Managed to sell some old PC parts which I should’ve done weeks ago. Sold for quite a bit as well. Not enough to cover the whole price back – only about 30-50% – but those are all over 4 years old. An ssd, an hdd, and a graphics card.
Future in
Finally preparing to sell the unused PC. And maybe finally some dakimakura covers and tapestries.
Not sure about doujinshi for Suruga-Ya yet…
Nothing here.
Future out
Still haven’t bought the Maitetsu pack thingy I mentioned last week. Probably next week.
Eshi 100 online order should be up soon as well.
No news from Yuzusoft yet. If it follows their release pattern so far they should target for September release. Or maybe October. With initial announcement sometime this month.
Meanwhile there’s still no news on Sakura no Toki. Nor the store bonus for Tsukihime.
There are still a few doujinshi I’m planning to buy but I’ll wait until a bit later. Sometime around end of this month, most likely.
34.11% closing last week. Up a bit over previous week. I think it went up and down over the course of the week.
30.77% (15.61% yield) for iDeCo which is over 1% up over previous week but lower yield.
I need to get around buying more funds as well. I haven’t even reached 10% of my yearly investment target even though first half of the year is almost over…