Digest Vol. 119: Not long weekend


More like one wasted holiday because it’s on Saturday. And then there’s this Ore no Yome event I attended the first time as well.

Event memo

Ore no Yome, a hug pillow event. Yeah, it’s a thing. Apparently this is the 23rd. Held at PiO event hall.

The place is actually only 5km away from my place so I rode bicycle to go there. Thankfully the weather is pretty good with a lot of clouds and no rain. I forgot to bring water though.

I think I arrived around 2:30. The event starts at 1. AMR has sold out when I arrived. And has went back home when I actually look for it.

The hall itself is pretty small with company booth on one side, flea market on another side, and circles in the middle.

There’s also a draw for something but I didn’t bother waiting so I don’t know what it’s about.

Entrance isn’t free just like almost any other events but Comiket. It costed 1000.

Put simply, I entered the hall, walked around a bit, realized I should buy the thing I wanted first so I did that, loitered around and finally went back home. With transportation it took about 2 hours total. Mainly because I didn’t after anything high profile so there’s no queue at all.

Eroge playthrough

Finished Hanayo route. Took a bit longer than I hoped as usual.

Now at Urara route. I think I’m halfway through her route. Seems to be relatively good so far.


Everything except FGO is on back burner until I finish Kamiyaba.

Wasting money

Bought the latest stylus Hanamakura series pillow cover designed by Ikegami Akane \o/

Also placed some the planned pre-orders. Nothing much else.

Sold some more stuff including unused graphics card and earphones. The last two were won by a new user with zero reputation. I hope they actually pay for the thing.

There isn’t much else for this month. Well, it’s ending next week anyway.

Oh, apparently this is the last post for this month. I survived this month well. Might even break the savings record since 2015. Barring anything unexpected, I should be able to invest in something by next or following month. Though maybe I’ll just wait until next year because preparing the documents until then will be annoying since it involves going to Shibuya Ward Office.

Just remembered I should also send the stuff for Suruga-Ya. The box has been taking my room precious space for a while now. That one is going to be solved in different way by getting a wire shelf thingy but I should still send it regardless.


Non-news links

New stuff

More doujins! I already have the right one except the almost draft version. This one is the third edition and much less draft-y. Left one is usual new book from Azuma Yuki released at CT30.

Yay more Ikegami Akane hug pillow cover \o/

She’s currently in the lead for the most pillow covers in my collection with 15 covers. Chikotam is second with 11 and then followed by Kanekiyo Miwa and Mikagami Mamizu with 8.

Extra lewd Floral Flowlove tapestry from visual book mail order. The background is a bit boring but it’s one precious Riku tapestry. At least she’s got two lewd tapestries whereas Nonoka has gotten zero so far.

As usual of Bug Bug tapestry, it’s double suede with pipe assembly required. The string is a bit short this time. Print quality is pretty good.

And lastly tapestry of Okita-san by konomi released at C92. Bought off Suruga-Ya.

I didn’t notice it’s not double suede ._. The string is still colored though so I think it’s printed by the same people doing the other double suede tapestry.

Print quality is okay-ish but the blue-tinted shadow/reflection is a bit distracting.

Closing words

Oh hey it’s 5:30 already. Maybe I should sleep.

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