding and removing this from my budget and end up adding it anyway. Exposure level is quite high for a PS4 tapestry though of course nipples aren’t shown.

Thin material as usual. Print quality is okay-ish on slightly blurry side.

Eroge playthrough

Failed finishing Shin route last weekend so it carried over until 21st. Ended up pretty okay though just like other routes, Karumaruka thingy is barely used at all. There’s slight hint here and there but not used as plot or anything.

Currently at Koyomi route and doesn’t seem to be any different. Almost a third of the route, I think.

At current rate I don’t think I can finish 9-kokoiro before starting Riddle Joker next week. Not even sure if I can finish Karumaruka before then. AnimeJapan tomorrow isn’t helping either.

Non-eroge stuff

As usual. FGO even taking quite a bit of time. Grinding all day every day.

Daily life



Last week auction ended up pretty good at around 24k. Not too bad mostly thanks to Gayarou tapestry I got for cheap from Mandarake. Went pretty smoothly with most transactions done already.

Oh and that Chinese transaction also ended up well. Arrived pretty fast as well. Probably because China being just across Japan.

I moved auction end day to Saturday (again) so I can report initial result. Things are rather quiet this week with just three items sold for a total of 10k.

I did put up quite a few new stuff but it looks like the starting bid are a bit too high =D

Should lower the price soon-ish. Maybe. I just noticed there’s another Saturday this month. Hmmmm.

Oh and of course still haven’t done that Suruga-Ya shipping.

On spending, spent quite a lot for random stuff which seemed cheap at first but ended up pretty expensive. Whoops. Hopefully I can sell some of them at at least break even price ;_;

Apart of that, major spending will be next Friday with various eroges. Unless anything dumb comes up, I should be able to barely leave this month with about 100k surplus.

And maybe I should put up some more stuff for auction… and finally ship that Suruga-Ya stuff.

Meanwhile next month, there will be 9-sorairo which means about 25k spending. Then I should “preorder” Onigyu store bonus as well for another 25k.

…and then there’s Golden Week stuff which if last year’s is anything to go by, will cost me another 90k. I guess I should at least try to have any surplus at all. Rather doubt if I can go over 100k but who knows.

Closing words

Yay it’s still Saturday (again). Sleeping schedule is still broken as usual though I do need to sleep rather early today so I can go to AnimeJapan tomorrow.

Now back to Karumaruka… rush time ヽ( ゚ ヮ゚)ノ

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